Tuesday, February 18, 2025
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BORDER WALL: New Excuses the Left Has to Fight Trump

Suppose voters re-elect Donald Trump to the White House next year and suppose Trump resumes construction on that U.S.-Mexico border wall that so many of us want. 

Members of the political left, of course, despise that wall. We can expect the left and their corporate media accomplices to spew their usual cliched and misguided platitudes.

The border wall is racist, inhumane and, yada, yada, yada, defies the values that the United States was founded upon.

Spare me. 

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Here come the new excuses, this time through a report the Government Accountability Office (GAO) published late last month….and those excuses have nothing to do with political ideals or compassion for the downtrodden.

Trump, during his first term, built a 458-mile-long border wall. Exactly 62 percent of this existing wall is on federal land. 

Obviously, there’s a lot more wall to build. 

The entire U.S.-Mexico border is nearly 2,000 miles long. About 40 percent of that border is either federal- or tribal-owned. As for the remaining 60 percent, that land is either private or state-owned, with most of it in Texas. 

In the report, the GAO said Trump’s wall caused the following problems:

• Large animals, such as wolves, cannot pass through the barrier. 

• Clearing lands to construct the wall damaged native vegetation. Leaving the lands cleared without reseeding them with native vegetation allowed invasive species to take root. 

• Water from an artesian well in the San Bernardino National Wildlife Refuge in Arizona no longer naturally flows to the surface. Contractors drilled wells to access groundwater for construction at a project site near the refuge, where water supply is limited. As a result, the well now requires mechanical pumps to maintain water pressure.

• The Tohono O’odham Nation and other indigenous communities said Trump’s wall disrupted one of their cultural sites, although ever-so-briefly, the GAO admitted the cultural site in question is 2,000 yards away from the border. 

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Later on, but, again, ever so briefly, the GAO admits Trump’s border serves a constructive purpose. 

“For example, one Coronado National Forest official noted that there was more trash and trampling of native vegetation before the barrier was built,” the GAO reported. 

“CBP officials also noted that the addition of barrier in some areas reduced the amount of drug trafficking across some federal lands, making it safer for patrol agents to travel along the border.” 

The Coronado National Forest covers 1.78 million acres of southeastern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico.

So, essentially, the media and the left will tell you next year that America must surrender the border for the sake of vegetation and wild animals and to spare the hurt feelings and minor inconveniences of an Indian tribe.

Fortunately, Trump and MAGA are not ready to wave the white flag just yet.

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