Monday, March 24, 2025

A New/Old Collection of Dots Concerning Ukraine and Biolabs

The objective today is to show some bits and pieces of the evolution of the Ukrainian biolabs story going back to 2022, especially in light of Joe Biden’s pardon of his son going back to 2014. I provide a little recent history and allow the reader to continue to come to their own conclusions concerning Ukraine, Russia, and their connections to the fire in the Middle East. Admittedly, I have seen these connections being made, but it is all a bit too much for me at this point in my study outside of the idea of aircraft carrier-loads of money being shipped to both Ukraine and Israel, not to mention to our supposed enemies as well.

We have done extensive work on the Ukrainian biolabs story, so we’ll allow that precedent to serve as the introduction to what amounts to a little collection of evidences for our readers to consider. It is a topsy-turvy world right now, but there are flashlights in the fog providing clear enough direction as to the flow of the narrative and what Americans are being challenged to see. It is a time in our history where stone-cold assumptions are being challenged all over the map, and it is a smart strategy to seek out where the lies are.

First we have the precipitate for this post, a video I came across this week where John Bolton was calling Tulsi Gabbard’s claims about Ukrainian biolabs “off the planet.”

Then we have some videos and a screenshots I’d been saving since Trump nominated Marco Rubio as Secretary of State. These pieces go back to 2022, which I used in this article for RVIVR

Here is a pull from that June 2022 article, though it is certainly not necessary to read if you have been following the story:

Late last week, the Department of Defense revealed that the U.S. government has supported 46 biological research facilities in Ukraine since the turn of the century. This, after Americans were told earlier in the Russia-Ukraine crisis, when this information was coming out, that any such claims were just more Russian propaganda and disinformation as always.

In a press statement from Ned Price, U.S. State Department spokesperson, back on March 9:

โ€œThe United States does not own or operate any chemical or biological laboratories in Ukraineโ€ฆ. These tactics are an obvious ploy by Russia to try to justify further premeditated, unprovoked, and unjustified attacks on Ukraine. We fully expect Russia to continue to double down on these sorts of claims with further unfounded allegations.โ€

Last weekโ€™s statement from the Dept. of Defense point blank contradicts not only this U.S. State Dept. release, but also statements made by Joe Biden and his then-Press Secretary Jen Psaki, who both asserted that the labs werenโ€™t real and that it was all Russian conspiracy theories and propaganda.

Russia Russia Russia. How many hoaxes can the U.S. government and media hang their collective hats on?

Even RINO Mitt was in on the lie, accusing former Democrat Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of spreading โ€œtreasonous liesโ€ for having the audacity to have a simple conversation about the U.S. biolabs in Ukraine.

Why the lies, why the secrets, why the cover-ups all along, if in fact what the Dept. of Defense says now about these 46 labsโ€“that there is nothing nefarious going on with themโ€“is true? Why not just admit to the labs as being peaceful and helpful to the world back then?

On March 10, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Vice Chairman Marco Rubio (R-FL) made these remarks before questioning CIA Director William J. Burns:

โ€œPeople are sayingโ€ฆAssistant Secretary Nuland said that thereโ€™s these facilities there, and thereโ€™s something in those facilities thatโ€™s dangerous because weโ€™re afraid the Russians will get a hold of it. Now, I understand that thereโ€™s a difference between a bio-weapons facility and one thatโ€™s doing research. A bio-research facility is a totally different thingโ€ฆ. But people ask themselves, if thereโ€™s these facilities thereโ€ฆ A long time ago these facilities should have been acknowledged, like โ€˜yes there are these labs, this is what they do,โ€™ because a lot of these fact-checkers said donโ€™t even mention labs because they donโ€™t even exist. They do. They exist all over the world. Thereโ€™s labs like that right here. So what I think got some people fired up is when [Nuland] said, โ€˜Weโ€™re worried the Russians will get a hold of these facilities,โ€™ because that implies that thereโ€™s something in those facilities thatโ€™s dangerous. So I donโ€™t know if you could shed some light on how there can be things in the lab that are dangerous but they not be weapons labs.โ€

^^^As an aside, I love when the Streisand Effect works in our favor. And I admit, like “BioClandestine,” the Ukrainian story was the one that turned up my own volume in world affairs after I’d largely taken a year off of politics after the 2020 “election.”

But then two days later, after Rubio’s initial questioning of Nuland, according to some information from Bio that I hadn’t even realized at the time, Rubio suddenly went soft on the issue. It seems he got his marching orders. “Russia” was again put front and center as the boogeyman:

I hesitate to provide this Putin video, but it’s short, and after all, the last two years are providing a little different picture than what we were told to think back in February 2022. He asserts that Western elites (or, globalist Communist vampires–my addition) turned Ukraine into their colony. As we have covered, much of what Putin says aligns with Trump’s foreign policy:

And last but certainly not least, let’s not forget the man who may have been “eliminated” for being a whistleblower, including one concerning Ukrainian biolabs:

โ€ฆformerly of the U.S. Army 11th Psychological Operations Battalion, attempted to blow the whistle by contacting the commercially-controlled media and writing to US politicians after being sacked from his job as terrorist finance investigator after he proved too zealous at the job. โ€œHe has developed and managed psychological warfare theories, products, and operations for U.S. Special Operations Command, U.S. Central Command, the State Department Coordinator for Counterterrorism, and other government agencies.โ€ He was a Research Fellow at the Heritage Foundation.

This is a video posted in February:

Biolabs were established in the United States under Barack Obama and Senator Richard Lugar in 2007 and have grown exponentially sinceโ€ฆ. They were developing pathogens and diseases, which Iโ€™ve seen in the Pentagon Documents. Iโ€™ve seen the slides. Iโ€™ve seen the implications of the USAID, CIA, the Clinton Foundation, the Soros Organization, the Open Society Foundationโ€ฆ Bill Gatesโ€™ Project 201. The Russians have all of their documentation, fingerprints, funding and their participation with Moderna, Pfizer and Johnson and Johnsonโ€ฆ who were in Ukraine using the research to send to Fort Dietrick which found its way to Wuhanโ€ฆ but all of this originated in Ukraine.

May he rest in peace, and may we fight on in this quest to unearth the myriad of deceptions that have enslaved Americans for far too long. It is difficult to ascertain the truth, but exposing the lies has a way of forcing that truth to the surface.

May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well after all, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.

Jeff LeJeune is the author of several books, writer for RVIVR and The Hayride, editor, master of English and avid historian, teacher and tutor, podcaster, and creator of LeJeune Said. Visit his website at, where you can find a conglomerate of content.