Wednesday, March 26, 2025

…So You Throw Some Things Out There on Bibi, Israel, and Trump…

I’d wanted to produce something on my thoughts on the Bibi Netanyahu speech to Congress and subsequent meeting with Trump last week, but because of other soul-shaping stories and just the sheer volume of what I’ve come across concerning Bibi and Trump–and by extension America and Israel’s place together on the world stage–I’d put it off to the point where Friday’s opening ceremonies became the final nail in the coffin. I’d decided even as I opened this empty white WordPress box that I’d only incorporate a touch of Bibi-Trump-Israel-America here and there to make a grander point about evil being the same evil everywhere you looked, with a letter filled with fire from Archbishop Viganรฒ as my ultimate drop.

Perhaps you’ll get that article tomorrow. Or perhaps there will be a Satanic moon landing where Trump’s body double is really assassinated this time by audio waves of Kamala’s hyenic cackle and we’ll have to cover that instead.

But in all seriousness, try to cut me some slack on this article today. Turns out what was supposed to be just a whisper here and there has blossomed into something much bigger. I’m delving into alternative questions on Netanyahu and Israel, ones I’ve actually broached several times in the past, and that type of speculation is not easy.

Today’s post is more as an investigator than an analyst, to toss images or information onto a messy table or attach them to a map with clothespins with an assortment of strings and pins crisscrossing, just letting what might be cognitively dissonant information wash over us at our own pace.

Remember, I understand cognitive dissonance well having gone through the 2002 Catholic priest revelations and even stupid things like finding out as a younger man that my favorite pro athletes cheated on their wives on road trips. This is difficult, and this is personal. So know that I am coming with this information as an ally, as a brother who understands, today.

I come at this humbly.

This is a war for our minds, my friends. It is a war for reality itself. Given the sheer number of appearances of the devil in just the year 2024, I would hope that readers have at least been convinced that almost anything is possible.

Evil Is Evil Is Evil–And Politics Is Politics

Look, I get it. I see it too. The Muslim terrorist thing. Here is just one of hundreds of articles I could post to completely wipe out the entire point of this very article I’m writing today–because yes, I believe all of that is evil.

But all of this has Saul Alinsky written all over it too. Or “Beautiful Chaos,” as I believe it is being called now. It’s all the same with these radicals.

I invite us to keep in mind that there are powerful and dark forces who are ready to pounce on any moment–on any crisis–to both foment division and psyop the American public into supporting another money-sucking foreign war–and ultimately establish even more the devil’s paradise on earth. They’ve done it before, and a great many conservatives have turned on the likes of Haley, Graham, Crenshaw, Bush, and Cheney precisely because we recognize the old guard for the warmongering politicians they are.

Let’s not forget that their ilk have duped us in the past. And the best way to do that is to convince people that tribe B is a threat to you, tribe A. And the best way to do that is through fear-based propaganda.

We saw it all, and largely agree with it in that context, with Covid-19 and the jab. A growing number of people are realizing it with Ukraine. Another growing number of people are starting to revisit history and realize, hey wait a minute, this has been going on for a long time. The pattern is the same every time.

We know the pattern. We are geniuses with it now.

For it is the nature of evil to pretend to be something good. Such is the nature of Lucifer, the angel of light, a seraphim once oh so close to God but who rebelled because of his pride. I once accidentally said in the classroom, in making the point that the devil’s greatest ruse on mankind is to make people think he doesn’t exist, that he will rarely come “pitchforked and horny.” In my effort to be “different” and avoid the cliche “pitchfork and horns,” I ended up giving a group of teenagers quite the laugh.

But it’s true nonetheless. Until recently, the devil has typically tried to hide, has typically not shown up, well, pitchforked and horny. Or, more accurately, sleeping, apathetic, entertainment- and pleasure-driven humanity hasn’t recognized him.

Some still don’t see him after Friday’s opening ceremonies.

All of this is why I believe we need to be careful casting our blind allegiance at Bibi Netanyahu and Israel, even though America and Israel are allies and yes a great number of Muslims would enjoy seeing Christians wiped off the face of the earth.

I know the following is from 1980, but still… It is difficult not to view everything raging on the world stage since September 2001–in addition to how compromised our politicians seem to be, in addition to how much so many of them seem to hate Trump (a connection I’ll make shortly)–through this lens.

Sorry for the language.

Consider how often our establishment media has worked to create a boogeyman inside the American court of opinion, and how often that boogeyman wasn’t actually what they were pointing at, but was actually staring them right in the face.

Consider Ukraine.

Look here, not there. We sniff it out in movies within the first twenty minutes.

I believe it would be prudent to do the same with all world affairs moving forward, especially considering the Trump assassination attempt just gave us a front row seat to everything some people have been saying for decades about the JFK assassination.

It was done by people we were supposed to be able to trust.

It is good to observe and form strong convictions, but it is also good to suspend alternative views on things to allow flexibility as more information becomes available; or, more importantly, as we grow in our realization that this is all the same evil force, the same evil kingdom, the same evil ONE wreaking havoc on our mental peace, our culture messaging, our confidence in worshipping the true God Almighty.

Psyops on populations worldwide are raging everywhere, and it would be prudent to allow ourselves to at least consider possibilities beyond the tribes.

Them and Us, You and You

It is one thing that dawned on me over the weekend–that there are scores of people out there who don’t make the connection between what occurred on Friday in the opening ceremonies with something, say, like the Trump assassination attempt, or the coup to remove one (p)residential candidate and replace him with another, or the complex psyop potentially being waged on well-meaning Americans between Israel and other Middle Eastern nations–which pulls in, to make the circle, the Trump assassination when the establishment media here at home began linking Iran with an assassination attempt.

And since Iran and Palestine are simply “the not Israel” in Americans’ minds, Americans who largely don’t know the difference, an ignorance the Netanyahus and American medias of the world can subtly prey on, it is easy to conflate the “Iranian plan to assassinate Trump” with anything related to the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Now throw in this letter from Mahmoud Abbas, President of the State of Palestine (someone Trump has spoken very highly of in relation to peace, if I’ve in fact seen all the info out there; has even called him a father figure), and Trump’s choice to wait several days to release it in conjunction with Netanyahu’s speech to Congress last week and the meeting at Mar-a-Lago between the two leaders on Friday.

When you throw in this timing of Trump’s post with his own addition, a seeming troll of Netanyahu and the notion of peace, and when you combine that with the fact that so many people who support Israel also support Trump, you already have a mix of stories that, seems to me, must at least warrant some healthy speculation.

Now throw in this video of Trump talking about Abbas and the Palestinians:

And this.

And this random thing you saw on UFC fighter Jake Shields saying during his visit to Israel, they tried to blackmail him, and he brings up US politicians going over there on trips:

And there’s more.

Back to Trump and Bibi.

You throw in this towel, which shows exactly how Trump felt about Netanyahu’s recognition of Biden as President when he knew full well the election was stolen.

Now you throw in the fact that Christians, as usual in any and all wars, are being slaughtered, and no one–not even Christians–seems to care, except maybe a growing number of Israelis who don’t like Netanyahu in the least and the ICC putting him on alert for war crimes.

The disturbing reality of how Christians are treated in the Holy Land

How conservatives adopted the term โ€˜Judeo-Christianโ€™ to justify the Zionist agenda

โ€˜Hell on Earthโ€™: Inside the overlooked plight of Christians in Gaza

Former General Mark Milley in Bizarre Defense of Israel: โ€œWe slaughtered people in massive numbers.โ€

Gaza deaths: Who cares?

Why does the Christian West ignore Palestinian Christiansโ€™ plight?

But Bibi said this:


Then you throw in this video (InfoWars, granted, but give it a chance) and you see potential links to JFK and 9/11 that look eerily similar to other stories on which you’ve written.


Then you remember seeing this 60 Minutes clip with Mike Wallace from a loooong time ago, and you remember all the work you do on Mockingbird media and government and some of the work you’ve done on suggesting exactly what the Shah says here:

Then you throw this (yikes!) into the realm of possibility, along with the term “Frankism” and Jacob Frank you were recently reminded of, along with the fact that all of this involves historically the Russian-Ukrainian conflict too, and what you have is a whole bunch of questions coalescing into one big messy ball.

Then you forget to mention the reminder that the very same government-media apparatus who would support the “Muslim tribe” against anything Christian, the one none of us trust, has informed us that we are not to question anything Israel in the least.

Or just this morning when you saw that Turkey is threatening Israel and Israel is threatening back and one attack on a NATO member is an attack on them all and the US is a part of NATO and and and….

You start to not even want to write this article because it’s all too much.

But you continue. You throw in Trump’s icy relationship with Netanyahu and the latter’s bullish, fear-based scolding of America and insistence on taking our money last week–not to mention all the work you’ve put out there in the last several months raising questions about information concerning Israel and America’s relationship, not to mention the letter Trump received above, not to mention Trump’s quintessential trolling of Netanyahu with said letter above, not to mention indications that perhaps “Palestinian” riots are being infiltrated and run by Israeli agents themselves (much like we all understand Antifa and BLM to do)–and one, including yourself, can start to question any and all reality.

Then you realize how long and confusing that sentence might have been and hope your reader can forgive you and see in it a reflection of exactly what confusion and complexity you are trying to express in the first place.

And there are other things you could throw in but the word count is getting out of control already. This was supposed to be about Viganรฒ and the Olympics!

There is so much about America’s greatest ally that relates to politics, history, and religion. You know you are in the minority when you say it–you don’t trust Netanyahu one bit. But then again, you tend to lean toward recognizing narcissistic tendencies in people, which is probably why you support Trump but are so quick to say ‘hey let’s not get crazy and worship the guy.’

So you know you could be wrong on Netanyahu. Still, you invite your readers not to throw in the towel on the possibility of something much more complex and evil going on besides just tribe A and tribe B, the binary trap, just as you’ve been writing about for so long and for so many articles.

For instance, it may surprise some of your readers that some leaders in the Muslim world have condemned the opening ceremonies on behalf of Christians, something you haven’t seen some of your friends do. It may also be surprising that Muslims hold Christ in a much, much higher place in their religion than some others, one of which–if your information is correct–has him in their own mode of scripture burning for eternity in his own excrement.

That doesn’t match the tribe A vs tribe B cognitive framework.

You really want to write an entire book on all of this but alas you have to finish the article.

Ultimately, your reason in trying to expose evil–wherever it might be–is because your king is Christ. And you know that there are both “enemies” and “friends” out there who do not recognize Jesus as Messiah or King one bit.

You ask your readers not to ignore all of this, even to the people in your circle, some of which are writer friends, who really like Netanyahu, who support Israel because they recognize the threat from the “Muslim world,” you’ll call it. So you come at this from the low ground and humbly, and perhaps why you’ve only skirted the edges of it and dumped a whole lot of material instead of offering more commentary as you have in other articles.

You realize you switched strangely to the second person you somewhere in there because sometimes you really do feel like an outsider observing yourself with all of this.

There are times you don’t know what to believe and you just want to go fry some bacon.

You make the guess that the ultimate point you’re trying to get more people to think about is that Evil is a being, an entity. Despite what Enlightenment, “scientific,” twentieth century psychological misdirection would have us all believe, the spiritual realm of good and evil is raging a thumbnail away beyond a veil all around us we cannot see.

And as we know because of the movies and because of experience both, the enemy is often sleeping right next to us.

At the very least you conclude by feeling lighter. All of those links above in the article–some to yours and some to others’-were tabs on your laptop, just screaming to surrender and go away. They’re finally getting their wish, but if your readers clicked on all of them and tried to sit with it all a bit, they may see very well the picture you are trying to paint, and why you are so leery of anyone who claims to be friend.

“It’s a trick….”

May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.