Tuesday, March 11, 2025

“They’re Going Above and Beyond to Promote the Devil–And It’s Pissing Me Off”

The title here corresponds to actor Tyrese Gibson’s warning below in the comment section of the first X post. I have also included a clip from the Oprah Winfrey Show in 1989. Both posts were comments under the Ryan Garcia testimony, which I do not necessarily promote as I am still doing research and playing the waiting game on him specifically. That said, as I have contended extensively in my work this past week, it wouldn’t take much for me to believe his experience 100 percent because I know of others who have suffered this abuse.

Garcia says, with a mocking tone of those who would make light of his labors, “Everything’s in people’s faces. You don’t gotta look too far. There are so many stories. This is not even a conspiracy at this point. All these things can be traced and documented. They paint an illusion that it’s a conspiracy, but it’s not a conspiracy if there’s proof.”

I would say this to Garcia: Don’t bother bringing what you possess to Congress. You’d be casting pearls among swine. Most of them know all too well what you are talking about. It won’t do any good. They’re compromised and likely being blackmailed by the same damning evidence in your possession.

Hold the evidence if you indeed have it. Wait for the right time. If you are of the light, God will direct you.

This is such chilling, haunting stuff, reader, and all of us are in this together. We had better figure out a way to start including God and religion in our society again, and not just when there’s a national tragedy when we give him insultingly weak lip service. The Buffalo Bills Damar Hamlin story comes to mind. There is a void in the spiritual realm of America, and in not keeping God in it, something and someone else has filled that void.

Tyrese Gibson speaks to that below.

This goes eternally beyond the battle between RINOs, Democrats, and the Uniparty–even though they are absolutely catalysts in this entire takeover of our country and our spiritual life as a nation.

Today I am trying to push, just a bit, the Overton Window I wrote about Tuesday. This is hard for some of us, I know. It’s still hard for me. Take it to prayer if you have doubts, but if you don’t, please join this battle. Let the Scripture passage I end with below be your strength. We need you now.


Understanding the Overton Window Helps Make Sense of Americaโ€™s Plight

We Will Have to Join Forces With People We Donโ€™t Like to Save This Country

Yes, Sheer Absurdity Has Woken Up a Nation. Now What?

Gibson: โ€œAs much as Iโ€™m supposed to be promoting this movie and talking about my album, I just feel like weโ€™re in a competition right now because they are trying to normalize the devil. The devil is on the main stage at award shows and in every video and signs and symbols.

Devil worshippers are going above and beyond to promote the devil, and itโ€™s ticking me off. Devil worshippers used to be real secretive, but now theyโ€™re just going everywhere.

We need to stop treating our relationship with Jesus like the little buddy that you talk to before you go to bed at night. Be more vocal about all the things that God means to us and all of the things that God has brought us through. Thereโ€™s been a lot of moments that you didnโ€™t post about, but yet you know how did God decide to get you through this.โ€

Here is a longer version of the video. If you have time, know that there is a ton of useful information provided. Notice how often the host assures the audience that he’s not a conspiracy theorist; he shouldn’t have to do this with the truth. I also don’t agree with much of his approach toward the end of the video, as this has to go well beyond “awareness.” But I understand the pressure he’s under as he speaks about such things. He may very well be doing it because of the points I made in the Overton Window article linked above. None of this is easy, because a part of our minds are still telling us that there is no way this evil could possibly be true.

I invite you to sit down and go down some of the rabbit holes I provide in this article and others. Understanding at least some of the details of this, I believe, is the first step in inspiring each other to bring back God authentically into the life of this nation.

Oprah Winfrey Show, 1989:

May God keep us and enlighten us always. Let this passage from the Book of Wisdom, Chapter 5:1-6, be divine inspiration for us today:

“On that day someone righteous, full of confidence, will stand before those who oppressed him and made light of his labors.ย They will be amazed to see him safe and will tremble with terrible fear.ย Then they will regret what they did, and groaning in anguish they will say to each other:

This is the one we mocked. We thought he was a joke. What fools we were! We thought he was crazy to live the way he did, and when he died, we didn’t honor him.ย And now here he is, one of God’s own children, with a place of his own among God’s people.ย We were the ones who wandered off the right road. We never lived in the light of righteousness; we never caught the first glimmer of its light.”ย 

May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.