Sunday, October 06, 2024

Hunter Biden’s Sleight Of Hand Conviction

The Biden family, often seen as illusionists, are, in fact, a true crime syndicate. They use sleight of hand to keep the country off balance, a tactic they are not particularly skilled at. However, with the support of a corrupt MSM and a complacent Republican party, they manage to perpetrate and escape the consequences of their crimes.

For those of you who celebrated Hunter Biden’s conviction yesterday and perceived it as a form of righteous justice, I implore you to delve deeper. This is merely a distraction. While the public’s attention is fixated on this trial, Biden’s actual transgressions are being concealed further from sight. This is the classic ploy of “throwing the dog a bone” to keep him occupied while you stash the real meat away.

It’s also part of a sideshow. Following Trump’s conviction for committing NO CRIME, Biden will attempt to reinforce that farce by pointing at Hunter’s conviction as a demonstration of the fact that “nobody is above the law.” The MAJOR difference is that Hunter is not only guilty of these token crimes, he and the “Big Guy” are guilty of a hell of a lot worse, and all they are trying to do is convict Trump and allow Hunter’s wrist to be slapped while their treasonous crimes are forgotten.

There is considerable evidence and congressional testimony from former business partners of Hunter Biden that suggests his father while serving as vice president, was the primary individual being promoted by Hunter Biden in a scheme involving the peddling of influence worldwide. So, you have to ask yourself, why are Republicans not screaming at the top of their lungs about this? Yes, the press will ignore them, but if you scream relentlessly, eventually they will have to listen.

This is not something that can be swept under the rug. Hunter’s connection to Sneaky Joe led to him receiving a $30,000-per-month payment from a Ukrainian energy company. This payment was part of a money-laundering operation that involved shell companies in the names of Biden family members and a clear link to Joe Biden’s own bank account.

Also, please note the outrageous amount of money that we have sent to Ukraine. This is a war that they had no chance of winning. It was also a war that they brought on themselves. Zelensky is nothing more than a money launderer for the Bidens and others who support this monetary false flag.

The depth of Biden’s corruption is unimaginable. Other adversaries of the United States, primarily China, also channeled millions of dollars to Hunter and his businesses, with a portion going to the “big guy,” unnamed but universally understood to be Joe Biden.

Arizona Republican congressional candidate Blake Masters posted this on X.

“Hunter Biden made millions of dollars as an unregistered foreign agent, but the DOJ doesn’t want you focused on that. So, they gave him a smaller firearms charge, just so the Democrats can claim ‘nobody is above the law’ while covering for the Bidens’ corruption.”

Investigating foreign bribery allegations involving the current president is very different from prosecuting Hunter for lying about his drug use to buy a gun. However, it’s important to put in the necessary effort for serious crimes like these. Joe Biden should be held accountable for all of his criminal activity and prosecuted accordingly.

If you only read the headlines, as the mainstream media, the Department of Justice, and the Bidens hope you do, you might see this as just two convictions and a simple case of tit for tat, Trump and Hunter. However, the differences between the two cases clearly demonstrate the sad truth of how unequal our justice system has become. Trump did not commit any crime. The charges against him are completely fabricated, and the only reason the jury came back with a guilty verdict is the very reason the conviction will be overturned. The instructions given to the jury were so vague that there was no specific crime for them to consider.

On the other hand, Hunter and Joe Biden are both guilty of major crimes, but the gun charges against Hunter were “cherry-picked” to divert attention from the real crimes and to protect Sneaky Joe.

They say that justice is blind, but in these cases, it is non-existent.