JFK, Trump, and the Bird That Has Changed Its Tune
The truth isn’t just hidden.
It is buried under decades of propaganda, sealed away by classified documents, and ridiculed as “conspiracy” until the evidence becomes undeniable.
And even then, they still lie.
And even then, folks who have committed the sin of dying on certain hills when it comes to these stories are having to either humble themselves and admit new information in or pridefully double down and say “where’s the evidence?”
I mean, are you serious? Did we really expect the JFK files to specifically say word for word, like it’s a confession to a Catholic priest, who the culprits were?
The JFK Files, Ukraine, and the Global Power Shift: A Convergence of Narratives
RFK Jr Speaks to Why the Truth Can’t Just Be Dropped All at Once
Despite the proud at heart being a very real presence on the digital battlefield, we’re watching it all unravel in real-time. The slow, deliberate dismantling of official, incredibly banal, narratives—on JFK, on 9/11, on intelligence agencies’ stranglehold over the American government and culture. The same intelligence apparatus that orchestrated coups overseas have been waging a war on truth at home, and everyday Americans are having to face the fact that so many of the researchers they once mocked were right.
This isn’t just about one event or one domain. It’s about a machine, a multifaceted one that hides behind mafia-like layers for distance—a machine designed to control perception, memory hole history, and eliminate anyone who gets in the way.
And the people who run that machine? They’ve had the same playbook for decades. Satan only holds so many cards–we learn that in the Book of Job.
It’s no accident that the name Kennedy continued to pop up for months and months–particularly from the mouth of Trump himself–before the files release on Tuesday.
The name is not just another name. JFK wasn’t just another president. He was a direct threat to the intelligence and financial power structures that run America. He was the last president to challenge the CIA, the Federal Reserve, the military-industrial complex, Israel–all at once.
And he died for it.
The recently released JFK files confirm what many have suspected for years: Lee Harvey Oswald was no lone gunman nut. He was a known intelligence asset, closely monitored and seemingly controlled by the very agencies that claimed he acted alone. The files show a level of coordination that makes the Warren Commission’s version of events laughable.
The files show more than enough, yet some folks still won’t even question unless the exact words are in black ink.
This isn’t just history. It’s the blueprint. It’s how they control us. Something is staring us directly in the eyes, and some still won’t believe it.
What they did to Kennedy, they’ve done again and again, because we allow them to. And they know it.
Mockingbird Still Sings
The Church Committee hearings in 1975 pulled back the curtain on Operation Mockingbird—a CIA program designed to infiltrate the media and shape public perception. Journalists were bought. Stories were planted. The entire news ecosystem was compromised.
This operation was under review in a 1970s Senate hearing, led by Frank Church, a Democrat who served as a United States Senator from Idaho from 1957 to 1980.
And then?
The media shrugged, the new generation moved on behind their circuses, toys and TVs, and the CIA kept right on controlling the narrative.
Incidentally, after I first pressed “Publish” for this post, I came across this addition to, whaddaya know, the 1975 Church Committee. This one, formerly heavily redacted, is the testimony of James Angleton about the secret Israeli nuclear program.

Anyway, back to the original post…
The CIA admitted to their infiltration of the media in order to mind control the American people, and they subsequently published in 1973 the Family Jewels, “a set of reports detailing illegal, inappropriate and otherwise sensitive activities” they conducted from 1959 to 1973. I once watched RFK Jr talk about this as well.
William Casey, former director of the CIA, once said this about the goal of the agency: “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”
Chilling. So exact and direct. And yet it is in this exactness that they hid and still hide.
RELATED: Mockingbird, the 1975 Church Committee, and Fake News
Fast forward to today, and Mockingbird never really stopped. It just evolved. Social media, fact-checkers, and corporate media outlets all work in tandem to discredit anything that challenges the official story. Most conservatives know that much.
But perhaps the most nefarious evolution it underwent is its cultivation of controlled opposition precisely from the conservative side. There are trusted conservative voices out there–popular ones that were never de-platformed or shadow-banned as The Hayride and RVIVR were–that will agree with you on the low hanging fruit (like gender insanity duh), but when it comes to the truly earth and soul changing issue begging to be broached, they’ll mislead. They’ll abandon the “conspiracy theorist” and mock them, inviting their adoring fans to do the same. And they do it because the binary trap has been shifted. It’s not us vs the legacy media like CNN or MSNBC anymore; they are going extinct and everyone knows it. The new false dichotomy is conservative vs “conspiracy theorist,” and it is just as wicked. If you question the TRUE origins of a war, the legitimacy of elections or WHO actually controls them, or WHO actually comprise the intelligence agencies in domestic and foreign affairs, you’re labeled a conspiracy theorist and shunned to the same realm where Rachel Maddow once roamed.
They double down and say there’s no evidence! Even though we just got a truck load of it. The problem is clear–people have been so brainwashed in our propagandic, public education system that for still too many, inductive and deductive reasoning is quite plainly anathema to us. Well-meaning people believe voices like this because the JFK docs don’t say–exactly–the words “______ killed JFK.”
Ben Shapiro is one of those conservative voices on which I would caution. Remember, I would agree with most of what he typically says too. It is why I am consistently saying to learn how to separate good messages from the messenger–from a messenger that could one day lead us astray:

But here’s the thing, Ben: The “conspiracies” keep turning out to be true. And more and more people know who and what you are.
Not to mention you belittle the fact that 1963 was so long ago and why should we care, when your people continue to beat the 1940s drum ad nauseum any time anyone questions the State of Israel or why so many of our politicians have dual-citizenship or why so much foreign lobby money goes to them. I mean, we’re supposed to live in a continual state of horror at what we were told happened in the early 1940s, but you can’t be bothered with who killed a sitting US President twenty years later?
Trump and Kennedy
Trump’s first term—not to mention the explosive campaign leading up to it—did something the establishment never expected—it forced open cracks in the system.
From the moment he travelled down the golden escalator, from the moment he questioned the Iraq War on a Republican debate stage, from the moment he attacked Republican favorite Jeb Bush and his family name, the deep state cabal saw him as a threat. He openly challenged the intelligence community, famously calling out the lie about the Bush regime and the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. He questioned NATO, called out the deep state, and—most dangerously—hinted that he knew more about things like the JFK assassination and 9/11 than he was letting on and that the American people were allowed to know.
With the release of the JFK files, those old battle lines have been drawn again—because the very enemies Trump has always had are sprinkled into those files, and in very obvious fashion.
RELATED: Trump Truth Will Lead to JFK Truth, Especially If They Try It Again
Sorry, we can’t ask AI to summarize the files for us as I saw time and time again on X (and I’m not talking about Scott’s article yesterday, the one where he openly admitted he was just doing it to get something out to readers quickly). You actually have to do the work. And if you choose not to, you have to have the humility to admit as much and refrain from getting in the way of those who do.
That is, if we really want to win this war.
The parallels between JFK and Trump aren’t subtle. Both presidents challenged and are challenging the intelligence community. Both went after and are going after the entrenched power of the globalist elite. Both were and are going after the financial institutions. And both had moments where they signaled they knew too much about the real history of America’s most devastating events.
When the intelligence agencies want someone gone, they don’t always use bullets.
Sometimes, it’s political assassination.
RFK Jr has spoken openly about the role of the CIA in his uncle’s death. But he’s also been vocal about something just as sinister—the long-running connection between the intelligence world and psychological operations designed to manipulate elections, overthrow regimes, and brainwash a populace.
The 2020 election, for example, wasn’t just about mail-in ballots and voting machines. It was about narrative control. The same intelligence agencies that ran disinformation campaigns at home and overseas for decades ran them here again. The Hunter Biden laptop story? Buried under a coordinated intelligence-backed disinformation campaign. The Russia collusion hoax? A textbook operation designed to remove a sitting president.
It’s no longer about left vs. right and hasn’t been for a long time. That’s the stuff of Saul Alinsky.
It’s about the machine vs. anyone who threatens it. It’s about the ancient enmity we must see as the root of all of this, and not many do in these political spaces.
If history is any guide, that makes Trump–particularly if he is true and good–a marked man. A marked man still, just as he always has been. I pray he really is that, and not just the bigger carnivore in a Jurassic Park movie showing up suddenly to gobble down the T-Rex we only thought we had to worry about.
Final Thoughts
For decades, the American people have been trapped inside a carefully constructed illusion—a world where history is rewritten in real-time, the truth is ridiculed as conspiracy, and the real rulers of the world operate from the shadows.
But some truths refuse to stay buried–Christ taught us that one too.
- Matthew 10:26: “Therefore fear them not. For nothing is covered that shall not be revealed: nor hid, that shall not be known.”
- Luke 12:2: “For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed: nor hidden, that shall not be known.”
Sixty years later, the JFK assassination still looms over everything. Not because it was just another political murder, but because it was the moment the American illusion became permanent.
Or at least semi-permanently so.
Because everyone watched it happen point blank on their TVs.
The JFK files confirm what many suspected all along. JFK was killed because he threatened the machine, the monster. He wanted to dismantle the CIA. He wanted to pull America out of Vietnam. He wanted to take back control of the nation’s currency. He wanted Israel to toe the line with our politicians and with its nuclear capability.
He wasn’t just a problem. He was an existential threat to the ruling order.
So they removed him.
And they’ve been removing threats ever since.
Here’s where things might get dangerous. Here’s why it is important to cling relentlessly to Christ and the saving power of that cross. The reason the establishment fights so hard to control the past is because controlling the past means controlling the future, controlling the truth, controlling your soul. If they can keep the deepest truth buried under layers of half-truths and official denials–particularly from some conservative voices out there–they can keep the American people from realizing how deep the corruption goes–how hellish the evil goes.
This isn’t just a battle of opinion on who killed Kennedy. The correct answer is that we’re all right. All of them were involved–every single enemy he had.
The truest battle is an ancient one in form. And the serpent still lives, wanting us to believe the lie.
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May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well after all, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.