Sunday, February 23, 2025

The Man of the People

This past weekend, President Trump made an iconic visit to Iowa State University (ISU) that went viral over social media. His visit primarily centered around his attendance at the annual rivalry football game between Iowa State University and the University of Iowa.

A college football fan at heart, President Trump made appearances at several high-profile college football games during his presidency. The most well-known games he attended as President included the 2019 LSU-Alabama game, the 2018 National Championship, and the Army-Navy game from 2016 to 2020.

With Iowa’s GOP Caucus set for early January, we only have three months until primary season starts for the Republican presidential nomination. Given the timing, Trump’s visit to the Iowa State-Iowa college football game makes sense politically. A college football game is an excellent place to interact with Conservative Republicans and everyday Americans, and President Trump’s love of college football made this event a perfect fit!

Currently, President Trump is polling significantly above his Republican opponents in the State of Iowa and the country at large. In fact, the latest poll from Iowa State University/Civiqs found Trump to be over 35% ahead over the 2nd placer in the poll–Ron DeSantis. So, he is in solid shape heading into the pivotal Iowa Caucus. Not to mention, President Trump won the state of Iowa in the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections–winning Iowa by over 8% in 2020.

Despite the bellyaching of Establishment Republican and Fake News media outlets, President Trump commands a strong base of popularity, and Trump’s trip to the Iowa State-Iowa game serves as a solid reminder of this reality.

Two viral Twitter (now called “X”) clips highlighted just how much the people of Iowa love President Trump.

In the first video clip, President Trump visited an Iowa State fraternity over the weekend–to the excitement of the young men in the fraternity.

President Trump even spent some time grilling with Iowa State fans last Saturday. While Iowa State did lose to Iowa in the football game, Iowa State fans can’t complain too much since President Trump spent a bit of time around their campus.

For the second video clip, President Trump was surrounded by a large throng of cheering fans as he arrived at Iowa State’s Jack-Trice stadium. Just listen to the crowd’s excitement just at the sight of President Trump. Pretty incredible stuff.

People love President Trump. Tens of millions of patriotic Americans hold immense respect and loyalty to the one man who wanted to put the American people FIRST. Assuming he regains the White House in January 2025, he will put the interests of the American people FIRST when it comes to immigration, trade, and foreign policy.

Trump is the leader of the America First movement, and moments like Trump’s visit to the ISU-Iowa football game should remind us of that fact. He loves the people of this nation, and he deserves to become its rightful leader once again.

President Trump is a man of the people!