Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Photo courtesy of Flickr.com

It Takes a Village…But Villages Have White Trash Idiots

If you believe that it takes a village to raise a child, then I have a question for you: 

If your kid (or someone else’s kid) sits behind me at a movie theater or on an airplane and won’t stop kicking my seat then may I get mad and yell at him or her, threaten to take away all of his or her toys and/or administer corporal punishment?

After all, it’s supposedly MY job to raise YOUR kid.


Wait…you don’t like that idea very much, do you?

For those who don’t remember, Hillary Clinton, in a book, preached that other members of the community — neighbors, teachers, and relatives — should help you raise your child. 

What better person to lecture you about proper values other than Mrs. Clinton…known around Little Rock as Vince Foster’s mistress.

As I’ve stated before, Hillary Clinton needs to spend more of her time and energy repairing her dysfunctional marriage instead of trying to micromanage everyone else’s lives.

I don’t have children, but if I did then I wouldn’t want her or some of the village idiots instructing, nurturing, and/or rearing my son or daughter. 

First, there’s the neighbors. 

My neighbor, for instance, never picks up after his dog’s plentiful piles of poo. His wife/domestic partner or whatever she is, is a drunk-on-her a$$ rage machine who screams at him at night for supposedly peeing on her foot.

Then there’s the neighborhood Karen, who gets a stick up her behind because I drive a pickup truck. That truck, or so she says, brings an unstable element to an otherwise refined and sophisticated locality. I have it on good authority this hellcat went berserk at the local newspaper. The staff refused to publish a front-page story about her ditzy beauty queen contestant daughter. Trust me, you don’t want your kid learning from this attention-seeking narcissist. 

Secondly, there’s the teachers.

In college, an English professor invited freshman students to his office to look at nude photos of the poet Walt Whitman (that was an easy no). 

In high school, a user and a boozer teacher invited underage students to her home. She got them sloshed enough to qualify for Betty Ford. One school administrator, a male, acted more than a little creepy around the prettier girls in our class. Mind you, this was in elementary school.   

As for my relatives, I’ll keep them out of this. 

So, no, if you’re a parent then you don’t want these village (idiots) raising your kid.

The person most responsible for raising your child…is YOU. 

The next time I’m at a movie theater or on an airplane then I have enough class (and enough fear of getting banned from the premises) not to discipline someone’s misbegotten, brat child. I just have to accept that some parents are slow, stupid twits. Neither I nor the government has any place stepping in to correct them.

But I will ask the parents if they voted for Hillary Clinton. 

The odds are…they probably did.

Special thanks to Warhammer’s Wife for proofreading this story before publication to make certain there were no misspellings, grammatical errors or other embarrassing mistakes and/or typosFollow Warhammer on Twitter (or is it X Now?) @Real_Warhammer