Thursday, October 17, 2024

Adventures in Clown World: April 2024

We’re already a third of the way through 2024, and there have been plenty of memorable “Clown World” moments so far. From constant airplane malfunctions to illegal aliens complaining about subpar government services, it’s hard to keep track of all the ridiculous news stories that we all hear about in modern America. Fortunately, the “Adventures in Clown World” series is here to remind us about some of the most notable “clown world” stories from each month.

So, let’s sit back and laugh at some of the more absurd stories from our continued adventures in “Clown World”.

#1 California’s Economic Meltdown over $20/hr Minimum Wage

The state of California is looking more like a third-world country every passing day. The California state government added more fuel to the state’s economic woes by mandating a $20 minimum wage for fast food workers on April 1st. Over the past few weeks, California restaurants have compensated for this massive spike in salary costs by significantly raising their menu prices, cutting employee hours back, or even closing down permanently. Things aren’t looking too hot for the restaurant industry in California.

Basic economics still matter whether politicians like it or not. Raising the minimum wage hurts low-skilled workers and does not improve the real wages or productivity of American workers. Californians are suffering under the poor economic policies coming from their state government, but the people of California are getting what they voted for.

#2 Arizona AG kickstarts political witch-hunt of Arizona’s 2020 “alternate elector” slate

Arizona’s Attorney General Kris Mayes announced her decision to politically persecute Trump supporters who questioned the results of the 2020 presidential election. The other week, an Arizona state grand jury decided to indict an “alternate slate” of Republican electors from Arizona. Back in 2020, Arizona Republicans organized a slate of electors In the event that election fraud invalidated the “results” of the 2020 presidential election.

If you listen to AG Mayes’s announcement, you’ll probably find some highly ominous, “Orwellian”-esque undertones. Here’s a quote from AG Mayes: “But as Iโ€™ve stated before, and weโ€™ll say here again, today, I will not allow American democracy to be undermined.โ€

AG Mayes reminds us that it is now a crime to questions election results in the state of Arizona. Don’t forget that Mayes won her election for AG by roughly 500 votes out of over 2.5 million votes cast in the Arizona AG election in 2020.

Let’s hope that Arizona does not move toward a “banana republic”-status with the 2024 presidential election rapidly approaching.

#3 Sleepy Joe’s attempt to BAN Tik Tok

With everything going wrong in America, the US Congress and Joe Biden still find ways to keep putting the American people last. Roughly a week ago, Joe Biden signed legislation that would ban the popular social media app Tik Tok. The Federal Government will force the Chinese parent company of Tik Tok (ByteDance) to sell to an American company within the next year or face a permanent ban on the American app store.

Of course, the US Federal government will never look to regulate the American Big Tech companies–which pose a larger threat to the rights of American citizens. After all, American “Big Tech” companies–not Tik Tok–were revealed to have colluded with the US Federal Government to censor American citizens.

Now, there’s a good chance that the American Supreme Court will disallow the Tik Tok ban. So, we might not see a Tik Tok ban ever go through. Nevertheless, banning Tik Tok does nothing to promote the free speech rights of the American people.