Thursday, January 23, 2025

Religious Liberty vs Death & Greed

The law is intended to protect the rights of the people. It is not intended to enforce the desires of select groups of people against others, especially when enforcing those so called โ€œlawsโ€ violate religious liberties.

In the hands of liberals, the law, becomes more like a written litany of lawlessness designed for special interest groups. Chief among them being the abortion โ€œindustry.โ€ What once upon a time used to be a personal choice, usually made as a painful last resort, has now become a mainstream industry. An industry that is promoted and protected by the radical left with no regard for individual rights. The left seems to think that if they put something in writing, it must be followed no matter what the cost.

In one of the most outrageous cases of overstepping their bounds, Washington State passed law SB6219 which is attempting to force churches to cover elective abortions in health insurance plans, the church’s insurance carrier automatically added the coverage and the costs.

Cedar Park Church, located in Bothell, Washington obviously took exception to this ridiculous law. Unfortunately, when the fight went to court, a liberal lower-level judge sided with the state and ruled that the church is required to violate its constitutionally protected pro-life religious beliefs and fund the state’s abortion mandate.

The case is now pending before the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, and they are not fighting the fight alone. Multiple groups have filed โ€œfriend-of-the-courtโ€ briefs in support of the church’s religious freedom.

The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), formerly the Alliance Defense Fund, is an American conservative Christian legal advocacy groupthat works to expand Christian practices within public schools and in government. John Burch a lawyer with the group had this to say:

“Cedar Park Church celebrates and protects life from conception to natural death; itโ€™s unconscionable for the state to force any church to pay for abortions. The abortion coverage mandate requires Cedar Park to act contrary to its religious beliefs and violates its constitutionally protected freedoms.โ€

“The U.S. Supreme Court established that the government cannot compel religious organizations to act in violation of their sincerely held faith convictions. As these other states and advocates affirm, Washington canโ€™t trample on Cedar Parkโ€™s right to provide health care for its employees without compromising its faith.โ€

“In the multi-state brief led by South Carolina, the attorneys general argue that the district court was wrong to ignore the religious motivation behind Cedar Parkโ€™s miss That filing explained, “The Supreme Court has clearly established that religious organizations enjoy First Amendment protection regarding the ways in which they participate in seemingly secular activities, especially relating to the care of children, when those activities implicate the religious beliefs, central mission, and operation of the religious organizations.”

The Sutherland Institute prepared another brief in support of any church in danger of being forced to violate their beliefs by the government. In the brief it charged:

“Until recently, supporters and opponents of abortion rights acknowledged that coercing religious organizations to support abortion triggers profound questions of religious freedom. Dragooning religious organizations into becoming complicit in abortion is no mere health-and-safety regulation: it is an intolerable invasion of religious autonomy.”

Among those supporting the church are the Institute for Faith and Family, Life Legal Defense Foundation, Montana Public Policy Center, Notre Dame Law School Religious Liberty Clinic, Oregon Right to Life Robertson Center for Constitutional Law, the Sutherland Institute, and eighteen states including: South Carolina, Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia.”

The radicals in Washington State want everyone to pay for abortion coverage. This is an outrage on every level of decent consciousness. No-one should be required to pay for a medical procedure that violates their religious beliefs or face losing medical coverage. A church represents the epicenter of faith and cannot be breached. The provision within this law that requires that to happen must be eliminated, otherwise civil liberties are meaningless.

Unjust laws are not law, they are just written injustice.