Friday, July 26, 2024
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Hate-Filled Congressman Wants to Censure Samuel Alito

U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN-09), who has, in the past, demonstrated he has a few loose screws, announced Thursday he will file a resolution to censure U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito.

Cohen always has a stick up his butt about something. What’s his problem this time?

In case you didn’t hear, after the events of January 6, someone photographed an upside-down American flag outside Samuel Alito’s home.  

Cohen, a senior member of the House Judiciary Committee, says flying the American flag upside-down is “a commonly understood symbol of the ‘Stop the Steal’ effort,” which, as Cohen puts it, “falsely claimed Donald Trump won the 2020 Election.” 

So now Cohen wants to censure freedom of speech? Even though he himself has said things far more inflammatory?

“This expression of political support for Donald Trump and opposition to Joe Biden publicly demonstrates Justice Alito’s political bias and constitutes a serious breach of judicial ethics,” Cohen said in a statement.

Samuel Alito, for his part, told The New York Times that his wife hung the flag upside down and that he “had no involvement whatsoever” with the incident. Samuel Alito also said the flag was only upside down briefly.  

Flying the U.S. Flag upside down is illegal, although the U.S. Flag Code permits it “as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.”

Cohen has no business judging anybody for speech he considers outrageous.

As RVIVR reported two years ago, Cohen has a flair for drama and hate speech as he tries to incite his liberal base.

Among only a few examples:

• Two years ago, Cohen suggested that states that want to enact pro-life policies are on the same level morally as states that legalized slavery more than 160 years ago.

• In 2021, Cohen suggested that most of the National Guardsmen deployed in Washington, D.C. for President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration could be a threat because they are White and male.

• In 2020, Cohen said African-American Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) “might as well be” white and ridiculed the death of former presidential candidate Herman Cain. 

• Also in 2020, Cohen endorsed a video of actor Robert De Niro bragging he wanted to punch former President Donald Trump in the face.

• In 2019, Cohen said the Electoral College was invented to harm black people.

• In 2018 Cohen compared U.S. Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) to Adam Sander’s socially inept Waterboy character.

• In a public speech, also in 2018, Cohen wished for Blackburn to jump off the Harahan Bridge, which overlooks the Mississippi River and connects Arkansas to Tennessee. 

• In 2018, Cohen disparaged the U.S. military when he publicly wished he could give disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok a Purple Heart.

• In 2014, Cohen tweeted that the Ebola virus would mutate into a Biblical-style plague that would devastate Tennessee — unless, of course, the Republican majority Tennessee General Assembly complied fully with Obamacare and expanded Medicaid in the Volunteer State.

• During the term of President Barack Obama, Cohen has said Tea Party supporters are no different than arsonists and compared Republicans to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels for opposing Obamacare.

Cohen’s district includes most of Memphis. He has represented that area since 2007.

Special thanks to Warhammer’s Wife proofreading this story before publication to make certain there were no misspellings, grammatical errors or other embarrassing mistakes and/or typosFollow Warhammer on Twitter @Real_Warhammer. Also follow Warhammer on TruthSocial at @Real_Warhammer