Sunday, March 23, 2025
AI Photo Courtesy of Grok

IRS Will Audit Trump’s Political Enemies, Left Warns

The Left now worries that President Donald Trump will use the IRS to go after his political opponents.

Forbes contributor Bruce Brumberg expressed such angst in an article that the magazine published last week. 

โ€œNow that the 2025 tax season has started, you may feel concerned that you have an additional incentive to prepare and file your tax return carefully: fear of an IRS audit. Perhaps you were a vocal supporter of Kamala Harris during the election campaign,โ€ Brumberg wrote. 

โ€œMaybe you openly criticize some of President Donald Trumpโ€™s policies or actively support causes that he disdains. What prevents President Trump, or his staff and cabinet members, from getting the IRS to audit your tax return because of your dissent or activism?โ€

As Brumberg went on to say, liberal activists and people who work in left-leaning nonprofits now panic that Trump will use the IRS to audit them or shut down their organizations.

Brumberg researched the matter and concluded that, per federal law, the IRS is immune from political pressure, per the IRS Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998. 

IRS employees, Brumberg reported, are trained on how to avoid political interference with their daily operations.

Not once did Brumbergโ€™s article cite the example of former IRS official Lois Lerner. Not once did he mention how, during the 2010s, the IRS apologized for mistreating Tea Party groups. Many people believe that, were it not for this interference, that former Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney might have had a more viable chance of defeating former Democratic President Barack Obama in the 2012 presidential election. Thatโ€™s because Tea Party groups were too tied up fighting audits when they could have spent that time canvassing for votes to kick Obama out of office. 

Nowhere in Brumbergโ€™s article did he cite how former Democratic President Joe Biden used the U.S. Department of Justice to harass and prosecute Trump during the four years he was out of power. 

During the past 30 years, we have heard countless stories of well-known and influential conservatives complaining that they are targeted and audited by the IRS. Clay Travis of the Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show is one such example

During the late 90s, the IRS even audited Paula Jones, who accused former Democratic President Bill Clinton of sexual harassment..  

At the time, Jones and her then-husband and their two children lived off his $37,000 a year salary. 

As reported in 2023, the IRS advertised for 360 newly created criminal investigation positions. Successful applicants will, of course, collect your hard-earned money to fund federal projects, pork-barrel or otherwise.

And these assignments are apparently dangerous.

New hires will execute search warrants. The ad said agents will need guns to protect themselves โ€œfrom physical attacks at any time and without warning.โ€ The feds say these agents may also use deadly force.

As also reported that year,ย IRS agents panickedย after frustrated taxpayers who got nowhere on the IRS customer service line began contacting agents at their homes and asking for their help.ย 

One year prior, federal auditors warned that rogue IRS employees or contractors could, potentially, access taxpayersโ€™ personal information and use it to harm the public.

And if that were to happen then IRS leadership might never know. 

Special thanks to Warhammerโ€™s Wife for proofreading this story before publication to make certain there were no misspellings, grammatical errors or other embarrassing mistakes and/or typosFollow Warhammer on Twitter @Real_Warhammer or on Facebook