Saturday, February 08, 2025

Donald Trump, the Republican Who Went on Offense and Not Defense (and 11 Other Random Thoughts)

Random thoughts about the past seven days: 

• In this tweet, Joe Biden is not insulting Donald Trump. He’s actually insulting half the country. 

• Donald Trump gave a speech in New Hampshire Friday night, and that man was on FIRE!!!!! 

• “Trump won by a landslide in Iowa and Miss America doesn’t have a penis. We’re trending in the right direction.” — Andrew Wilkow

• If, God forbid, Trump is physically harmed or even killed this year then the sleazy, dirtbag corporate media will sympathize with the person who carried out the evil act. Yes, they really are that evil.

• I thought Europe was an example for the United States to follow. Inclusive, tolerant and, as far as self-defense is concerned, no guns allowed. So much for that

• The CEO of United Airlines is a mentally ill drag queen who goes out in public and crawls on the ground because he apparently also thinks he is a dog.

• “I cannot spare this man; he fights.” — Abraham Lincoln, when people demanded he fire General Ulysses S. Grant during the Civil War. For the same reasons, this is why so many people on the right support Trump. 

• The US army now has its smallest military force in 80 years. The recruiting ads featuring drag queens and the military’s hyper focus on Critical Race Theory (since Biden took office) probably didn’t appeal to the kind of people needed for military readiness. 

• Wealthy corporate donors and lobbyists’ wants and desires are diametrically opposed to those of middle-class people. When do Republican politicians realize that taking marching orders from those lobbyists is now more of a liability to their chances of reelection than it is an asset? 

• We’re nearly one month into 2024, and no one on the right is getting thrown in Facebook Jail for posting “hate speech” or “disinformation” …..yet. Can Facebook please tell us when the censorship begins? Does that start soon, or does that ramp up the closer we get to November? 

• I’m starting to believe that everything I saw on Ozark and Breaking Bad also happens in real life. Underneath the surface, and more so indirectly than directly, certain parts of corporate America and certain politicians are in bed with drug cartels and profit off the suffering of addicts and junkies. How else do you explain the insanity at the southern border? 

• Tony Robbins has always given me weird 90s infomercial vibes, but this interview with him is worth an hour of your time. The past four years have been awful and/or rough on so many people. Robbins does a very good job here explaining how life goes in circles, with good and bad sides, and how there’s plenty of reason for optimism about the future.

• One year from now, Trump will hopefully retake the oath of office. Instead of giving a speech, I hope he turns around, looks at Biden, Obama, Pelosi, the Clintons, Schiff, etc…….and says the following: “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to have an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you by the court.” 

Special thanks to Warhammer’s Wife for proofreading this story before publication to make certain there were no misspellings, grammatical errors or other embarrassing mistakes and/or typosFollow Warhammer on Twitter (or is it X Now?) @Real_Warhammer