Monday, October 07, 2024

Swimmer Riley Gaines Dunks Democrat Lee at House Oversight Hearing

Riley Gaines proved once again yesterday that she believes in what she stands for and will not be intimidated to alter her commitment to women’s athletics. At a House Oversight Committee Hearing on “The Importance of Protecting Female Athletes and Title IX,” Woke Democratic Rep. Summer Lee from Pennsylvania, tried to draw “First Blood” by insulting Gaines.

In her opening statement, the arrogant and sarcastic Lee said this:

“Although the title of this hearing implies a much-needed discussion, we’re likely going to be forced to listen to transphobic bigotry.”

Down went the gauntlet.

Gaines, a Former champion swimmer for the University of Kentucky, then verbally laid out the commonsense facts that every American CLEARLY understands, except for those liberals that refuse to abandon their agenda. The facts are these, men should not be allowed to compete in women’s sports, … PERIOD!

Near the end of her comments Gaines said this:

“Unsafe, unfair, and discriminatory practices towards women must stop. Inclusion cannot be prioritized over safety and fairness.”

Then addressing Lee directly, Gaines added, “If my testimony makes me transphobic, then I believe your opening monologue makes you a misogynist.”


Gaines wasn’t about to let Lee get away with calling her “Transphobic.” Gaines’s response was perfect. Like a talented boxer, she wore Lee and those like her down with body blows consisting of facts, then she delivered the knockout shot at the end of her comments.

Of course, Lee, acting offended by the truth, interrupted the next speaker’s testimony by asking Chairwoman GOP Rep. Lisa McClain of Michigan to have Gaines’ remarks about her struck from the record, saying the witness was “engaging in personalities.” This caused a pause in the proceedings while members of the committee huddled up to discuss how to proceed.

The House “personalities” decorum rule has to do with how members of Congress address each other. It requires them to debate the issues at hand and not engage in personal attacks. However, it does not have to do with how witnesses before the committee address lawmakers.

Before McClain could rule on the matter, Gaines interjected this thought: “Could I just ask how it’s fair to be called transphobic?”

Good point, and it may have swayed the thinking of the committee, because moments after Gaines asked her rhetorically correct question, Lee conceded saying, “OK, I move to withdraw the point of order.”

Game, Set, and Match to Gaines.

However, that wasn’t the end of the stupidity. After Lee was sent to the corner, she passed her dunce cap to someone that is very familiar with wearing it, … the infamously moronic AOC. Cortez is so used to wearing the cap, that she now considers it a fashion accessory and builds outfits around it.

AOC’s argument for why guys pretending to be girls should be allowed to compete on girl’s teams and use their locker rooms, actually gives stupidity a new dimension.

The New York Democrat said there were several proposals looking to “marginalize” transgender Americans before claiming during her questioning that women will have to get their pants checked if someone disbelieves their stated gender.

“We are talking about opening up all women and girls to genital examinations when they are underage, potentially just because someone can point to someone and say, I don’t think you are a girl, and we’re saying this in an environment of a post-Dobbs America, where states are criminalizing access to abortion and want nothing more than data on women to figure out when, who’s getting a menstrual cycle, who doesn’t have one, and we’re supposed to believe this is going to make us better and safer?”

Whoo boy, I told you that she was plowing new ground for stupidity. Almost every time she opens her mouth you can see intelligence being drawn out of those around her. She’s like a vacuum, a black hole of idiocy that sucks common sense out of the room.

For her to claim that all women and girls will be opening themselves up for genital examinations is classic moron speak. Women in women’s sports aren’t the problem, men in women sports is the problem. There isn’t an epidemic of women being accused of not being women, in fact that isn’t a problem at all. No-one but you has even brought that up, want to know why? Because it’s RIDICULOUS!

We know that you are obligated to bring up the “post-Dobbs era” at least once in every speech, but to use it in this argument is again, … RIDICULOUS! Also, since you brought up menstrual cycles, if you aren’t capable of having one …. you’re a male and can’t play on a team of females.

Lastly, I want to personally thank you for putting the “nuts” on top of your double scoop of mindlessness. When you asked, “and we’re supposed to believe this is going to make us safer?” You made the exact argument for not having males playing in women’s sports. Yes, airhead, … It Will Make Women’s Sports Safer! Has that point seriously escaped you? Never mind, we know it has, after all it’s you.

There is no realistic argument for allowing males to compete against females. If Biden’s proposed changes to Title IX are allowed to be enacted, the only things that will be accomplished is to rob deserving females of rosters spots, open them up to more frequent and more severe injuries, and destroy the sanctity of their clubhouses and locker rooms.

This is an argument that shouldn’t even be a discussion. We’re better than this as a country, even if simple minded people like Rep. Lee and AOC can’t grasp the concept that you and I know as reality.