Thursday, March 06, 2025

Speaker Johnson Shows Why There’s Been Reason to Smile About Biden’s Final Maneuvers

I am adding a little introductory note to this draft I’ve had in cue since yesterday afternoon. As a complement–not a contrast–to my ongoing observations about Trump’s navigation of the narrative battlefield, yesterday he proactively imposed a pause on all communications among federal health agencies, a move not unlike his freeze on foreign aid for 90 days signed on Inauguration Day.

We’re sure you’ve recognized this in just three days, but Trump is also exhibiting a more direct approach to things than simply allowing the war to be fought by the information cyphers around him. Perhaps the sword he was wielding at that Monday night ball was for more than just cutting a cake.

RELATED: Trump and the Despicable Necessity of Smart Politics. Or, the Children

This is just something quick as a follow-up to my recent light-heartedness concerning the activity of Joe Biden. I have postulated that Biden is either involuntarily aiding in the American awakening and advance, or to a lesser degree in my presentation, being controlled by some master patriot string puller intent on using any and all resources to illustrate the truth about the deep state to the American people.

I don’t believe it is necessary to believe the latter. That is why I find this information war so fascinating–it works on so many levels and on so many theorized motives.

All of that said, there is no question that ole Joe is triggering seemingly organic reactions, or not so organic if you recognize the theatre in it. Take for instance Speaker Mike Johnson’s press conference today and the video that will follow these words. His tone says “golly gee well since you did this we might as well investigate you for it.” This is classic Art of War. Akin to allowing your enemy to hang itself without interruption, this latest development is also an example of the Streisand Effect, where ole Joe brought all the attention onto himself and his family when all he had to do was whimper away with the 2025 Arctic breeze.

One may think this investigation could have happened even without ole Joe’s activity, and that is certainly true. But consider this: without it, it’s the Trump administration and the Republicans going on a witch hunt, and you give the Mockingbird media ammunition. While this would be a classic case of the political boomerang, such delicious irony is never a good weapon once the skirmish starts. It’s also best to win the battles before you fight them or without even fighting them altogether. Now, since ole Joe has pardoned his whole family, Johnson and the Republicans can investigate the “pardons” instead of the actual crimes, in which case it would be sudden, awkward, and, in the American people’s mind most likely, unnecessary.

By the way what did Barron say to Biden that wiped that grin off the old man’s face on Monday? Was that video real? Yikes, talking about wielding a sword.


Thanks, Joe!

Trump EO on Gender Provides Bonus to Pro-Lifers

INAUGURATION DAY: Trump Hit Multiple Levels of His Digital Army

On top of all of this, it’s a good guess that this is what Trump does with many players he puts in the spotlight, i.e. Anthony Fauci. Let the American people fight a little bit for themselves, even if they’re pushing back on Trump. It is likely happening again right now as we speak. Let the American people do the deep digs and info hunts. Let them spread the greatest weapon there is, far greater than the stroke of an Executive Order–the truth. Besides getting the people involved in their own fight for freedom, it is also Trump using a form of plausible deniability to his advantage and to the country’s.

If We the People want to rail against any of his picks, he is giving us the room to do it.

Anyway, this is a post about what is perhaps turning out to be our greatest weapon. Thanks again, Joe. You’re the gift that just keeps on giving.

May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well after all, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.

Jeff LeJeune is the author of several books, writer for RVIVR and The Hayride, editor, master of English and avid historian, teacher and tutor, podcaster, and creator of LeJeune Said. Visit his website at, where you can find a conglomerate of content.