Trump EO on Gender Provides Bonus to Pro-Lifers
The abortion question is not something I delve into much because, frankly, I believe you either believe certain things or you don’t.
My concern over abortion has to do with Trump’s seemingly wavering stance, but also fellow pro-lifers’ unwillingness to truly scrutinize what war we are embroiled in and what enemy we (and Trump ostensibly) are having to face. I have learned to play the wait and see approach with him, as I believe he both has earned it and has proven he is a master of politics and narrative warfare–something Jesus Christ is himself if you have an eye for it in the Gospels. He was as wise (cunning, in some translations) as a wolf with those Pharisees and so many others–including sinners he intended to inspire toward conversion. Sometimes you simply cannot attack an enemy head on. They own the high ground. Christ himself teaches us that, and if you read the visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich you’ll see him state it point blank to his disciples.
You have to have foresight. You have to know your enemy and know where they will be and how they will show up. You have to mentally navigate that.
It is actually Jesus Christ’s intelligence that has inspired me to see this whole political world as one big, complex narrative. It has allowed me to attain better balance between heart and head.
Trump, Abortion, and Child Trafficking
It is disgusting, admittedly, to think that there are scores of people in this country that will ignore any- and everything Trump seems to be doing on the child trafficking/torture/murder front in favor of securing the right, for themselves and for others, to abort a baby inside the womb.
This is one thing I and so many others are spotlighting concerning the American culture. Is God really going to allow a “Golden Age” without the eternal pattern of sacrifice, mortification, penance, and justice he so clearly illustrates to us throughout Scripture?
Have we read how many times the Israelites murmured against and outright rejected God? Have we read what justice was consistently exacted on them, how often Moses had to intercede on their behalf for mercy?
Have we really read Christ’s parables about justice?
My article from yesterday is worth reading if you haven’t yet. Here is a relatable snippet:
Trump satisfied both the hard line politicals and the autists who are just as paramount a part of this war as any. The man understands narrative warfare, the Art of War. He understands that he needs communication movement at multiple levels and at strategic paces to lead us through the darkness sure to comeโa darkness that must precede whatever โGolden Ageโ he is speaking aboutโthat he alluded to in the very beginning of his speech yesterday when he said, โBut first, we must be honest about the challenges we face.โ
This simple line cannot be glossed over.
It is the Good Friday before Resurrection Sunday I keep warning about. Please, letโs not lose the momentum weโve gained, despite the excitement surrounding yesterday. Continue to pay attention, continue to sacrifice, and for Godโs sake, quite literally, continue to pray and fast with me, in the spirit of the story of Jonas and Ninive, for the moral healing of our nation.
If you read the Old Testament and pay attention to Christ’s parables, you’ll see it: I’m not sure America deserves a Golden Age–whatever that means–without a bit of soil tilling in reverse to get there, without first wandering in the desert for a while, without some war with the very Canaanites we stubbornly and consistently choose to be in bed with.
Trump and Seeing the Victories
With a reminder of such righteousness established, I also believe that the little victories we are experiencing with Trump can offer much hope. They must inspire US to reawaken our focus, dedication, commitment, loyalty, and love to God. Regardless of what path down which Trump is leading us (even if that is, at worst, toward antichrist), we are experiencing a window like never before to commit ourselves and our families back to the Divine. Even though Vivek Ramaswamy seems to be (seems to be–remember narrative warfare) on the outside looking in at the cool crowd since his comments on H1B a few weeks ago, I think this article is worth revisiting as well because he and it discuss American culture. Here is a piece:
[Ramaswamy’s post] is completely in line with so many an Americanโs assessment that our culture has lost sight of God. Vivek may sound arrogant and like a preacher from a moral high ground, but if weโre honest, isnโt what he says exactly what so many of us moan and complain about with fellow Americans ourselves? I wonโt get much into the divine aspect of things today, but assuredly, that is precisely what we are dealing with here. This H1B question and Vivekโs post pose as shallow culture vs smart culture, but beneath even that is a more important one that so many of us agree onโshallow secular culture vs culture that worships God as a morally noble society.
Why do I bring up all of this for an article about abortion and Trump? Because, as I have argued time and time again, all of this is about Trump having a populace worth leading, a nation worth the fruits of a Golden Age God must usher in and by his rules. And much of that will be predicated on how we protect our children.
I challenged Trump immediately after the election on his seeming oscillation between pro-life and pro-choice over the years, but didn’t outright condemn him, as this piece shows in a nuanced way that combines the abortion and child trafficking narratives.
Time to Put Up or Shut Up for Trump on This Crucial Issue
I and so many others are, obviously, eagerly awaiting the full disclosure of the pedophiles, the vipers, the occultists who rape and murder children as religious sacrifice to their own god. But where there is a divide is in the specific ‘abortion’ wording, a distinction I have argued should not exist.
Well, according to an Executive Order Trump signed on Monday, it appears as if pro-lifers are achieving a victory worth celebrating. While he didn’t directly address it, he nonetheless provided clear direction and an encouraging stance in his Order defending women from gender ideology extremism annnd…
…restoring biological truth to the federal government.
Read it again and see it. It’s the Art of War.
Trump took an issue that all conservatives agree on–gender–and is using it to assert “the science” of human life, of God’s creation. Note the language used in the Order–“at conception”:
Trumpโs EO on the gender madness has hand-delivered a bonus to pro-life warriors. Official US government policy–a real life tangible document–now supports the notion that humanhood actually begins at conception.
I wonder, will all of those pro-lifers who turned on Trump will acknowledge this? Will they find hope? Will they start to see that we have a helluva mess from which to untangle ourselves and it cannot be your basic political views as it was in the past–particularly since your Bushes and your Reagans and any other “pro-life” candidate never did a damn thing to actually address this issue.
First we had the elimination of Roe v Wade because of Trump’s Court Justices. Now we have this.
Of course we all know what can happen between the words on a page and the actual development and execution of them, so I am not fully convinced yet.
Trump must lead according to the words as well, or else this is all rubbish from the get-go.
We the People
It remains to be seen whether or not this clear delineation between both male and female and murder and not-murder translates to more direct conversation concerning the actual A-B-O-R-T-I-O-N issue. For it is not difficult to understand that there are folks in our country who would wholeheartedly agree with everything written in that EO, as long as it relates to the gender issue. Apply it to the abortion issue, now they’d have a problem.
It is an example of the cognitive dissonance–the mass psychosis–so many of our fellow Americans live under. It is a form of schizophrenia, as I’ve studied it. If gender begins at conception, then life must begin there too. Let’s hope this is one small measure of sense Trump understands and worded intentionally, because if he didn’t, we may very well be experiencing the schizophrenia of life both beginning at conception and not beginning at conception for the rest of our lives.
At the end of the day, and at the beginning and in the middle of it, remember, this is all about US anyway. God is calling us to himself and to the only Golden Age worth living.
May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well after all, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.
Jeff LeJeune is the author of several books, writer for RVIVR and The Hayride, editor, master of English and avid historian, teacher and tutor, podcaster, and creator of LeJeune Said. Visit his website at, where you can find a conglomerate of content.