Tuesday, January 21, 2025

The Leader of America First

One man is the rightful leader of the America First movement. That man is none other than President Donald J Trump, and his performance in the New Hampshire primary reminded us all of that fact.

For context, the New Hampshire primary is an “semi-open” primary–which means that independents can choose to vote in a single party’s primary. So despite Liberal Independents supporting Nikki Haley in New Hampshire’s GOP Primary, President Trump still gained a decisive victory in the primary. Trump defeated Haley by a 11% margin, and won a vast majority of Registered Republicans in the state.

As I noted in my Iowa Caucus article here on RVIVR, the GOP Establishment’s mega-donors spent hundreds of millions of dollars on the Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley presidential campaigns. Yet, President Trump still won both the Iowa Caucus and the New Hampshire primary by double-digit margins.

While President Trump decisively defeated Nikki Haley in the New Hampshire primary, Haley surprised many by not announcing the suspension of her campaign. Instead, she defiantly celebrated her 2nd place finish and vowed to stay in the race. Let’s hope that Haley drops out sooner rather than later because she is wasting time and money that could be used in much more effective ways.

For all intents and purposes, the Republican presidential primary is over. Nikki Haley has no shot at winning her home state of South Carolina in next month’s primary–which means Haley has no path to victory for the Republican presidential nomination.

The General election is less than 10 months away, so now is the right time for all Republicans to focus on supporting President Trump for the General election.

Clearly, America First patriots in Iowa, New Hampshire, and everywhere else in-between believe in President Trump. They are not loyal to the hacks that the Republican party Establishment trotted out in the 2024 Presidential primary cycle. They are loyal to the true leader of the America First movement: President Donald J Trump.

Now, we should all enjoy President Trump’s victory over the warmongering, Establishment politician Neo-con Nikki in the New Hampshire Primary. Trump’s victory reminded everyone that he is the leader of the “America First”, and there is nothing that the Republican political/media establishment can do about it. The Republican voters have spoken, and the want Donald Trump to become their next President.