Thursday, March 06, 2025

Modern America and the Ancient War Against Financial Enslavement

First off, a disclaimer: I understand full well who Bernie Sanders is, not to mention Josh Hawley even though he is a Republican. If you’ve followed me you know I actually don’t trust anyone in government, especially when I know them only through an electronic screen and the context of a system based on wholly rigged and illegitimate elections.

Trump’s ascent to power does not eliminate the need to revolutionize elections and our government power structure in general. Trump said it himself just recently, even though he won the American mandate:

The conversation has to start (or continue) nonetheless. As I like to say, evaluate and discuss the message without having to see the messenger necessarily all the time.

In a time when so many Americans teeter on the edge of financial collapse and cling to the hope brought on by Trump’s supposed “Golden Age,” two senators from opposite sides of the aisle—Hawley and Sanders—have decided to take a rare stand together. Their proposed legislation seeks to cap credit card interest rates at 10 percent. Predictably, the usual suspects in the financial establishment are clutching their pearls, warning of economic disaster if the American people are offered even the smallest relief from the crushing weight of usury.

Which tells you everything you need to know.

Also telling and perhaps even predictable? How these legislative moves often rise with fanfare and die with a whimper, accomplishing nothing. This isn’t about celebrating Hawley and Sanders—it’s about instruction. We’ve seen how information, when wielded correctly, can create a movement. A mandate. A power projection. And if we’ve learned anything from recent years, it’s that the narrative war is real—and winning it matters.

Trump won the narrative war long before November 5, 2024, just as he’s winning it now concerning Russia and Ukraine.

The predatory nature of modern banking is hardly a new phenomenon, but it has metastasized into something truly monstrous. Once upon a time, the very concept of usury—lending money at excessive interest—was recognized as morally bankrupt, condemned by religious and philosophical traditions across the world, including–for all its human faults most often introduced by the same globalist infiltrator villains posing as friends inside the US government–my beloved apostolic Catholic Church.

But today?

It’s the foundation of the entire financial system. And “system” is the key word. There is a very specific enemy, a phantom one, that runs all of this.

Here is Trump on the issue, discussing Andrew Jackson:

Pope Benedict XIV would agree. See his 1745 papal encyclical, Vix Pervenit, where he denounced usury in no uncertain terms, calling it a dishonest profit extracted from the suffering of others, a stance that seems to be consistent through Church history until the 1960s (and the decades leading up to them). What would he say if he could see the modern banking cartel, where interest rates skyrocket overnight, trapping millions in perpetual debt? Where the Federal Reserve manufactures money out of thin air, devaluing every dollar in your wallet while enriching the elites who own the system?

It is those elites who are very consistent in their nature. Christ warned about this. God warned about this in Genesis.

This isn’t capitalism as American patriots would have it. It’s a financial stranglehold disguised as an economic model. It’s a slave system.

And it’s long past time for it to be shattered.

One Deeper Root Issue

But let’s take a step back, because the corruption goes even deeper than financial exploitation. We don’t just live in an age of usury; we live in an age of systemic dishonesty. Bishop Strickland recently called this out in a discussion on the Eighth Commandment, exposing how the ruling class operates on a foundation of lies. Lies about money, lies about morality, lies about freedom itself.

This is why I don’t fully trust any of them, not even Trump. What if they’re all puppets of that same ruling class system, and God, like the jealous lover in Scripture’s Song of Songs, is calling us back to him in full?

The crisis of truth isn’t some abstract philosophical debate—it’s directly tied to the way we are ruled. When banks lie about the true cost of debt, when the government lies about inflation, when corporate media lies about who really benefits from the system, we end up exactly where we are now: enslaved by an illusion.

And let’s be very clear—this is enslavement.

We don’t see it that way because they allow us juuuust enough little freedoms here and there to maintain the illusion. Like the Israelites murmuring in the desert, longing for the comfort of their chains, many today defend the system that exploits them because they fear the uncertainty of freedom. But here’s the truth:

A nation buried in debt is a nation without sovereignty. A people drowning in interest payments are a people who will never be free. The United States has become the plaything of financial overlords who produce nothing of real value, yet profit endlessly from the suffering of the working and middle classes.

Some of us would have murmured just as the Israelites murmured.

And we would have missed out on the Promised Land because of it.

The question is, is the tide turning? Are more Americans joining the fight? It seems Ron Paul got a lot of things right. Here he is talking about gold holdings; take note of what he says about the 1930s and think about what was happening in America at that time, indeed, in Europe as well.

Ending the Fed

Enter Thomas Massie’s Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act, HR 1846. Unlike Hawley and Sanders’ more incremental reform, this bill goes for the throat. It seeks to dismantle the very institution responsible for America’s economic servitude: the Federal Reserve.

Of course, the establishment will do everything in its power to kill this bill in the crib, just like the one by Hawley and Sanders. The Fed is their golden goose, their source of infinite wealth and power. It allows them to print money at will, fund endless wars, and crush dissent by manipulating economic conditions. It is the backbone of the globalist project disseminated to you by government officials dressed in ties and dresses that could very well be a part of the scheme as well.

And that’s exactly why it must go. It all must go.

The Meeting at Jekyll Island (compare to a Google Search)

The end of the Fed would mark the beginning of a true economic revolution. No more fabricated boom-and-bust cycles engineered to benefit the few at the expense of the many. No more interest rate manipulation designed to pick winners and losers. No more central bank overlords dictating the fate of millions from their ivory towers.

Sound radical? So did the American Revolution.



The battle against usury, the fight for economic justice, and the war against financial tyranny are all interconnected, and though we have forgotten, so are religion and politics. Hawley and Sanders’ bill is a good start, and so is Massie’s, but they’re just that—a start. The real goal must be to end the systemic exploitation once and for all.

And that depends on us. That depends on the information war each one of us is embroiled in, an information war that should no longer be scoffed at as less important after what just happened with Trump over the last several years.

The People didn’t elect him to victory, they willed him to it.

One next battle won would be the elimination of the Federal Reserve. It would mean breaking the power of the banking cartel. It would mean restoring an economic system based on reality, not endless debt and deception.

And let’s not forget the deeper spiritual reality at play here. Christ Himself overturned the tables of the money changers, driving them from the Temple with a whip. That wasn’t just an economic statement—it was a declaration of war against a corrupt system that enslaved His people.

This all has to do with exactly that–enslavement–and by extension a form of forced idolatry that has us chasing the next dollar just to make ends meet, just to keep the breadcrumbs coming, just to keep our focus off of God Almighty long enough every day and every week to unwittingly make for ourselves our very own golden calf while also thinking that Egypt is all the life we want or need.

The powers that be will resist because they are the ones behind the distractions away from him. They are his infernal enemy. They will tell us it’s impossible, that any disruption to the status quo will bring ruin. They’ll use their media lapdogs to paint reformers as extremists, as threats to stability. But the truth is, there is no stability in this system—only a slow, controlled collapse that enriches the few while destroying the many.

We can either accept perpetual debt slavery, where the banks own our labor and the Fed controls our future, including our eternal one. Or we can stand up, reject the lies, and reclaim our sovereignty—not just economically, but spiritually as well.

May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well after all, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.

Jeff LeJeune is the author of several books, writer for RVIVR and The Hayride, editor, master of English and avid historian, teacher and tutor, podcaster, and creator of LeJeune Said. Visit his website at, where you can find a conglomerate of content.