Monday, March 03, 2025

Negotiations, New Deals, Social Re-Constructs

Have you thought about how quickly things that took years to build can be destroyed? Have you considered that both sides rarely win in negotiations, and it is much more likely that one party will lose, or neither will win? Can you grasp the concept that reality is based on perception? If deviant forces alter your perception, then actual reality can escape you.

There is a growing belief that the United States is nearing the end of its status as the world’s preeminent power. This outcome doesnโ€™t have to be inevitable; itโ€™s largely self-induced, much like the decline of many historical empires. We exist in a time of self-indulgence and delusion, where leaders and public figures resist acknowledging normalcy. In doing so, they perpetuate lies that ignore nature, biology, and basic common sense to pursue a misguided agenda that lacks any chance of success.

Friday, President Donald Trump drew a necessary line in the sand. His critics, and there are many, would love their clones to believe that he never does anything right. They will look at Fridayโ€™s meeting with Vladimir Zelensky and see it as him unfairly lashing out against the president of a country that is a victim of big bad Russia, but nothing could be further from the truth.

The left has developed a fondness for Zelensky because they see him as relatable. Like many leftist politicians in America, he is a master of switching between aggressor and victim. He used this war to enrich himself, and the Biden administration โ€œfundedโ€ the chaos for him, benefiting themselves along the way. Zelensky received billions of dollars without accountability and now claims he never received half of the funds. This is very convenient, very suspicious, and very wrong.

When Trump entered this muddled and financially salacious picture, he recognized the futility of the situation that the Biden administration continued to perpetuate. Ukraine was never going to win this war, and all the decision makers involved know it. Trump, then proceeded to do the logical thing, stop the destruction and death in Ukraine by ending the war. He justifiably wanted Zelensky to acknowledge Americaโ€™s solidarity and reciprocate by allowing us to mine minerals crucial to our tech industry. However, the overindulged Zelensky wasnโ€™t ready for the money or the spotlight to end and he reacted then and continues to react like a spoiled child.

Shakespeare wrote, “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.โ€ In this act, Biden, Zelensky, and the radical left have chosen to play the fools, while Trump has chosen to play the adult.

The prevalent attitude surrounding the war in Ukraine is really a microcosm of the times. The radical left, of which Biden & his cronies were a part of, propagated the idea that the United States needed to blindly throw money at Ukraine with no accountability. No records, No foul.

Similarly, they have created the myth of climate change and demonized the use of fossil fuels, knowing fully well that maintaining its affordability is crucial to the countryโ€™s success.

They have turned our schools into indoctrination chambers for perverse ideology rather than houses of learning. Their madness includes the idea that a man can become a woman and vice versa, because they feel like it. That moronic theory allowed them to cross the ludicrous and dangerous line of allowing men to compete in womenโ€™s sports, denying the reality that men and women are different.

They destroyed our border security with full knowledge again of what they were doing. In truth, they instigated and then stood by and watched an invasion of our nation. Drug cartels operated freely, bringing poison in the form of fentanyl and other drugs into the country, and trafficked humans with impunity.

Speaking of committing crimes with no consequences, liberal judges have turned our judicial system into a joke. Slapping those who commit violent crimes on the wrist and in far too many cases releasing them almost immediately back into society. Unless of course itโ€™s a radical group like BLM. They are free to loot and burn businesses and homes without the fear of arrest.

While on the other hand, they have weaponized the DOJ and the FBI and used them against their political rivals, to alter elections, lie under oath, surveil and harass parents at school board meetings, doctor court documents, and protect insider friends.

They subversively undermined the military. Diverting money from necessary combat units and weapons to indoctrinate recruits with troublesome social and cultural agendas that do not enhance but weaken our national defenses.

This was the dysfunctional landscape that the radical Democrats created, and Trump inherited. All these issues can be fixed, but it will take a leader and an administration with common sense to do it.

Trumpโ€™s goal is to return normalcy to American society, To accomplish that he will first have to convince Americans that there is nothing wrong with being normal.  Standards and traditions are good things, as is respect for human life, law and order, and acknowledging that there is a reality that exists and in many cases cannot be altered or denied without consequences.

He must also work diligently to reduce the size of government, which has become an unrecognizable bloated machine of waste. Kept running by hard earned taxpayer dollars and overseen until now by swindlers and thieves.

In short, Trump and his administration must initiate an entire social reconstruction. Far too many believe what by now deep-seated lies about who they are as individuals and the country they live in. No one else had the nerve to undertake this, Trump did.

He will do things that some people will disagree with, but they must be done. Trump is not a dictator, nor does he want to be one. However, he is a realist and America cannot stay on the pathway to hell created by the left and survive.

He is the president of OUR country and those who have taken advantage of us in the past will now learn to respect us again. Those who have bitten the hand that fed them may soon learn the hand is no longer extended.