Saturday, February 22, 2025

The Clash of Two Conspiracy Theories May Finally Uncover the Dead

In a twist that is likely just the latest of many behind us and many more in front, it seems two tribes’ perspectives on the world and media may find common, fruitful ground in the Trump assassination attempt.

Indeed, the Left’s version of the conspiracy theory is even more out there than any of the other side’s ever seemed to be–things like Maui and Las Vegas and Sandy Hooks and Haiti and 9/11 and JFK.

I call to mind these two quotations, a chilling reminder for those who know, and an equally chilling lesson for those who don’t:

“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” -William Casey, former director of the CIA, upon being asked what the goal of the agency was in 1981.

“The CIA is behind most if not all terror attacks inside America.” -Ted Gunderson, former Chief of LA FBI

Operation Mockingbird. CIA. Go down the rabbit hole. Government, establishment media. The truth. It’s all there.

Don’t seek out how “Mossad” relates yet, though. It might be too much for us right now.


Did We Hear What Trump Just Said About the JFK Files?

It’s Becoming a Collision of Stories Too Coincidental to Ignore: The RFK, Jr Addition

“The Day the People Understand This Image, Everything Changes.”

I must use a poll for this one, even though it is easy not to trust them, but just for conversation’s sake since we are addressing the evolution of the court of public opinion in the rectifying of American history textbooks, here is a snippet from Newsweek concerning of those theories:

A new poll has laid bare how many voters believe the conspiracy theories swirling around the attempted assignation of Donald Trump over the weekend.

One third of those who support Trump’s Democratic presidential rival Joe Biden said they believe the attack may have been staged and had never been intended to kill the former president. That equates to a little over 33 percent. And even some of Trump’s own supporters believe the same thing, with around 12 percent suspecting the event was planned, according to the poll conducted by Morning Consult, an American business intelligence company.

Trump was left bloodied after being shot in the ear as a bullet whizzed past his head at a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on Saturday. Thomas Matthew Crooks killed an audience member and injured two more after he opened fire at the event, before the 20-year-old was himself shot and killed by a Secret Service sniper shortly after launching his attack. After the shooting, Trump stood defiantly to raise his fist and shout “fight!” repeatedly, before being whisked away by security agents. Some political analysts believe the attack and Trump’s reaction to it may have helped the Republican’s chances ahead of November’s presidential elections—although a separate Morning Consult poll suggested that was not the case so far.

And here are three sub-headings from CBS News which brings in the other one, the one I have explored over and over again over the months and years:

-False claims that the assassination attempt was ordered by President Biden or other members of the “deep state” were shared on social media
-Anonymous users and out-of-context photos fuel false claims that the Secret Service intentionally allowed the shooting or withheld protection
-Posts baselessly claim the shooting was staged to benefit Trump politically

I had to read that third one again just to make sure they were supporting President Trump.

I released an opening salvo on this yesterday, what was a difficult show to produce because it involves talking about things that leave me wide open to single five-second soundbite attacks that do not fit the context of the whole show. This is where people strawman each other, one of the many ways we break the Eighth Commandment without even knowing it. Here it is if you missed it:

My initial reaction was a bit sarcastic toward the “reee-ers” out there who have hated Orange Man Bad for years despite the research. Amber Rose (not Mary Magdalene!) spoke to this at the RNC the other night. Who could blame me after I have become one of those “baseless conspiracy theorists!” whose views on things like Covid, the jab, Ukraine, and other things are materializing to be beyond legitimate. No, I’m not always right, but I do believe I have something just a liiiittle off kilter to offer at least for contemplation’s sake. So yes, seeing the other side squirm and shout about a conspiracy theory saying Trump staged his own assassination attempt was sinfully gratifying, if only venially so.

Besides vain gratification, however, was an unescapable development from their claims, one that involves this information war very directly–and that is that all of this, all of this post-Saturday digging and conversation, is inevitably going to lead us to the truth about those things like Maui and Las Vegas and Sandy Hooks and Haiti and 9/11 and JFK.

Maybe even the Titanic and the Creature from Jekyll Island, who knows.

In other words, Saturday, in all its plainness, opens the door for a revisiting of Deep State-CIA-Mossad control of the world historically through wars, false flags, and assassinations of political opponents.

In this way, the termites destroying the house will be exposed–have been being exposed for years now–but now it’s going to start to happen to well-meaning people who have simply not invested themselves in the research. If Saturday’s near-tragedy and allllll the evidence–both circumstantial AND tangible–that this was far more than a lone gunman scenario (always a lone gunman, notice, and always one that must be eliminated!), then there they may be nothing that can shake them from their slumber.

For conversation’s sake, even though speaking in binaries is not entirely accurate, those people would be the ones in “our tribe,” on the “Right.”

But there is something that may very well bring that side in communion with the other side beyond both of them thinking that we conspiracy theorists are crazy for being antivaxxers.

Right now, they both are being forced to experience what that feels like after a major event.

They are both being forced–both for different conspiracy theories entirely as is evidenced by the CBS News headlines above–that the establishment media is absolutely not their friend. And that includes the local news. As well, the more they observe this play out because the playing out of it all is stoking their anger and frustration (“am I the only one that sees this???”), the more they will realize that government entities like the FBI, who are gaslighting them to their face through the airwaves, are actually bedfellows with a complicit media.

And always have been. And that’s where the past lies and false flags will uncover the dead.

See, the hardest part is actually admitting to the cognitive dissonance you sense in the back of your mind but know you can’t acknowledge because it would take up entirely too much head space. But crisis moments like Saturday force you in front of the mirror whether you like it or not. This is what happened to me during the Covid quarantine and the Easter Sunday a relative of mine introduced me to the word “adrenochrome.” After that it was the film Out of Shadows and the rest is history. I could no longer hide behind my own self-imposed ignorance. I could no longer pretend that LSU football was more important than paying attention to the deception of government and media and their lust for totalitarian control. I had to change. I had to evolve. I didn’t have a choice.

Or else I would have been choosing complicit slavery.

That is what I think might happen to people, regardless of which “conspiracy theory” they believe. These people will pretzel their perception of events to align with their preconceived worldview–much as I did as a Catholic in 2002–when the government-media censorship complex will be telling them that the complete opposite is actually true. The world’s collective experience from the Covid tragicomedy showed us that it is impossible to endure such adversarial cognitive conditions without developing–sometimes unawares–of an intense contempt for the very talking heads that once confirmed every bias you had.

It happened with me and many other conservatives with Fox News.

Because once you begin the mental stretching of indulging in alternative possibilities beyond what the mind-warping screens tell you to think–no matter what “tribe” you subscribe to–the exercises, then the gymnastics, are quick to follow. It is a slippery slope that can lead you to the recognition of patterns you never dreamed you could see, and interpreting developing events becomes child’s play. You smell conspiracy immediately for what it is and are typically right. “Conspiracy theories” then is more about the cognitive exercise, not your political tribe. It is a cognitive slippery slope that leads the intellect and reason to revolt against the gatekeepers of reality–the government-media machine.

So while it is, yes, unfortunate that so many people are still suffering from TDS, in a delicious twist against our common enemy, those will likely be the Leftist voters who are next to rebel against the very same globalist overlords we old guard conspiracy theorists have already sniffed out. It is an exercise, not a political stance. Both tribes on opposite ends of the Trump question could indeed come together on this in the court of public opinion.

It may be then that we finally get to see things like that client list. It may be then that we will be ready.

I emphasize the following a lot in my work but was even more emphatic about it in the above podcast. First of all, final victory for this nation must mean God Almighty becomes its center. That is a given for me on which some of you, even conservatives who believe in freedom of religion, may disagree. And later, yes, those disagreements will come into play and we may very well become “enemies.”

But right now is not the time for that because the forces we must all combine at the moment is to first give us a chance to even have that debate, and that chance can only come if we first expose the Deep State evil for what it is and who it is. Know that there will be surprises, perhaps one big surprise coming up, when people find out exactly who is behind everything from our financial institutions to our government to our media to even the porn industry that emasculates our men. That will be a shocker for many people, and it will force them, once again, into either dark oblivion despite the evidence or the next stage of their cognitive exercise evolution.

I think this is why Trump emphasizes giving a choice concerning the jab and a choice to the states concerning Roe v Wade–because to fight a battle we haven’t developed the collective mind for yet would be fatal. In other words, if millions of people still don’t understand what “Deep State” means and are still so willing to care about LSU football and Taylor Swift and Usher and recreational sex while lambasting people trying to wake them up, how on earth are we going to establish natural and God’s law into our society?

You must know your enemy first in order to defeat him. God is a part of that awakening, yes, but America doesn’t understand as a collective what it is God is ultimately one day calling it to–both as individuals and as a society.

Exposure of the termites, and an obliteration of them, must come before the rebuild.

The only crazy thing about any of this maybe is that we understand it in the sports world but not in the real world. The best coaches talk about small victories and the process leading up to the ultimate championship years down the road all the time. All the time.

We have to translate that to this war now.

As an aside, the other fraction who don’t see a Trump staging of the event, who recognize the miracle we all witnessed on Saturday, may begin to see Trump in a new light. Many already have, I’m sure, whether it be because of his immediate reaction for the American people on that stage or his seemingly softened face and body language I don’t think I’m imagining while watching the RNC.

Whatever the answer to that is, it is important we continue to vet him. To vet Vance. To vet everyone this side of Jesus Christ. Because once the stage of exposure of the termites is done, we will have to go about rebuilding the house–and that will be the ultimate battle for what God wants I keep referring to.

May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.