New Documentary ID’s Hollywood Pedophiles (and Four Other Random Thoughts)
Random thoughts concerning the past week:
• In case you don’t feel old enough already, the new guy reportedly chosen to play James Bond was born in 1990.
• If I have a framed Daily Wire poster that has Ben Shapiro’s autograph next to Candace Owens’ then is that thing suddenly worth more now?
• This week on the radio the DJ wished singer Jerry Reed a Happy Birthday (even though he’s dead) and mentioned Reed was in Smokey and the Bandit. The DJ then announced he was going to play the song that Jerry Reed made famous in that movie. And…..he proceeds to play You’ve Really Got a Hold on Me by Smokey Robinson.
• You have to watch Quiet on the Set, the new documentary about the mental, physical and even sexual abuse the kids on Nickelodeon shows suffered 20 plus years ago at the hands of producers and dialect coaches. This probably explains why so many child entertainers, Amanda Bynes among them, became completely dysfunctional adults. The documentary is available on the MAX app.
• Politicians in Washington, D.C. spend my money on unbelievably stupid things and drive this country deeper and deeper into debt. Most of the smart politicians who know this is immoral are too polite or too timid to try to fight this. Too many illegals who refuse to assimilate are entering the United States. Most of our media is too dishonest or too corrupt to warn the public about the serious consequences that await……and I see America going to straight to hell in 15 to 20 years (if not sooner). People who are dependent on government (poor AND rich) will suddenly have their public assistance cut off after they’ve bled the country dry. They will riot. They will rob and steal. They will go on killing sprees. And woke district attorneys won’t prosecute. Enjoy your retirement years, folks.
Special thanks to Warhammer’s Wife proofreading this story before publication to make certain there were no misspellings, grammatical errors or other embarrassing mistakes and/or typos. Follow Warhammer on Twitter @Real_Warhammer