Monday, March 24, 2025

With the Hunter Pardon, Ole Joe Continues to be the Star of the Show

Give this man an Oscar.

In what is an almost unfathomable two weeks ago already, we published a post titled “With Trump Looming and Missiles Fired, Let’s Revisit Hillary, Putin, and Ukraine.” We followed that up with a quick, saddening piece on the coincidental death the next day of the whistleblower we highlighted.

Fast forward the old VHS tape, and the seeming movie we are watching just touched a predictable plot development in Joe Biden’s pardon of his son Hunter.


Seeing Through the Hunter Biden Conviction (June 2024)

Tulsi Gabbard Provides the Latest Hook on US-Ukrainian Biolabs (April 2024)

If you’ve followed my work you know I have taken great delight in following the Ukraine drama. Hunter Biden has always been smack dab in the middle of it all.

So have the Clintons and Obamas among so many others, and it seems Ole Joe is doing his best to make sure the entire nation knows.

The latest in this cartoonish, self-annihilating parade of plot points is that Biden is pardoning his son Hunter, despite the Biden administration repeatedly denying he would do so. The pardon precedes Hunter’s December 12 sentencing for his conviction on federal gun charges, as well as an upcoming December 16 sentencing in a criminal case in which he pleaded guilty on federal tax evasion charges:

Here is a statement from Ole Joe where he wields his guns and tough guy persona:

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! Too bad he didn’t add the word “pal” for a Clint Eastwood-like, dramatic effect.

Cartoonish. Obvious.

And an absolute plus for America First. I’ll get to that shortly, although right away you may have seen exactly why.

First more of the facts. This pardon is not just one of a simple gun charge or tax evasion, charges we’ve all learned to roll our eyes at in relation to American history and its criminals. No, Biden is giving a sweeping pardon over, wait for it, anything and everything his son may have done over the last decade-plus. It is “Full and Unconditional,” covering crimes “which he has committed or may have committed or taken part in” since January 1, 2014. It includes this story, where Trump was impeached over a phone call to Ukraine.

Why don’t you just place a nice big magnifying glass on that 2014 date so everyone and their third cousins can rabbit hole why exactly that year is significant in relation to Ukraine?

Of course, despite Biden’s ramblings about respecting the system, Trump knew what would happen all along. Trump seemingly always knows, which I am finding can be both comforting and terrifying:

All  of this is so clearly over the top that it cannot do anything but help in this war for our nation’s soul and future. It is perhaps even more quasi-fictional than the onslaught of attacks Trump received in the year or two leading up to the election. Just as that ongoing witch hunt provided the only fuel he needed to fire forward his campaign, this story too will do nothing but serve to unearth buried bodies our enemies thought were long gone.

Because remember, it’s all fake anyway. It’s all a house of cards ready to come down. It’s the same type of flashlight in the fog story that Biden’s “garbage” comment was, the same type of story as his suddenly lucid speech when he congratulated Trump the day after the election.

Ole Joe is a character. And sometimes I wonder if he’s not enjoying taking the whole diseased temple down with him. Samson Effect on American soil.

All of it pisses off the right people, Americans, including some from the Left believe it or not, who are up in arms with the same extremities I am highlighting as reverse-positives, so to speak. You may have caught my article “Trump Cabinet Background Check Story Exhibits Convergence of Competing Interests,” also from two weeks ago. I’ll let this excerpt speak to much of what I am saying when I contend that stories are converging on both the Right and the Left, and they are leading to the same conclusions one way or another:

I could go on but let me leave it there. Both the MSNBC/Mockingbird media narrative and the Warp Speed narrative are too far afield for this article, but the point is that certain stories continue to break in the formation of incredibly orderly overlaps. Different groups with different opinion points on Trump are circling around certain hot button topics.

People with different interests are starting to come to the same conclusions.

This has been happening for a long time, but the squeeze on the Marxist cabal and how they canโ€™t seem to do anything without stepping in cow dung is becoming all the more delectable as we churn forward.

This is what Trump wants. He recognizes the information war. He is inviting the conversation, the involvement of public opinion, the intensification of the mandate. Heโ€™s been doing it for years now, since before he became President, as former social media posts always show. He throws things out there to the public, seemingly randomly at times, casting them even to the wolves, sometimes willing even to take a cluster of gouges to the leg himself as a resultโ€“(why would he flaunt Warp Speed when so many equate it with the not-really-a-vaccine vaccine, and therefore an indictment on his first administration?).

He does this because itโ€™s the conversation that ensues that matters. Many of his foot soldiers employ it. You see it when they post something so obviously controversial or even wrong and you scroll down the thread to see the American people fighting back the only way they canโ€“with their fingers on a keyboard.

Information war.

Many of us for a long time have been wondering with delight if Ole Joe is indeed one of those foot soldiers, stolen and seized from the clutches of the cabal’s strings.

I invite you to visit Zero Hedge and this article for more reactions of the American people on X. While I’m not personally angry because my ongoing thesis with all of this is to follow narrative warfare, the anger is good, because it is justified. More than that, it is an impetus. The anger–the public reaction–is reversing the pattern of a more clandestine Hegelian Dialectic that has been enforced upon us for decades and centuries. It is not necessarily the plot point that matters in and of itself; but certainly the plot point–the actual things happening on the surface for everyone to see–are required before said necessary sweeping reaction can take place.

My pointing out the plotline aspect of this ongoing saga isn’t meant to kill the anger. It is meant to bolster it with hope, and dare I say a fresh helping of comic stuffing.

Some Possible Specifics

Such comedy has its serious underpinnings, however, and those underpinnings are very specific to America’s developing victory. These are just hunches, but if the awakening of the American people is the objective, one would be hard-pressed to argue against these seeming “losses” not working entirely and unequivocally in our favor….

First, note that this story runs in conjunction with Trump’s recommendation of Kash Patel as FBI director. This, in addition to the new DOJ, if you believe what you’ve followed in Patel’s thirst for justice, has been a lightning rod stoking the panic drizzling out of America’s worst, including both political traitors and the enemies of children. There is an abundance of such panic, gaslighting, and projection, but here is one sample from Morning Joe, who you may remember just recently was kissing the ring of our Commander-in-Chief:

With this framing, the Biden pardon is just another plot point, along with all the other assaults on Trump along the way, that is priming the American people to cognitively accept the coming justice for the true criminals against humanity–which includes all those people the Joes and Mikas of the world are constantly defending.


VIDEO | Kash Patel Talks Trump and the Epstein Black Book (2:11)

The second positive framing of this story is that Hunter now likely wouldn’t plead the fifth in a case against others implicated in his crimes–including the Bidens, Obamas, and Clintons of the gameboard–since he presumably won’t be defending himself in connection to said crimes. From

A subpoena is nothing more than court process compelling someone to testify as a witness or to produce documents in their possession, custody and control, or both, usually in connection with a court case.

Most people who are subject to a subpoena are not being asked to offer testimony that could implicate them in a crime. They simply have evidence relevant to a case….

To invoke the 5th Amendment in a case where you are not a defendant, you must have some good faith belief that your testimony would expose you to criminal liability, something that the vast majority of witnesses under a subpoena do not….

Someone can also be compelled to testify regarding matters that could be self-incriminating in a civil or criminal case if someone with authority to do so (generally the relevant prosecuting attorney) grants the person compelled to testimony immunity from prosecution (usually all that must be granted is immunity from prosecution based upon the testimony offered, called “use immunity”, which is still less than someone admitting to criminal conduct might need to feel comfortable if testifying voluntarily).

In this case, obviously, the authority wouldn’t be the prosecuting attorney, but Hunter’s father, the assumed President of the United States himself. One thought circulating was that Trump was going to be the one to pardon him, perhaps for this very reason. But it turns out it was Joe himself. It is yet another reason why this is all so cartoonish. This pardon opens the door for a whole lot of bad actors to go down and go down hard, all presumably based on said potential testimony from Hunter.

Will it go in that direction? Only time will tell, and certainly I did not pass the bar exam to know every little nook and cranny of the law, in particular if this will have any impact on international affairs. But this possibility is at least worth smiling about, for the rest of this piece, what I am absolutely more well versed and confident in, is leaving little question anymore on whether or not the enemy is in a stage of cannibalization. It is entertaining, if nothing else. All we as fighting Americans have to do now is continue to harness our warranted anger in a forward direction, full of hope without the complacency.

May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well after all, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.

Jeff LeJeune is the author of several books, writer for RVIVR and The Hayride, editor, master of English and avid historian, teacher and tutor, podcaster, and creator of LeJeune Said. Visit his website at, where you can find a conglomerate of content.