Thursday, March 06, 2025

The Chaos Is Also an Agent of Good. Or, Narrative Warfare

Yesterday I put forth the perspective that evil hides in the shadows, in the chaos, while it diverts and distracts enough to move its ultimate clandestine agenda onward. This is as true of a law for demons as it is for termites in a house. The devil until recently only rarely ever arrived with a pitchfork and horns.

Until recently.

Perhaps the ever-memorable drama of Covid-19 can provide the micro for my message on the macro today, a message that ultimately, as always, is about hope in an ongoing human story that at times seems destined for that of Sodom and Gomorrah. I want to stay brief with it, though, so I’ll trust you yourselves can remember all the details.

As anyone can recall, there was a definite pattern of fear and calm established, a cycle discussed in Mass Psychosis: How an Entire Population Becomes Mentally Ill, a highly educational documentary on the sociological concept of mentacide, or the killing of the mind. One component of it during Covid was that, periodically, after stretches of dramatic music and the news telling us that everyone on planet Earth was dying (despite our very different personal experiences) there would be a stretch of hope, of calm, of the shouting voices and dun-dun-dunnnn music exiting stage left. We know that, psychologically, this is the best way to brainwash humans–it’s the pattern itself that leads lambs to the slaughter, not just the isolated stretches of fear alone.

So, the idea is to throw them the opportunity to go to a ballgame or a concert or even Walmart for change of underwear in the midst of the fear drops and you’ll keep them docile. It’s basic human psychology. If you’ve ever dated a narcissist, you know exactly the pattern. It is in the moments of hope that we find reason to stay and invite back into our lives the soul-sucking disaster that is the relationship. It’s Stockholm Syndrome, is what it is.

That’s Covid-19 and its aftermath in a nutshell.


People Are Waking Up to the Real Enemy, and We May Have COVID to Thank for That (June 2020)

The Psychology and Narrative of Hope–in God

Giving humans false hope keeps them from outright revolting and making real, lasting change for the good in their lives. It is what makes the hope I work to ignite different–the hope I extend is in fact for mass change toward the good, in God, not in man, mammon, or devil.

But here’s the thing: Before the last ten years, I’m not sure that many of us would have recognized it. The pattern I elucidated above is supposed to move more slowly, where the chaos is a little more contained, a little more likely to hide the villains.

But what happened with Covid? Everything was sped up. Case in point is “Operation Warp Speed,” which many Trump detractors will point to as a chip in the stone of his Presidency. What most of you may know is that the lockdowns were supposed to last longer than what they did, but only the acceleration of the “vaccine”–or more importantly for my work the story that there was a vaccine–was what could force a quicker move forward than the impious deep state players had intended. You may have seen people like Trump and General Flynn saying the plan was for eight years of Obama and eight years of Clinton. They never thought she would lose.

The acceleration started long before Warp Speed for many, but perhaps that provides the most obvious example as to how speed creates chaos, thus creating exposure, thus creating recognition, thus creating awakening, thus creating change.

One optimistic view of Trump’s touting of Warp Speed is that, when he says it saved meelions and meelions of lives, given his penchant for the “weave” and the double entendre, he wasn’t lying. But it wasn’t the not-really-a-vaccine that saved those meelions–it was the acceleration of the narrative in the court of public opinion, the 40,000-foot view of the whole thing moving in the direction it was going.

It was a speeding up and spotlighting of the chaos, which paradoxically slowed everything down just enough for people to…

See it.

(As an aside, I both support Trump and don’t trust him. I have been freckling my work with this standpoint and I continue to do so. Trump has given me and us a chance to see it, and I will forever be grateful for that. But it is a safe play to continue to support him at a distance, to continue to read the room with him as he continues to send signal one way or another. That is just the opinion of a man leery of putting his ultimate trust in anything but Christ, especially when he was taught about the deception of antichrist to come by a Catholic mother and grandmother).

The Covid example is just one micro of many that informs my ongoing work on the narrative, on whatever intelligent design is showing us the truth, not necessarily in all the details, but in the Gospel-inspired patterns Christ talked about, patterns that go back to Old Testament times. It is good, I believe, to remember the old saying, “The devil is in the details.”

Think about that narcissistic lover who has such an elaborate story at the ready when they’re caught, and you are amazed that they could cognitively store such details. “No way she could be lying about all of that. Who would make that up?”

Until you realize that the answer to that question is the person sitting right in front of you, serving you coffee with a smile, coal black eyes and all.

Now that we’re out of the cycles, not just presented by the Mockingbird media but by Trump’s team itself, have you noticed that no one’s really talking about the December bill and Mike Johnson or the H1B controversy? When at the time of each you swore the electricity of it all was going to tear America or at least MAGA apart?


To make sense of this, I believe we are dealing with the Art of War and game theory here, and have been for a long time, both on whatever good and evil sides exist and where they exist. I believe the “good side,” again wherever that intelligent design lies, is reverse engineering, so to speak, the many chapters of Hegelian Dialectic that have been imposed on us over the decades. It’s making us work, making us till the soil for it. Like Simba having to retrace his steps back down the path on which he ran away and back to the crux of his cowardice, we are being led back through this nightmare, one step at a time, one chaotic, jarring story at a time, but it’s being accelerated in a way that helps us see. Just like Covid did. Acceleration can cause a different form of chaos, a cleansing kind, one that is illustrated in the chaos of lions and hyenas and Simba and Scar in the fire as they fight for supremacy of Pride Rock.

The theory involves the great St Thomas Aquinas’s philosophy, not to mention that of two great Greek thinkers, of Teleology. From an article back in February:

From Wikipedia:

In Western philosophy, the term and concept of teleology originated in the writings of Plato and Aristotle. Aristotleโ€™s โ€˜four causesโ€™ give special place to the telos or โ€œfinal causeโ€ of each thing. In this, he followed Plato in seeing purpose in both human and nonhuman nature.โ€

In other words, an acornโ€™s telos or โ€œfinal causeโ€ is to become an oak tree, so everything it does as it grows is to fulfill that end. There is an intrinsic purpose to everything about it.

On a personal spiritual level, if you are a true person of faith, your telos is to spend eternity in heaven, so everything you are and do should be intrinsically geared toward that end. What may seem a disconnected component of your life is actually intrinsic to the end as well, like my writing of โ€œpoliticalโ€ articles because at my core I am working to honor God by spreading the truth as I see it. I hope I am honoring him and will be in heaven with him some day because of my good, honest, servant-like work in this war we are in.

Heaven is my telos.

And a note from Aquinas’s perspective himself:

Aquinas observed that natural objects/beings do not behave randomly, but moved towards a certain goal or purpose (end/telos).

We can observe that things act โ€˜always, or nearly alwaysโ€™ in the same way to โ€˜obtain the best resultโ€™, meaning to attain their purpose.

The idea is that things we observe in the world are goal-directed. For example, flowers can move in alignment with the sun throughout the day to get more sunlight. An acorn can grow into an oak tree. Water falls as rain and then evaporates as part of the water-cycle. The planets orbit the Sun. Everywhere we look, Aquinas wants us to notice that objects do not behave randomly but with regularity in a goal-directed way. This shows that it is not mere chance that objects behave in this way.

However, things in the world cannot have directed themselves towards their end. This is because they are either non-intelligent or insufficiently intelligent. Such things cannot move towards an end unless directed by a being which does have intelligence. A thing cannot reliably move with a purpose unless an intelligent being had that purpose in mind and directed its behaviour….

Godโ€™s ability to direct the behaviour of things in the world is of a much greater type than our ability, however. God directs the behaviour of objects by creating natural laws which govern and regulate the behaviour of all objects by directing them towards the end that God has in mind for them.

Just as an archer has the power to make an arrow goal-directed, God has the power to make everything in the world goal-directed. So, there must be an archer for the arrow of the universe, which must be a God.
P1: The behaviour of objects is goal-directed towards an end, because they follow natural laws.
P2: Natural laws cannot have been created by objects themselves, since they are non-intelligent or insufficiently intelligent.
C1: Natural laws must have an intelligent designer. โ€˜That thing we call God.โ€™

If you believe that God had a hand in saving Trump’s life that July 13th afternoon, do you think that he just stopped there in the plot? Do you think he stopped there in the design? Do you think he stopped there in the story he is writing?

As well, this goes beyond commentators on the Left and commentators on the Right vying for narrative supremacy. The aforementioned two specifics in Mike Johnson and H1B are prime examples of how even MAGA is a myth and a faux construction in itself, that it is being torn apart in the chaos of these news cycles in order to reach and reveal the clearest truths. There are legions of Trump supporters out there who must realize that truth goes beyond, yes, even MAGA. In my view, the news cycles come and go, just as Kamala Harris and JD Vance have, because they are narrative deployments meant precisely to incite the chaos, which in turn incites the conversations happening all over the map right now.

From there the truth can rise.

The same is likely for this Canada and Greenland talk. These things may happen, but I invite you to try to see what it is Trump is trying to show. It could very well relate to some type of buried truth in history, perhaps even involving Russia and China. One thing it has shown me, through his overtness and obviousness–his acceleration or appearance thereof–is what plan the globalists have always had in mind on a much slower, shadowy way.

Acceleration = exposure. Exposure = awakening. And awakening = revolution. Not with gun or sword necessarily, but with word of mouth, mind, and soul.

–With the stories we’re telling each other as the truth rises not in spite of the chaos, but precisely because of it–because the chaos is happening so quickly that our minds are forced to make sense of it.

This chaos, if I’m right, is working on two levels. It is working on the level I discussed yesterday, and the one I have discussed today. In hope, while one level looks like hell, it is also the cleansing fire of purgatory. It is one that rids us once and for all, or at least for the next hundred years until our great grandchildren have to fight the fight all over again, of the hyenas and Scars that have paradoxically always kept us wounded.

May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well after all, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.

Jeff LeJeune is the author of several books, writer for RVIVR and The Hayride, editor, master of English and avid historian, teacher and tutor, podcaster, and creator of LeJeune Said. Visit his website at, where you can find a conglomerate of content.