Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Re-Emerging Sick Trend Has Radicals Dressing To Match Their IQ

As sad as this is to say, a trend that is that is growing in popularity in the LGBTQ community isn’t new. It reared its bizarre head years ago, but as the depravity level seems to deepen daily with these people, it has circled back to relevance.

The old/new trend that I speak of is known as “Adult Baby Diaper Lovers” (ABDL). Back in 1995, a group of these lunatics calling themselves the “Diaper Pail Friends” grew to about 3000 members. The power of suggestion had a lot to do with it, because in the 1980’s some liberal psychologists raised the idea that adults may enjoy wearing diapers. Parents should take note of that, since many children today are buried under a barrage of LGBTQ garbage every day by liberal teachers and school boards that condone the grooming.

Most of us joke about having to wear diapers when we reach a certain age, but secretly, everyone prays that it won’t ever reach that point. A rational person would certainly never do it voluntarily.

Some have made the argument that it’s all about the convenience of just being able to relieve yourself whenever you want. Some just enjoy not having to control their bodily functions at all. While others describe it as a sensory experience, describing the qualities of diaper’s look and feel as comforting and reinforcing.

I have instructed my family that if I ever show up in a diaper and use any of those excuses, or for that matter, any excuse at all, I want them to get me to the nearest mental health clinic immediately. I feel secure that they won’t have to worry about that.

The disease that these people suffer from is called Paraphilic Infantilism/Adult Baby Syndrome. Someone with infantilism will dress and act like a baby, generally they are sexually aroused by doing so. Typically, they will wear diapers, drink from a baby bottle, suck on a pacifier, crawl like a baby, eat baby food and play with baby toys.

Like transgenderism, those that suffer from this mental illness will not acknowledge that it is a sickness. They delude themselves into believing that it is a lifestyle choice. Naturally, those around them that condone this abhorrent behavior, cheer them on and encourage their sickness instead of trying to get them the help they need.

Recently, there were two examples of this exploitation. A social media post showing three “adult babies” sucking on pacifiers at the Paris Pride Parade went viral. Then last month at the Minneapolis Twin Cities Pride Festival, Minesota Adult Diaper Enthusiasts (MADE) acted as one of the vendors. Their presence was documented on MADE’s online event page.

On their website, GenSpect describes their mission as:

“Genspect is an international, non-partisan, interdisciplinary professional and educational organization devoted to advancing a healthy approach to sex and gender. Our team and members strive to promote high-quality, evidence-based care for gender-nonconforming individuals all around the world.”

“We are a non-profit organization, funded primarily through donations from our supporters and from profit-making enterprises.”

In an interview with Daily Caller, Joseph Burgo, GenSpect’s vice director said:

“I think that many people (let’s be honest – they’re all men) with paraphilias have attached themselves to the LGB community to take advantage of the goodwill gays and lesbians have enjoyed in recent years. They’re piggy backing on the gains gays and lesbians have made in social acceptance and trying to exploit them for their own benefit.”

Of course their taking advantage. This community of misfits takes advantage of every opportunity that society will tolerate. The question is, when will the tolerance end and when will the march back to normalcy begin?

In 2015 the case of Paul Wolscht drew international attention. Wolscht was married for twenty-three years and fathered seven children. Growing tired of his life, he left his wife and family and in his imaginary world, “transitioned” to being a female.

Wolscht was the subject of a video series called “The Transition Project.” A documentary that profiled transgenders in Canada.

In an interview with Daily Xtra, he had this to say:

“I can’t deny I was married. I can’t deny I have children, but I don’t want to be an adult right now.”

“I have a mommy and daddy, an adopted mommy and daddy, who are totally comfortable with me being a little girl.”

He went on to say that he does kid stuff with his new family, which includes his new seven-year-old sister.

So, grown adults wearing diapers, putting on bibs and drinking from baby bottles, essentially denying the reality that they are adults. Hey, why not. The left expects you to accept that men can become women and vice versa, so this is the next illogical step toward total madness. Brace yourself America, how long can it take until Gerbers is selling Bud Light flavored tapioca at Target.

Nothing to see here folks. At least the pacifiers may shut them up for a while.