Thursday, March 06, 2025

Time To Make Hollywood “CLEARLY” Understand They Are Out Of Their Lane

One of the most prevalent attitudes that the left has brought to American society is a misplaced, overly exaggerated, self-righteous sense of entitlement. This has been displayed openly through the MSM but even more obnoxiously through Hollywood celebrities who have no idea how far their status has dropped.

The truth is that these airheads’ opinions in Hollywood have no greater value than any of ours; the only difference is that the MSM amplifies their voices. The fundamental delusion is that their opinions seem real because of their pretend status, but they are not based on anything that closely resembles what mainstream America believes or wants.

Trump’s landslide victory is a mandate that the left refuses to grasp. While failing to accept the obvious is a recklessly naïve trait, attacking and vilifying Trump and the majority of Americans who support him is a clear display of dangerous ignorance that further inflames hatred and violence.

While there are many examples of this, such as Cher, George Clooney, the vile John Cusack, and the entire crew on The View, led by Predator look-alike Whoopie Goldberg, two more have recently crawled out of the radical woodwork.

At a women’s march in January of 2017, after Trump had been elected, Madonna stated that she “Had thought a lot about blowing up the White House.” This was after posting a video of her son bashing a Trump pinata at his 11th birthday party during his campaign. During the video, her son can be heard saying, “No, I’m going to go for his neck and decapitate him.”

Wednesday, the always classy “Material Girl” posted a picture of a cake with “F*ck Trump” written on the top. She captioned the photo by saying, “Stuffed my face with this cake last night! Thanks to @pia_pressure_.”

Madonna is a washed-up has-been who is trying to cling to relevance by exposing her vulgarity, which is what she does best. She has been an embarrassment for years with several incidents involving drugs and alcohol. There are no doubt some people out there who find this type of thing entertaining, which is disturbing because all it does is fuel her irresponsibility to continue.

On the opposite side of the spectrum from an old has-been whose best days are well behind her, there is a young 23-year-old who thinks she is the voice of revolution when, in reality, she couldn’t find her a** with both hands and a map.

Rachel Zegler, who was tabbed to play Snow White in the Disney film, decided a year ago that she was the authority on the fairy tale published in 1812 by The Brothers Grimm. The story has been enjoyed since then, but Zeglar decided that it was time to enlighten the millions who love it by spewing her woke opinion on the subject.

She called the story outdated and patriarchal, stating in “her” version, she won’t need a man to save her. She went on to say that she doesn’t even like the original film. She then boasted that they had transformed Snow White into a more self-sufficient ruler who doesn’t rely on a man. She joked that they might even remove the prince from the movie altogether, referred to him as a stalker, and labeled his actions toward Snow White as “weird.”

Naturally, someone as woke as Zegler had to be a Harris supporter and by default a Trump hater. She proved this by posting her hatred on social media. Zegler ranted and raved about how her daughter won’t be able to have an abortion and stated that she doesn’t want Donald Trump or his supporters to “know peace.”

In one of her posts, Zeglar stated:

“There is a deep, deep sickness in this country that is shown in the sheer amount of people who showed up for this man who threatens our democracy. It is terrifying the number of people who stand behind what this man preaches. It is a foolish subscription to a false sense of security, of masculinity, of intelligence, of patriotism, and of humanity.

There is no help, no council in any of them.

I could go on, I won’t. I feel sad. You probably do, too.

F*ck this.”

Disney has produced one flop after another, and the reason is because of the wokeness in their films. Yet they continue to double down by choosing people like this snot-nosed know-it-all, who just called the president-elect and over 74 million Americans a threat to democracy.

It’s obvious that Hollywood has no intentions of slowing their insane rhetoric against hard-working Americans. They sit and pass judgment on people and subjects they know nothing about, and frankly, I’m sick of it. It’s time to send the elitists in Hollywood a very clear message. I haven’t been to a theatre in years, but I am going to monitor the actors that I watch at home as well. So if Netflix, Prime, Plex, or any of the other channels show a movie with one of these mental degenerates in it, I won’t be watching.

Will this have any monetary effect? I can’t say. But I will garner some personal satisfaction by not watching the people who find my very existence offensive. I suggest you do the same.