Friday, February 14, 2025

INAUGURATION DAY: Trump Hit Multiple Levels of His Digital Army

In a flurry of Executive Orders rivaled perhaps only by the snow whipping around here in the south, Donald Trump spent much of his day making the ordinary look pretty extraordinary, sitting behind the Oval Office desk, working the pen, and answering questions off the cuff. It was a snapshot and exercise of organics we had not seen in a full four years of what we must call the “Presidency” of Joe Biden.

–who, incidentally, continued to do wonders for the American comeback by extending his own flurry–a flurry of pardons–at the midnight hour, which as many have argued can actually be a good thing for mass public awakening, given the fact that it puts those preemptively pardoned in the pincer of either accepting it or not accepting it. Accepting it, of course, suggests guilt; accepting it also puts them in the same position as Hunter Biden–they would be forced to testify if called upon.

In the grand scheme of gutting the Deep State, even if the pardons go through (and we have no reason to believe that will be as clean a process as it may appear on the surface, given the loopholes, given the loopholes inside the loopholes, given the sheer inconsequentiality of the rule of law in recent years; see also something like Article II Section 2 of the Constitution for more complexity to consider), the Cheneys and Faucis and Milleys are mere puppets anyway. They may appear bigger than they are because Americans actually know them through the TV screen, but the true vipers live in the shadows. In the grand scheme of the war we have ahead of us, the number of those in question concerning pardons is pretty small.

So again, I applaud our anger at Biden, but there is hope and optimism to be found in his activity. He deserves justice for every single one of his crimes, don’t get me wrong, but as far as narrative warfare goes, ole Joe seems to be wearing the MAGA beret quite a bit lately.

RELATED: Thanks, Joe!

Additionally, there were four other significant Executive Orders particularly satisfying, given some of the stories I’ve followed over the years. One is the January 6 prisoners’ release, which I’ve admittedly only indirectly addressed through my work on election malfeasance. But it will be good for Americans to see the contrast in the Mockingbird media’s coverage of Trump’s pardons and Biden’s pardons. All will take the propagandic approach, realize, regardless of which “side” they choose to praise and which “side” they choose to condemn.

That includes FOX News, which I had on all day yesterday and was appalled at how I could agree with almost everything said and yet know I was being toyed with by mind control tactics. Be careful, even when you agree with the talking head–because that same talking head will slip things in there inconspicuously with which you should not agree in the least. They are their own form of Trump’s “weaves” that seem so basic and matter of fact, but they are actually the stuff of the actual propaganda being peddled.

A third Executive Order was the exiting of the US from the World Health Organization, a group I believe was instrumental in waking up America to the Deep State. The US exiting such a nefarious network should bring us some measure of peace of mind, all the while reminding us that we must stay vigilant as a citizenry because any EO can be undone by the next Commander-in-chief.  Still, for now, it appears to be a victory, one that the American people helped bring about simply by paying attention more than we once did. The WHO without the US will not have the gravitas to impose its totalitarian will on nations across the globe. This move by Trump seems to be a significant milestone we as a nation have been clamoring for, and more, one that seems to mark a significant victory of sovereign states over the globalist cabal.

RELATED: Latest Victory Over the WHO Should Be Celebratedโ€“Before It Comes Back Again (May 2024)

A fourth EO is the listing of Latin America cartels as terrorist organizations. This story goes well beyond what still too many understand the problem is at the border, but at this point I simply have to trust that our new leaders are taking out the same people based on the crimes Americans know about, even when the crimes we don’t know about to the same degree–such as occult ritual sacrifice–have made them the eternal vipers they are in the first place. Child trafficking, torture, and ritual sacrifice is a topic Trump has broached only infrequently, likely because of the cognitive dissonance it causes; people simply cannot handle it en masse just yet, if they ever will. It is this purposeful negligence on his part that has been one major reason why I am so insistent on respecting his understanding of the pulse of the people and the importance of the narrative in this warfare–Trump is well aware of it and plays on both the American people’s cognitive capabilities and their emotions. Obviously this can be both good and bad, and why I also insist we support him while continuing to scrutinize his moves.

The fifth and final EO I’ll mention, one that relates to the fourth above, is the RESTORATION OF THE DEATH PENALTY AND PROTECTING PUBLIC SAFETY EXECUTIVE ORDER. Ostensibly this connects to Trump’s infamous October 8, 2012 tweet, “Got to do something about these missing chidlren (sic) grabbed by the perverts. Too many incidents–fast trial, death penalty.” Trump has made saving the children a priority in the last eight years, a story I began covering May 22, 2022 when it was still “conspiracy theory!” even in hardline conservative circles. I’ll throw a quick sixth EO concerning the freeze on foreign aid for 90 days as a link to my work going back to June 2022 on the truth about Ukraine and why that war was started and perpetuated for so long. Again, “baseless conspiracy theory” at the time. Child trafficking and Ukraine are two of the most integral Deep State issues now in the mainstream conservative conversation, but that wasn’t always the case.

Speaking of conspiracies, why was Catherine Herridge at GITMO yesterday talking about military tribunals and the 9/11 trials? More importantly, why is this being allowed to be seen by the public now?

The fact that this occurred yesterday as Trump takes office is signal. GITMO and military tribunals have been one of the most notorious topics of some of the most marginal of conspiracy theories, including those I don’t even touch in my work.

And why was Trump doing a sword dance last night with Melania decked out in a white dress with black stripes, considering the last time he did a sword dance was 2017 when they rolled the carpet out for him in Saudi Arabia, a foreshadowing of the takedown of a corrupt oligarchy there just a few months later?

RELATED: There Is Something to See In This Cluster of JFK and Saudi Arabia-9/11 Stories (June 2024)

Trump satisfied both the hard line politicals and the autists who are just as paramount a part of this war as any. The man understands narrative warfare, the Art of War. He understands that he needs communication movement at multiple levels and at strategic paces to lead us through the darkness sure to come–a darkness that must precede whatever “Golden Age” he is speaking about–that he alluded to in the very beginning of his speech yesterday when he said, “But first, we must be honest about the challenges we face.”

This simple line cannot be glossed over.

It is the Good Friday before Resurrection Sunday I keep warning about. Please, let’s not lose the momentum we’ve gained, despite the excitement surrounding yesterday. Continue to pay attention, continue to sacrifice, and for God’s sake, quite literally, continue to pray and fast with me, in the spirit of the story of Jonas and Ninive, for the moral healing of our nation.

May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well after all, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.

Jeff LeJeune is the author of several books, writer for RVIVR and The Hayride, editor, master of English and avid historian, teacher and tutor, podcaster, and creator of LeJeune Said. Visit his website at, where you can find a conglomerate of content.