Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Leftist Authoritarians are no Longer in the Shadows, and They’re Daring You to Defy Them

Leftist authoritarians have always existed in America. Saul Alinsky, Richard Cloward, Frances Piven, George Wiley, Wade Rathke and Bill Ayers are the most radical kind of leftist, but they were largely dismissed and marginalized as kooks and weirdos. You know, kind of like the guy on the street corner with the sign that says, “The End is Near.”

Shame on us.

While we were building wealth and enjoying our lives, people like Wiley, Rathke, Ayers and Barack Obama were busy doing their work as community organizers, which involved strategically and steadily placing leftist sympathizers into positions of authority within America’s most important institutions.

Like pancreatic cancer, which remains largely hidden until it’s beyond treatment, these Marxist agitators designed the methodology that has been used to shake the foundation of our country to its core.

This is an excerpt from Saul Alinsky’s book, “Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals.”

From the moment the organizer enters a community he lives, dreams… only one thing, and that is to build the mass power base of what he calls the army. Until he has developed that mass power base, he confronts no major issues…. Until he has those means and power instruments, his “tactics” are very different from power tactics. Therefore, every move revolves around one central point: how many recruits will this bring into the organization, whether by means of local organizations, churches, service groups, labor Unions, corner gangs, or as individuals… Change comes from power, and power comes from organization. (p.113)

An organizer must stir up dissatisfaction and discontent… He must create a mechanism that can drain off the underlying guilt for having accepted the previous situation for so long a time. Out of this mechanism, a new community organization arises…. The job then is getting the people to move, to act, to participate; in short, to develop and harness the necessary power to effectively conflict with the prevailing patterns and change them. When those prominent in the status quo turn and label you an “agitator” they are completely correct, for that is, in one word, your function—to agitate to the point of conflict. (p.117)

This was the blueprint, later refined in the “Cloward-Piven Strategy,” which defined how leftists could infiltrate America’s most influential institutions of government, the media, the judicial apparatus, large corporations and academia, while simultaneously overwhelming the welfare system in hopes of bringing about economic collapse. It is widely believed the financial crisis of 2007 was purposeful sabotage staged by leftist Democrats who forced banks to make risky mortgage loans through the Community Reinvestment Act.

These loans were then packaged into delayed detonation financial bombs known as Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS) and sold to an unsuspecting public. When massive numbers of mortgage holders defaulted, the major banks and derivative counterparties almost went bankrupt as a consequence.

Remember, We Brought This on Ourselves

Leftists hated the 1980s and 90s. It was the “Greed is Good” era, and it was a blast. Everyone was making money and having fun. Teeth gnashing leftists were seething, but patient. While you were at a barbeque, they were infiltrating your local school board. While you were starting a business or furthering your career, they were pursuing tenure at a university or writing articles at a local rag with their eye on a job at the New York Times.

They were persistent and stealthy, but now they don’t have to be.

Constantly probing for opportunities to exploit weaknesses in our laws, the Constitution and our societal self-image, leftists introduced the concept of guilt politics into the lexicon of American discourse. Essentially, this extraordinarily effective tactic consists of advancing self-destructive policies in the name of compassion, diversity, inclusion or environmental responsibility and savagely attacking anyone with an audience who criticizes them.

It covers just about everything. No matter how absurd and damaging, ordinary people are loath to have a smut label hung on them. If you don’t agree that African American criminals should be allowed to commit crimes with impunity, you’re a racist. If you don’t agree that the police should be defunded, you’re a racist. If you oppose open borders, you’re a racist. If you’re skeptical of the concept of human-caused climate change, you’re an ignorant climate denier. If you don’t believe biological males should compete in women’s sports, you’re transphobic.

And on and on.

Radicals are strange and annoying, but they’re tolerable if they remain on society’s fringes. However, in what seems like a blink of an eye, they’ve become every day mainstream. The goal of their collaborative effort was to create an environment of bullying and intimidation among the general population. They targeted any high-profile celebrity who disagreed with them publicly. Their blacklist is long and extensive, and includes journalists, actors, sports figures and corporate CEOs. The canceled list reads like a who’s who roster of distinguished, successful people like Mike Lindell, James Woods, Scott Baio, Roseanne Barr, John Gibson, J. K. Rowling and many others.

The process is always the same. Leftists Introduce some policy or idea that will degrade the lives of large groups of people or force them into situations they find distasteful or uncomfortable. Then they dare you to complain.

Bold Demands and Threats of Reprisal

There really isn’t much leftists fear anymore, which is evident by their growing public presence. They don’t feel the need to hide in the shadows any longer. They only follow the law when it behooves them, and they ignore it when it doesn’t.

To some extent, the left is still wary of the tens of millions of people who oppose them, and so they have launched an aggressive campaign to rid themselves of anyone who represents a threat to the cause. This includes the leader of the opposition party, who has been targeted with bogus indictments and kangaroo court convictions.

The left seized on, and may have engineered, the January 6th riot at the Capitol as a way to send a strong message to anyone considering using violence to oppose their authoritarian rule. As of January 2024, 1,265 people were charged with felonies related to the Capitol riot. Over 700 people have pled guilty to charges that include seditious conspiracy, and another 171 were convicted through trials. Enrico Tarrio, former leader of the Proud Boys, was given a sentence of 22 years, more than many murderers.

When you consider the convictions of close Trump associates, including Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, Peter Navarro, Paul Manafort, George Papadopoulos, Rick Gates and Allen Weisselberg, you understand what is going on here.

Have you got the message yet?

Now, we have the former president himself convicted in two sham civil cases with penalties exceeding $500 million, designed to break him financially. More recently, President Trump was convicted in a phony criminal trial engineered so the left can call him a convicted felon or maybe even put him in jail.

Do we have any volunteers who want to step up and take Trump’s place in 2028?

I didn’t think so. But take stock. Once this election cycle is over, I imagine the next Republican candidate for president will be a clone of George H.W. Bush, just like every one of them since 1988 except Trump. It’s like the Harlem Globetrotters approving the Washington Generals as their preferred opponent.

Come to think of it, they still owe Jeb! his shot…

If you don’t like what the left has in store, I suggest you get involved now.

The clock is ticking…