Biden’s All-Time Low Poll Numbers Still Too High
I tend to look at polls inversely. For instance, Joe Biden’s approval numbers reached another all-time low. After 13 quarters as president, Biden’s approvals have plummeted even further. According to a recent Gallup poll, Biden’s approval rating has reached a 70-year low of 38.7 percent. No other president has reached that level, from President Eisenhower forward.
Now, some people who have seen through the Biden mirage and understand who he is and what he stands for may rejoice that his numbers have fallen again. I look at it another way. I see that 38.7 percent of the people still approve of his lying and deceptive ways and I am stunned.
Come on America, we are better than this. How can this many people still believe in this corrupt, narcissistic shell of a human being? Biden has made himself and his entire crooked family wealthy by living off of the American taxpayers for his entire career. The fact that his approval rating isn’t in the single digits isn’t a testimony to what he has done. It is an abysmal commentary on hardline party politics taking precedence over common sense and honesty.
Amazingly, even Jimmy Carter, who wore the crown of the clown prince of presidents until Obama, had a 47.7 percent approval rating. Obama pulled down 45.9 percent, and even Trump, with the entire mainstream media putting him on trial daily, garnered a 46.8 percent rating. The contrast with Biden’s 38.7 percent is stark.
According to Gallup, President Biden’s approval rating dropped below 50 percent after only two quarters and has mostly remained around 40 percent. The poll also reveals that only 2 percent of Republicans approve of his performance, while only 33 percent of independents think he’s doing a good job. Again, the fact that one-third of independents approve of his mishandling of everything is appalling.
Regarding the poll, Gallup wrote:
“In this election year, when Biden is hoping U.S. voters reward him with a second term, he is needing some positive momentum to put him in a stronger position to be reelected. However, that didn’t occur during the past three months, with Americans no more positive about how Biden is doing his job than they were in his prior quarter, or for most of the past three years. With about six months remaining before Election Day, Biden stands in a weaker position than any prior incumbent, and thus faces a taller task than they did in getting re-elected.”
Pew research validated the Gallup poll with its own results. In their research, only 19 percent of respondents said they strongly approved of Biden, as opposed to 45 percent who strongly disapproved. Overall, 62 percent of respondents disapproved of Biden, with only 35 percent approving of his actions. The survey did not provide a margin of error.
The lack of approval has given former President Donald Trump an opportunity. According to Newsweek, citing data from FiveThirtyEight and RealClearPolitics, current polling results indicate that Trump is leading Biden in seven swing states that are considered crucial for winning the presidential election. These seven swing states are Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
No one can deny that Trump has rough edges, but his love of country cannot be questioned and is displayed in his actions. Biden has purposely made decisions that have punished our country. From the lack of protection of our borders to his non-existent foreign policy to his sinister dealings and his protection of his worthless son, he has firmly established himself as the worst president ever.
Biden’s approval rating, though low, doesn’t truly reflect the disgust that America feels for his lack of effort in everything concerning our nation. If lying, taking time off, and eating ice cream were enviable talents, he may crack 40 percent.
They’re not, and it’s time for America to be truthful when asked. Joe Biden is a cross that the country has borne since January 2020, and it’s past time to move on. November can’t come early enough.