Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Christianity in the News: February 2024

Hello all, I hope that February was a solid month for everyone.

It’s been a few months since we’ve done another post in the “Christianity in the News” series here on RVIVR. So, I thought it would be fitting to dedicate today’s post to some of the top news headlines last-month related to Christianity.

Without further ado, let’s dive right into the news.

1 Politico reporter smears Conservatives Christians as “Christian Nationalists”

This past month, a Politico reporter went viral for an uninformed diatribe against Christians and America’s Founding.

In her rant, this “journalist” said that Christian nationalists believe that human rights come from God. By her definition, every single one of America’s Founding Fathers and most American Christians would be considered “Christian Nationalists”.

The Declaration of Independence itself directly states that our rights come from God, not from man:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness …”

Here is a video clip of the Politico reporter’s segment on MSNBC:

The American Regime’s foot-soldiers in the media, Corporate America, and the Deep State will mercilessly smear traditional Christians for their beliefs. We cannot hide from speaking the truth in this dark time.

Our rights do indeed come from God, not man. If that makes belief makes me a Christian nationalist in modern America, then so be it.

2. UK Pro-life college group harassed at campus event

In late February, British college students hosted a pro-life event on their college campus. As they left the event, these pro-life college students were harassed by a petulant mob outside of the event’s venue. Over 200 people protestors showed up to spew verbal abuse towards these brave pro-lifers.

The tweet below provides video footage of the insults and pure hatred coming from the mob:

Being a vocal Christian/pro-life student on a modern college campus is no easy task. So, these brave pro-life students respect and admiration for their courageous stand for the unborn!

3. Attacks against American Christian Churches on the RISE

The pro-Christian think-thank Family Research Council (FRC) released a staggering report on its website last month. The FRC released its findings related to the significant increase in attacks against Christian Churches in America over the past 4 years.

Per the FRC’s report, over 400 acts of hostility were reported against American Christian Churches in 2023. Hostile acts against US Christian Churches roughly doubled year-over-year between 2022 and 2023.

Sadly, Canadian Christian Churches have also seen a rise in arson attacks in recent years as well. But, the mainstream “Fake News” media won’t cover these stories because our Regime despises bold, Traditional Christians.

18ย โ€œIf the world hates you,ย keep in mind that it hated me first.ย 19ย If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen youย out of the world. That is why the world hates you.ย 20ย Remember what I told you: โ€˜A servant is not greater than his master.โ€™[b]ย If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also.ย If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. ” -John 15:18-20

Anyways, thank you all for reading today’s post, and may Christ Bless you all today!