Friday, February 14, 2025

George Soros, an Important Election, and a University’s Letter to Arrested Students

Last week Loyola-New Orleansโ€™s The Maroon received a letter from professor Nathan Henne as a joint effort among faculty in support of students arrested at the Loyola and Tulane pro-Palestine encampment earlier this week. Henne said he encourages more faculty to sign before the studentsโ€™ court hearings on Monday, May 6.

As we have shown, the protests on university campuses and those across the country are being funded by billionaire chaos stirrers like George Soros, just as the burning of American cities was in 2020. There is most certainly something afoot when you have committed globalist financiers involved in such a seeming false flag event, especially as a pretext to the antisemitism bill passed by the House last week. Some of these protestors are students, sure, but many of course are not. The ones who are are likely a mix of young people who legitimately feel they are making a difference and those who are simply wrapped up in a melodramatic moment perhaps theyโ€™ll one day regret.

There is a lot more to this story than each โ€œtribeโ€ on the right and the left is able to see, and as always, we encourage everyone to think critically as emotions bubble to the surface and as we gravitate toward our camps. Not everything is what it seems.

And of course some of it is.

Check out this extremely hard-to-find record of a younger Hillary Clinton introducing Hungarian Jew George Soros at an unidentified eventโ€“and his words about US elections:

Personally, I try to avoid presenting old evidence like this to make a point, given the fact that people can change and it, overall, serves little good purpose. But in this case, given both leftistsโ€™ criminal and truly wicked activity on the world stage for decades, it might provide a little more historical context for the latest contrived crisis.

I have been inspired to approach these stories in a fresh way, not as a conservative or liberal necessarily, and I invite readers to do the same. Decades of mutually exclusive, binary-trapped thinking has gotten us literally nowhere in both the political and moral realms. Inspiration is the key. Letโ€™s maybe look at all of this with fresh eyes.


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To exactly what degree this global context applies to Loyola and Tulane is not our purpose today, but it certainly is worth considering. Individual states of the Union obviously do not exist in a vacuum.

Here is the the letter from Nathan Henne:

To Our Loyola Students Arrested this Week:

We are deeply disturbed by the Loyola administrationโ€™s lack of context in its response to the excessively violent actions by security forces on the morning of May 1, 2024 against you. The undersigned faculty do not pretend that we can all agree on the many difficult and nuanced underlying issues involved in the crisis in Palestine and Israel. However, we can all come together to use our amplified voices to denounce the excessive force used by police against our unarmed students participating in civil disobedience, a tradition that has played such an important role in this nationโ€™s tortured history. The administrationโ€™s failure to acknowledge the disproportionate violence used against our students on the morning of 1 May is unacceptable.

Furthermore, we cannot sit by silently in light of the administrationโ€™s singular focus on the legal issue of trespassing as justification for their subsequent direct threats to weaponize the student code of conduct against our students. Trespassing is not a simple legal concept that we can unilaterally condemn. After all, Loyola often (rightly) celebrates great โ€œtrespassersโ€ in US history as heroes. For example, all of the students who participated in sit-ins during the Civil Rights Movement were trespassers on private property. We could name many more who have forced their way into the dialogue and forced a reckoning by โ€œtrespassing,โ€ a concept which itself has deep roots in coloniality and genocide. In fact, if we take an intellectually honest view of the notion of โ€œtrespassing,โ€ both Loyola and Tulane Universities are currently trespassing on unceded Chitimacha land. Taking into account this wider context, we will not stand by as official statements fail to acknowledge these very real complications and demonize Loyola students.

Several of us have taught you in our classes and we know you personally and intellectually: you are great studentsโ€”among the most consistent, hard-working, and critical thinking in our classes. You are students who exemplify in the classroom and in your lives the many values we hold dear at Loyola. You do not deserve to be categorically vilified by the administration in shaping their response to these events for whatever political reasons. It is perhaps understandable (for legal reasons) that the administration includes some of the statements that it does; but it should not make those statements in a vacuum without also: 1) strongly denouncing the exaggerated violence wrought directly on our students; and 2) acknowledging its own complicated relationship to notions of trespassing, both historical and current.

The issues at hand are complex, but they are not complex only in the Western Asian context (where the administration is careful to acknowledge the complexities). They are also complex and full of nuance on the ground in our beloved city and university and we ask the administration to acknowledge this complexity, too, as our students figure out meaningful ways to grapple with these complexities as they work to shape a better world. We are urging the administration to refrain from bringing charges of alleged Code of Conduct violations against Loyola students arrested in the police action on May 1.

[This document has not yet been made available to all faculty to sign because it started as an effort among just a few of us and spread organically from there. We are going to send the link to sign the document out to the entire faculty, but are sending this to the Maroon now because of the importance of getting this expression of support out to you asap and not wanting to delay any further. We will send out a link to all faculty and will update the signatures periodically.]

Sincerely the undersigned faculty members of Loyola University New Orleans,

Nathan Henne
Pablo Zavala
Adil Khan
Isabel Medina
Mark Yakich
Isabel Duarte Gray
Cody Melcher
Diana Soto Olson
Annie McGlynn-Wright
Tracey Watts
Jaita Talukdar
Kendra Reed
Joe Berendzen
Elizabeth Watkins
John Dewell
Stephanie Gaskill
Sarah Allison
Allison Edgren
Erin McCullugh
Benan Grams
Catherine Wessinger
Dawson McCall
Marcus Kondkar
Lindsay Sproul
Christopher Torres
Tim Cahill
Tiago Fernandes Maranhรฃo
Sarah Stillwell
Samar Sarmini
Emily Ratner
LeAnne Steen
Kevin Foose
Denise Gilstrap

There is a lot to consider here. And unless we want to continue this modern day Tower of Babel story, we as Americans would do well to be inspired by the story of Jonas and Ninive in the Bible, in which God spared the Ninivites when the king declared a kingdom-wide fast and mortification.ย If we as Americans pray and fast in unison, perhaps many of theseย ongoing, repetitive issuesย will be taken care of by a single finger of Godย Almighty.

He is the answer. Pax Domini.

May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.