Saturday, February 22, 2025

Trump is Like Other Flawed Americans Who Defeated Evil

Here’s why Donald Trump and his flaws make him more a more — not less — attractive candidate for president.

During the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln was under tremendous pressure to fire General Ulysses S. Grant, an alcoholic who had serious personal flaws and who sometimes came up short in battle. 

Lincoln’s response: “I cannot spare this man. He fights.”

During World War II, General George Patton slapped soldiers who suffered from PTSD. Patton was a self-absorbed prima Donna. He said inflammatory things to the press that got him in serious trouble with Allied Supreme Commander Dwight Eisenhower. American politicians feared Patton’s words would offend Russia and other American allies. They removed him from the battlefield. 

But when they needed someone to do the impossible — make one final push across Germany during an oppressive winter to access Berlin and defeat Adolf Hitler — they called upon Patton. 

And Patton delivered results.

None of us are blind to the faults of Donald John Trump. He’s a vain and possibly insecure man. His candor is refreshing but sometimes that candor goes too far. He doesn’t always articulate his message as well as he should. His words leave some ambiguity as to what he said or meant. 

This gives Trump’s critics a lot of room to take his words wildly out of context. As I wrote in April, Trump definitely betrayed one or more of his wives….but he never betrayed his voters. 

RINO Republicans, on the other hand, are faithful to their wives…but betray (and continue to betray) their own voters.

I personally didn’t support Trump when he first ran in the primaries (although by the following November I changed my mind). I don’t agree with everything Trump says or does. 

But his voters invested in him. Trump’s return on investment during his term as president was extraordinary.

Honest, hard-working people were fed up with Barack Obama and even harmed by his policies. Obama had the gall to villainize and marginalize those same mostly middle-class people…the same way that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris continue to do today.

Those people believe Trump speaks for them….and he does. 

Despite all of his flaws, Trump’s voters never felt as though he ran for president to feed his ego or his financial interests. 

We have a mainstream press that proves decade after decade after decade that it has zero integrity and will not abide by its mission to pursue truth or objectivity. Our press, like our government, is corrupt to the core, and lies about Trump every single day. These interests unite to frame Trump for crimes he did not commit and for which they themselves are guilty. Their accusations are confessions. They will not stop until they permanently silence and discredit him and his supporters. They’ve already tried to kill Trump…twice. Their bloodlust for this man is real. As the meme says, they’re not really after Trump, they are after us….and he’s just standing in their way. 

A lot of Republican politicians are wimps and pushovers who care more about going-along-to-get-along and getting good press than they do pleasing and fighting for the people who elected them. They would sell us out in a heartbeat. 

But not Trump.

To quote Abraham Lincoln again:

“I cannot spare this man. He fights.”

Special thanks to Warhammer’s Wife proofreading this story before publication to make certain there were no misspellings, grammatical errors or other embarrassing mistakes and/or typosFollow Warhammer on Twitter @Real_Warhammer