Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Trump, Trudeau, and Tariffs–Too Good to Be Good?

And of course Mexico, China, and other countries too, but I just didn’t want to ruin my neat little go at the poetry of alliteration.

Indeed, it is a poetry of Presidential power we have never seen before. It is proof of either the genius of Trump’s art of the deal or of some predetermined–or already completed–series of plot points simply meant to be narrative devices palatable and timely enough for a people finally ready for it. Perhaps these arts and these deals were already in place, perhaps not, but it sure has been more interesting than any movie I’ve ever seen. It has also been prime opportunity for us to learn one heckuva lot about the story unfolding before us on the eve of our nation’s great birthday.

Learn what, you may ask? I’m not entirely sure. But given the fact that so much of this seems strange if not cartoonish in its pace, not to mention its content, it is a good guess that, at the very least, we are learning how possible it is exactly for nations to cooperate in independent fashion, free of the chains of globalist systems and dictates.

It’s interdependency, sort of.

That is, of course, assuming Trump is not simply the “trump” arm of that same deep state or something even deeper, as some commentators I have come to respect are considering. I cannot help but see the image of the T-Rex in one of those Jurassic Park films chasing down its prey only to have an unexpected, previously unknown bigger and badder carnivore gobble it down instead. I don’t remember what happens after that; I believe the quarry run free, and certainly it is everyone’s hope that we are being released from the chase of globalist carnivores nipping at our heels every minute of every day of our lives. 

Get rid of the federal income tax? Sure. Abolish the central banking cartel and its slave-inducing, anti-Christian system of usury? Absolutely.

Expose the client list? The answer is obvious.

But Greenland and the Gulf and Mars are all making this a bit weird, despite the fact that I absolutely can make arguments for why he is putting them in the spotlight.

Of course Trump has always spoken most tellingly perhaps through the weird and the obnoxious.

And I think that is what is throwing me with him. All combined, it is a much more direct, authoritarian style of governance and information dissemination than I am used to tracking with him.

One way to approach this, even if you have been a supporter of Trump all along as I have, is in the contents of Ecclesiastes 7:14-15, perhaps a Scripture passage many a sports coach leads by with their teams but don’t even realize it:

“Consider the works of God, that no man can correct whom he hath despised. In the good day enjoy good things, and beware beforehand of the evil day: for God hath made both the one and the other, that man may not find against him any just complaint.”

Don’t get too high. Don’t get too low.

Especially until God is back truly front and center in this society and not merely in specters in the form of Executive Orders that can never root out the true core sins of a society like ours.

With that lengthier-than-expected introduction established, I move to the specific content. In what seems to be a bit of an all-too-convenient pattern, Canada’s Justin Trudeau completely reneged on some previous tough guy talk, immediately followed the American media telling the world that Trump’s tariffs would only cause people suffering, and announced a US-friendly border plan to help stop the influx of fentanyl–what has amounted to a diabolical measure of true suffering for the American people, especially our youth.

First you had this:

Annnnd then yesterday you had this:

The extremes in these positions are what make me take pause, what make me use words like “cartoonish.” Perhaps I’m just not accustomed to the pace. Perhaps I’m just not accustomed to the winning.


A similar 180 occurred with President Sheinbaum of Mexico yesterday and Venezuela’s Maduro last week. Large numbers of resources, troops, and man-power seem to be the simple, common sense medicine for not only the border problem, but for a clown-world media who, like script work, lectured us that Trump’s tariffs would never work and always lecture us on everything Trump does that’ll never work.

Until it does. Every single time.

The capitulation of world leaders is palpable, something even Vladimir Putin was mentioning yesterday. The power is a bit unnerving. All are now seeing it. Many fewer know about the worldwide “capitulation tour” he went on in 2017.

If one man can hold that much power…


Either way concerning Trump, we are being given a providential window to see the world in a whole new way, to free our minds from the shackles of globalist dominance, to turn back to God in earnest. There is no question Trump is providing that window. Since 2015 he has given us hope, and most importantly permission, to honor those instinctual misgivings we’ve long, long had about a corrupt, war loving government and its complicit media propaganda arm.

He has helped expose an evil that connects directly the men and dealings of this world to the supernatural world of hell.

And for that, I will be eternally grateful.

Here is my hope: Besides the obvious impression Trump is making on the American people concerning sovereignty, he is signaling to the globalist slave system, a life-sucking monster that has kept everyone in a universal daze of Stockholm Syndrome, that the deep state is dead, that the swamp is really being drained if it isn’t drained already. He is leading the way in unraveling the knots of worldwide mass psychosis and showing, through a seemingly coordinated series of high-octane plot points, that nations can work together in a way that will both benefit their respective peoples and make it abundantly clear that no nation should ever depend too heavily on another, if at all. If it does, then the argument can be made that it is not a nation worth trusting, that it is just a colony of blood-sucking vampires, a reality we are seeing play out with Ukraine (see USAID, US-funded biolabs, and Zelensky wondering where all the money went this week) and may very well see play out elsewhere with other places and other leaders we might never expect.


May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well after all, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.

Jeff LeJeune is the author of several books, writer for RVIVR and The Hayride, editor, master of English and avid historian, teacher and tutor, podcaster, and creator of LeJeune Said. Visit his website at jefflejeune.com, where you can find a conglomerate of content.