Monday, March 31, 2025

After the Trump Verdict, Democrats Are Frightened

Last weekend, a rather obnoxious liberal bragged to me that the jurors who convicted President Donald Trump were fair and impartial….but hours later I found out he secretly felt otherwise.

That same obnoxious liberal also told me he was confident that Joe Biden would coast to reelection….and, again, I found out he secretly felt otherwise.

For the purposes of this column, I will refer to this man, not by his actual name but by the nickname I have assigned him: Obnoxious Liberal. 

Leftists will never admit it publicly, but their lawfare against Trump backfired spectacularly, and now they are in a panic.

In case you don’t know, Trump, in the days following last week’s felony conviction, raised, depending upon the reports I’ve seen, somewhere between $80 million to $200 million. This morning I even saw reports that said the amount had increased to $300 million.  

This money came from a combination of wealthy and small-dollar donors. Many of the small-dollar donors had never donated to Trump previously.

So, here’s where I got into it with Obnoxious Liberal. This happened on Facebook. This is someone I’ve never actually met in person, but we grew up in the same town. We have quarreled over politics for well over a year.

I said 90 percent of Manhattan voters went for Biden in 2020 and almost always vote for liberal Democrats. Therefore it’s safe to conclude that 90 percent of the jurors in Trump’s trial didn’t vote for him and more than likely despise him and all other Republicans.

Obnoxious Leftist, however, insisted that the jurors were impartial. He said New York City’s political demographics matter little. But of course they matter. Imagine the tantrum that liberals would throw if Joe Biden or Barack Obama went on trial in the district of U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA-14). Leftists would, of course, howl about a biased jury and cry for a change in venue.

I told Obnoxious Liberal about Judge Juan Merchan’s conflict of interests. These conflicts are so blatant that, at the very least, the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct should investigate him. 

Merchan donated to Biden’s presidential campaign. Yes, it was $15, but the man could have donated less than a dollar and it still proves he holds a bias against Trump. The judge’s daughter fundraised off that trial, on behalf of liberal special interests.

Also, Merchan would not allow expert witnesses to testify on Trump’s behalf.

To that, Obnoxious Liberal had nothing to say.

A few hours later, someone directed me to another Facebook thread where Obnoxious Liberal shared his real feelings. He admitted he was shocked that the jury convicted Trump.

“It was truly an impartial jury and the system works…in which case praise Allah, Jesus, Ganesh, Buddah, or your chosen deity….or the prosecution got lucky and found a bunch of us libtards to sit on the jury,” the leftist said.

Wait a minute….didn’t the same leftist tell me that there was no way politics influenced the jurors?

The topic of this other thread, which consisted entirely of leftists, addressed the massive amount of cash that Trump has raised since Thursday. Many hoped that Trump and his campaign staff were lying. But why would Trump lie about something that is public record and easily provable?

Obnoxious Liberal, however, seemed resigned into believing that Trump was telling the truth.  

“I really can’t predict what this means for November,” Obnoxious Liberal said.

“I’m scared.”

Other liberals in the same thread were equally upset and bewildered as to how and why all of this backfired on them. 

On Thursday they celebrated. On Friday, they were griped with fear. 

Fear not. Trump has the momentum.

Trump is winning.

Special thanks to Warhammer’s Wife proofreading this story before publication to make certain there were no misspellings, grammatical errors or other embarrassing mistakes and/or typosFollow Warhammer on Twitter @Real_Warhammer