Saturday, March 15, 2025

Beth Moore’s Version Of Christianity Proves Less Moore Is Good

Beth Moore is to Christianity what a curtain is to a window. With a curtain you can pull it closed anytime the light hurts your eyes, which is what Moore does anytime the truth shines through in a manner that she judges as unfit.

Like many leftists, Moore is so blinded by the manner in which Trump says things, that she can’t grasp the truth in his words and more importantly his actions. She pontificates on what she believes to be Christian beliefs yet ignores the evil that is taking place everyday around her. Instead, she continues to ridicule not only Trump, but his supporters, while remaining virtually silent on the Biden’s regime’s total disregard of Christian morals, self-respect, and loyalty to our country and its founding values. She is president of Living Proof Ministries, a Christian organization she founded in 1994 to teach women to know and love Jesus through the study of Scripture. 

In February of 2020, Moore on an episode of ”Ainsley Bible Studies” on Fox Nation, “Fox and Friends” co-host Ainsley Earhardt and her Bible study group, sat down with the founder of the Houston-based Living Proof Ministries. While on that show, Moore revealed that:

“While there were certainly people that loved me and met a lot of my needs, our home was extremely unstable, extremely unstable.”

“I also fell victim to childhood sexual abuse within my own home. I don’t identify publicly who it was, but I will simply say that when anyone that should be in a protective role around you becomes not the protector, but the perpetrator, I cannot tell you how that will mess with you.”

“It’s a miracle to me, Ainsley, now that I look back on it in my adult years, that God must have given me the gift of faith in childhood because I believed what those Sunday school teachers and those pastors were saying about Jesus. It never occurred to me that he would do me wrong, even though I was being done wrong. No one would ever have known from the outside. But I was going to absolutely implode.”

No one condones child abuse, and the emotions that victims carry with them need to be handled on an individual basis. No one heals in the same way, or in the same time frame. However, Moore seems to have targeted some off the record comments that Trump made in the past, as justification for her hate campaign against him. While Biden with his well established anti-Christian policies and his perverted son remain unscathed by her public wrath.

In a series of tweets on Twitter, now X in August of 2020, she made her feelings known, eventually comparing the state of Christianity on “white supremacy,” which she conveniently wasn’t a part of because of her church’s complementarian beliefs.

Moore, as most narcissist do, established what she believed to be a “profound” platform in 2021, by announcing that though she was still a Babtist, she would no longer identify as a Southern Babtist. Which is the beginning of what I refer to as her “coleslaw Christianity,” a mish mash of beliefs that suit her best. At that time, she began espousing a more egalitarian theology, which if your not familiar means that their interpretation of scriptures and spiritual convictions bring them to the conclusion that the manner and teaching of Jesus abolished discrimination against racial minorities, slaves, and women in both the church and marriage. They believe that the Bible teaches the fundamental equality of believers of all racial and ethnic groups and all economic classes.

If you read that last paragraph quickly, you would shrug your shoulders and say, “well hell, all Christians believe those things,” and you would be correct, except for Moore’s mention of marriage, which Christians believe to be between a man and a woman. This was her next foray into “wokevangilism,” where the things that were left unsaid were more telling than what was stated.

In December of 2020, She went further referring to “Trumpism” as Christian nationalism and warned that people should move away from it as it wasn’t from God. Which is interesting because Trump in spite of his blunt rhetoric, clearly demonstrated every conservative Christian value that Biden seems unable to even conceive.

Last night she was at it again, dispensing more unsolicited leftist advise.

“Sobered by last night and trying to practice what people call radical acceptance, not of a presidential candidate because surprising things happen. Just plainly sobered by the thought that, with other individuals to choose from, masses of people still hail Trump. He’s what they actually want in a leader. A bully. A verbally abusive, artfully and purposely divisive bully who has all but left the Republican Party unrecognizable. I don’t know. I just can’t understand it. Maybe I’ve got a mental block. But, you who are staunch Republicans, why don’t you care about your own party more than that? Forgive me. I don’t want to be a repeat performance of my 2016 self. I don’t. I didn’t like her any more than you did. I intend to deal differently with this. I do not intend to get obsessed. I do not intend to lose more relationships. I don’t intend to talk about this regularly. As the Scriptures say, I want to seek peace and pursue it. I want to be a person of kindness, love and compassion. But I’ve got to move to a place of radical acceptance. It was one thing to cast a vote for a party’s only candidate, reasoning the choice as the lesser of two evils. This is quite another thing. This is wide-open-eyed, “we WANT Trump!” Anyway, this is where we are. We can complain all we want about our leaders but, in this government by the people, at the end of the day and the beginning of November, our candidates are mirrors of ourselves.”

“It’s past time to learn to distinguish between the term evangelicals as a political sect and evangelistic people who preach Christ and only Christ and believe to their bones, he’s the single solitary Savior of the world and the totality of all Christianity has and needs to thrive. Count me among the latter.”

No, … perhaps Moore needs to realize that the distorted lenses that she and her comrades see the world through have nothing to do with true Christianity. Civility has boundaries which Moore like all of those that profess wokeness have abandoned. Perhaps she prefers the Biden administration’s acceptance of abortion, his condoning of child mutilations and his turning away from the ruining of women’s athletics. Perhaps she even embraces the myth of climate change and all of the unfair consequences that it will bring as well as the countless other sins of the Bidens that she chooses to ignore.

However, spewing false theology from behind a pulpit, or through misrepresentations of the bible won’t change that truth. Moore would love for her sheep to believe that Trump is divisive. That may be true if you find it difficult to decide between right and wrong. Trump is an imperfect human being, exactly the type God chooses to use to expand his kingdom. Perhaps our pretend biblical theologian needs to be reminded of that fact. Moore also needs to recognize that while Trump may be off putting at times with his directness, he isn’t hiding his agenda. Everything the left does, it does surreptitiously, and every policy of the radical left is devised to divide.

The left hates Trump because they hate truth. They hate it even more when someone explains it to them with unfiltered directness. After all, their entire existence is built on myth and false pretense.