Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Identify Your Local Jim Acosta, and Take Him Down a Peg

Writer’s Note: This is the first of a two-part story relating to Jim Acosta…and local reporters who behave just like him.

Every local television market in the United States has its own Jim Acosta.

By that, I mean an arrogant know-it-all local reporter who wears his or her liberal stripes with pride. At the same time this person disavows any accusations that he or she can’t report the news objectively. 

Like a ferocious beast, this person targets Republicans who may or may not have done wrong. This person looks the other way when Democrats do the same or worse. 

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Every question posed comes from a left-of-center point of view.

Every story reported is hostile to the political right.

This reporter uses his or her social media to promote Democratic Party talking points about climate change, transgender rights, government-run healthcare, etc. Maybe he or she relentlessly shares articles from MSNBC or commentaries that portray right-of-center media as “misinformation” or “Russian “propaganda.” 

This local TV reporter probably makes excuses for progressive organizations that skirt the law. Antifa or Black Lives Matter come to mind. 

Timid Republicans are too afraid to call these reporters out. This, out for fear these “journalists” might come after them next or give them negative coverage.

So, I ask, who is your local Jim Acosta? And what traits do they possess that make them act like the real one?

Email me at [email protected], and I’ll put this person on my radar. Maybe I’ll write about this person in a future RVIVR article.

The reporter in my local market has multiple Emmys…a fact he never ceases to mention on his social media. He got carried away with this ego. That’s why I won’t name him. Naming him would only feed his enormous narcissism. 

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The local reporter recently declared he was Mr. Transparency. He said he welcomed all points of view on his social media and never blocked anybody. 

That’s when I decided to have some fun.

As it turns out…“Jim Acosta” didn’t like what I did and lashed out in a way I never expected.

What happened?

Check back tomorrow for Part II of this story.

Trust me, you’ll learn something.

Click here to read Part Two.

Send story tips and other story suggestions to [email protected]