Benedict of Nursia: The Counter-Revolutionary for Our Time
The chaos we see is not random. It is the direct result of lies—about history, about morality, about the very nature of reality.
The intelligence agencies, both foreign and domestic, that lied about weapons of mass destruction, about the origins of global conflicts, about election interference—these are the same forces that shape public perception today. They manipulate, distort, and suppress truth not because they serve any particular nation, but because they serve power itself.
The world as we knew it is unraveling. And much of that is a good thing even though any time anything breaks it may seem bad inside the moment.
You can feel it. The old structures are collapsing, the masks are slipping, and the forces of deception are losing control of the narrative.
But what comes next? A “new” America that is, essentially, simply built on the old fake and illegitimate system now gate-kept by “our side” of the political aisle?
You know that’s how they deceive us, right? All of them. That’s what the uniparty is.
I don’t think that is the answer God is giving us. Many of you ascribed God’s providence to Trump being saved on July 13. I won’t quibble with that today, but if that is in fact true, we must also believe that he is calling us to something better, to himself entirely, not to some duct-taped version of a nation long fallen.
That is indeed my only quibble. Obviously God’s hand is in everything. But if we’re going to just stop there on that stage in Butler in talking about God’s providence and control over matters…
Political movements are good but they’re means to ends. We don’t change things—not permanently—with elections that aren’t legitimate either. We don’t change things with more desperate attempts to prop up a failed system just because the price of eggs is dropping again.
We were created by God Almighty for something more. Something deeper. Something stronger. Something that has already survived the fall of empires.
Check out my recent work for more political context to what I’ll say on eternal matters today:
St Benedict: The Man and the Medal
Today is one of St Benedict’s two feast days, the other falling on July 11. I have a special friendship with St Benedict, precisely because unlike other saints I’ve gone to for an example over the years, he actually made his presence and assistance known to me, starting in 2017, a fascinating story that is ongoing but one I won’t get into here.
Four Benedict medals rest respectively on the molding of the four corners of our home. There is one where I brush my teeth.
I wear a Benedict bracelet and ring. I am constantly asking for Christ’s protection.
I write this article today out of respect for a Christ-like man who came before us. I write it for faithful Catholics who understand our religion and the encouragement it gives in placing before us models of true Christian worship. I write it for Catholics who have questions on the Israel issue, especially in light of all this stuff flying around (and that liberal and conservative media alike are telling you not to worry about!) concerning Israel, Epstein/Mossad, and the JFK files.
The truth is hard. Christ said it would be. St Benedict, pray for us….
Benedict of Nursia was born in 480 AD, just four years after the Western Roman Empire collapsed, at least officially so. Rome had ruled for centuries as the center of civilization, law, and order. Then, seemingly overnight, it was gone—crushed under the weight of its own decadence, corruption, and arrogance.
And yet we know nothing like that happens that quickly. Likely there were a whole lot of bystander heroes–those sounding the alarm–getting mocked because no one ever thinks it will happen to them.
The effects didn’t take long to materialize, likely, because as we can guess from our own day and age, those effects were already being felt. Trade routes disintegrated. Cities shrank or were abandoned entirely. Lawlessness became the norm. The cultural and intellectual achievements of centuries were slipping away.
I can see something similar on a much smaller scale in the two towns in which I grew up and went to school–Jeanerette and Franklin. All of us have these stories of “civilizations collapsing,” although of course we don’t use that language.
We just know it happened and can recall the process by which it happened. Perhaps we can even remember times we wanted to fight it but left it for another day or another hero.
Until nothing was left of what we knew.
Benedict was born into that world. He saw the ruins of what had been and knew that nothing could restore it. So he didn’t try. He didn’t waste his life attempting to revive a dead empire. Instead, he walked away and built something new—something that would outlast physical Rome itself.
Benedict’s approach–his Rule, if you want to research–was radical. While the rest of the world fought for power, he sought discipline, order, and a life rooted in truth.
He established monasteries, not just as places of prayer but as fortresses of Christian civilization. Within their walls, knowledge was preserved, the land was cultivated, and the faith was kept alive. When the rest of the world fell into darkness, these communities shone like beacons.
Benedict wrote The Rule, a structured way of life built on prayer, work, and obedience. It became the foundation of Western monasticism, shaping not just the Church but the entire course of European civilization. His monasteries became centers of learning, agriculture, and stability.
While emperors and warlords fought over the remnants of Rome, Benedictine monks quietly rebuilt the future.
One could make the argument that we in America–particularly MAGA conservatives (of which I am a part)–are doing the same thing as those emperors and warlords. We’re fighting for the remnants. We’re fighting for the crumbs. As William Wallace in Braveheart says, we’re fighting for the scraps of Longshanks’ table and have forgotten our God-given right to something better.
We like to think we’re different. That modern civilization is too advanced to suffer the fate of Rome, that our institutions are stronger, that our technology too sophisticated.
That we’re eating the whole loaf of bread and everything is fine.
We are wrong.
It is the same war that has been waged for centuries: the war between truth and deception, between Christ and the forces that hate Him. That’s why faith is always targeted. That’s why Christianity is constantly under attack. The modern world does not tolerate truth, because truth threatens the entire system.
The signs of collapse are everywhere–and it won’t be found in politics necessarily, especially since Trump is on such a roll. It’ll be found in the cultural facet of communism, of cultural Marxism, of the attempt at the elimination of Christ in society.
God? Cool, you can say that. But Christ is King and mean it? Mean it as it was meant to mean in 1925 and not with the changes in the 1960s?
You know some of them are saying “god” but meaning Lucifer, right? It’s part of the trick.
Cultural decay has reached levels that would have made the pagan Romans do a toast. The economy is a house of cards, propped up by artificial stability that could crumble overnight. The political system is controlled by unelected forces—intelligence agencies, corporate elites, war profiteers—who manipulate the public with punishment and precision.
One could argue we’re on the precipice of a similar moment in time in which Benedict was born. Do we fight to salvage a corrupt system, and think we’re winning because Mark Levin or Jesse Watters or DC Draino or Ben Shapiro tell us we’re winning? Or do we build something that can survive the inevitable collapse of a country that is still so infested by evil that no executive order or DOGE campaign can save us?
I believe these things are all good–because they mean exposure. But exposure of the wicked cannot stop there. The question is what we do with it. The question is if we believe Trump was saved by God on July 13, 2024, do we not realize that God’s story, his call, his command, doesn’t stop there?
The alternating pattern of breadcrumbs and entire loaves of info dissemination on Epstein and the JFK assassination is teaching us one of the hardest lessons many American Christians will have to come to terms with. It is one I find most Traditional Catholics understand well.
Part of the deception involves the Christian faith and the Old Testament.
Remember, Christ was from the House of David, from the tribe of Judah.
He was the one God the Father kept referring to throughout the Old Testament.
Christendom College theology professor explains why religious Zionism is ‘anti-Christ’
Christian Zionism Part I: Tracing the Lines of a Warmongering Heresy
The Story Of Palestinian Christians | The Stones Cry Out (2013) | Full Film
For decades, American Christians have been told that supporting the modern State of Israel is a spiritual duty. That to be a good Christian is to be a political Zionist. That the nation established in 1948 is part of the fulfillment of God’s covenant.
But even full groups of Orthodox Jews will scoff at this interpretation. I’ve seen many a Jewish Rabbi talk about this, but their voices aren’t heard:
There is an entire world of Jews out there about whom we are not being told.
The Israel of the Bible was a people chosen by God, bound to Him by obedience. Their survival depended on their faithfulness–this is so very clear in the Torah (first five books) I am almost done reading at this very moment–the Douay-Rheims version–so very clear in Traditional Christian teaching.
If these same governments truly cared about God’s people, why do they fund and arm groups that slaughter Christians in the Middle East? Why do they tolerate the erasure of Christianity from the very lands where it was born?
In a different but complementary way, it is exactly what the Jews illustrated above are saying.
Playing the Game, Asking the Questions–On Israel, Hamas, & Syria
On Syria, On Christianity, On Annihilation
Important That Christians, In Their Effort to Be Christians, Not Forget To Be Christians
The answer is simple. Earthly governments do not serve truth as they should. They serve power. And Christ absolutely said they would–this is one of the precise reasons those in power both inside the Temple and inside the Roman government had him killed.
Sound familiar? JFK? Trump? You didn’t think infiltration just started with America, did you? How is it that termites succeed? How is it that Satan succeeds? Why did the Trojan horse succeed?
What is a fifth column?
Christians must serve Christ, not governments–not those who turn their backs on him.
We must follow the Benedicts of the world and history and do the hard things, SAY the hard things, TEACH the hard things. We must renounce the “world,” as Christ taught. We must renounce the propaganda, the spectacle, the lies and dirty tricks of politics even while using politics to make those points clear.
We must pray. We must fast. We must chisel our discipline. We must engage in spiritual war.
It is the only way to see through the deceptions–the tricks–of the enemy. And one of those tricks is to to co-opt the name of something good and hide behind it in a perpetual state of untouchability.
Think about it. If you were the evil one, would you make yourself seen? What would be the best way to hide?
Think That Narcissistic Ex >> Government Enemy Programming Reveals What It Fears
The St Benedict Medal is one of the most powerful sacramentals in the Church. It is not just a symbol—it is a weapon, a defense against every deception of the Evil One. The inscription on it is a direct challenge to him:
“Begone, Satan! Never tempt me with your vanities! What you offer me is evil. Drink the poison yourself!”
This is not the passive Christianity the modern world promotes. This is defiance. This is radical, This is indeed spiritual war.
This is true defense of Jesus Christ.
The system is falling. Some former world, some way of doing things, is dying. Trump is showing that, is living that, every single day. The old guard is passing away.
But realize the old guard still has its gatekeepers, its vipers. They won’t go away with a whisper. And the only way to survive what comes next is to do what Benedict did–to build what cannot be shaken. To reject the lies, to reject the fear, to reject the panic of a collapsing empire.
Benedict’s monks weren’t worried about Rome’s fall because they weren’t dependent on Rome. And we shouldn’t be worried about America’s fall—if we aren’t dependent on America. We Christians depend on Christ. We depend on truth. We depend on the weapons God Himself has given us.
That means it’s time to stop playing defense.
It’s time to counter.
With faith. With order. With a way of life that stands when everything else falls.
More info on the St Benedict medal:
On the front of the medal:
- Saint Benedict’s image represents Saint Benedict as a powerful intercessor against evil and a source of spiritual guidance. He holds the written Rule of Saint Benedict in one hand and a cross in the other.
- On one side of Saint Benedict is a raven. On the other is a cup with a serpent emerging from it. This represents an incident in his life when he miraculously saved himself from poisoning. Above the cup reads: “Crux sancti patris Benedicti,” which means, “The Cross of [our] Holy Father Benedict.”
- Surrounding Saint Benedict are the words, “Eius in obitu nostro praesentia muniamur!” which translates to, “May we be strengthened by his presence in the hour of our death.”
On the reverse side of the medal:
4. The Cross signifies Christ’s victory over sin and death through His crucifixion.
5. The vertical arm of the cross bears the initials “C.S.S.M.L.,” which stands for “Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux” (“May the Holy Cross be my light”).
6. The horizontal arm of the cross displays the initials “N.D.S.M.D.,” which stand for “Non Draco Sit Mihi Dux”, or, “Let not the dragon be my guide.” This is a rejection of evil.
7. The larger letters surrounding the center cross, “C S P B”, stand for: Crux Sancti Patris Benedicti, which means, “The Cross of [our] Holy Father Benedict.”
8. At the top of the medal is the word, “PAX” which means “peace.”
9. Surrounding the back of the medal are the letters, V R S N S M V – S M Q L I V B. This symbolizes a Latin prayer for protection: “Vade Retro Satana! Nunquam Suade Mihi Vana!”. It translates to: “Begone, Satan! Never tempt me with your vanities!”
According to the National Catholic Register, “though lay people and most priests are forbidden to conduct exorcisms, they are permitted to use the St. Benedict medal to ward off evil.”
One is allowed to:
- wear the medal around the neck;
- attach it to one’s rosary;
- kept in one’s pocket or purse;
- attach it to one’s keychain;
- affixed to one’s car or home;
- placed in the foundation of a building;
- affixed to the center of a crucifix, usually behind the corpus.
It is important to note we should not treat the medal of Saint Benedict as magic. Instead, we accept its graces due to our faith in Jesus Christ and the powerful intercessory prayers of Saint Benedict.