Sunday, February 23, 2025

After Last Night, Let’s Revisit Oprah and the Maui Fires–Oh, and cOnSpIrACy tHeOrIEs!!

Last year at this time I was still working to be instructional and patient when it came to the people’s understanding of government false flags and the fact that in nearly every such tragedy, there is a laundry list of anomalies that simply cannot be accounted for and, equally telling, that are scrubbed from the American public discourse by a coordinated effort by government, media, and the entertainment industry to shame anyone who dares question the narrative.

I was patient because we all learn of it at different points.

But man, if you don’t know some of this stuff going on that tip-toes just a tad bit beyond your decades-long, run-of-the-mill, reason-we’re-in-this-predicament-in-the-first-place binary hamster wheel of a political clown show you keep trusting on Fox News or CNN, I don’t know what to tell you. You can passive-aggressively laugh all you want, you can shame and call somebody a racist for calling out Obama all you want, but the joke’s on you. Sorry to say it, but dems is da facts, cher.

There’s a whole world people are waking up to, thank God. We actually now have a fighting chance.

I got called a conspiracy nut attached to MAGA yesterday for my Obama article. Show me you didn’t read the article and what I say about my perspective on Trump without actually saying you didn’t read the article. He may have gotten one of those right, but MAGA boy I am not.

This is why I write about the binary trap, the logical fallacy of false dichotomy, so much. People can’t read criticism and satire about Obama without automatically grouping the writer into a bike-riding, doo-rag wearing MAGA redneck.

It happened in my Olympics/Christ is King article. One of the comments under it on the Facebook post was, “Trump is too old.”

Didn’t mention Trump once, as I remember it. And he certainly was not even close to the point.


As I said yesterday, I’m not even really talking to the woke tards out there. I’m actually speaking to conservatives. Loosen up your possibilities a bit. You’re actually eating your own when you try to silence people who are fighting the same enemies you are fighting; they’re just doing it on a much deeper, more frightening level.

If people knew the real “conspiracy theories” out there that writers like me don’t even disseminate to the public, the Obama thing would be extra small ball potatoes.

You haven’t heard the first of Antarctica yet. I haven’t even gone down that rabbit hole much. Yikes.

Plus there are lots of things out there on John Legend and Chrissy Teigen, but I’m sure they’re not true either.


People who make comment on articles without reading the articles illustrate the lack of decorum and fundamental decency so many in this country exhibit. When I catch myself doing it I am mortified and instantly ask God’s forgiveness. People don’t understand the basics, and it’s disturbing.

Let’s try to be humble, conservatives. Yes, there are individuals on our side that actually know more than we do. And that’s okay! There are people that know more than I. That is a good thing.

All of that said, I have moved away from the patient approach to all of this for the most part, except when it comes to one topic. And that won’t be the topic I present today.

Well, it may be. But not directly.

Today, almost a year later, I present to you a little piece I put out on RVIVR last year that involved Oprah Winfrey, who of course spoke at the DNC last night. We’re not sure what happened to the 1980s Oprah who used to encourage one Donald Trump to run for President or the 1980s Oprah who used to expose ritualized, sexual occult practices (yes, those same ones some of you swear are just the theories of wingnuts), but the two Oprahs appear to be completely different species. Oprah is entrenched inside the Hollywood sect now, spouting the same talking points no matter the lack of truth or common decency.

I love looking at recent history and juxtaposing it with contemporary stories, as you may know. Here is a story on Oprah from last year, and what’s more, I invite you to apply everything you’ve learned about the comical and disturbing aftermath of the Trump assassination and apply it to Maui. There’s more than a good chance there was some serious foul play going on there. If you know, you know.

And if you don’t know, continue to allow your mind the chance to learn new things. It has been a freeing experience for me to actually learn what Jesus Christ meant in the Bible when he talked about the devil, the father of lies, the synagogue of Satan. Freeing, I tell you. But it took humility first. Allow yourself that gift, that blessing. There is a lot of truth out there waiting to be mined.

–because you most definitely don’t want all of these realities to hit you all at once one day when it comes out as a flood instead of a dribble.

MAUI: “Make Oprah Eat That Ten Million.”

(The TikTok video toward the bottom, which has been removed, was just of an everyday young lady “catching an attitude” with Oprah. I posted it because I thought it was funny, the way she called Oprah “boo.” It added nothing really to the article, except as a singular illustration of the fact that so many more Americans were waking up to the Mockingbird-complex of mind control).

Originally published on September 2, 2023…

There are ten million reasons to suspect foul play in Maui, it seems.

Americans across the country are giving their opinions on Oprah Winfrey and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s recent fund for the victims of the fires that have ravaged Maui.

And they aren’t as glowing as they once would have been.

“…and after all of that, you’ll have enough money to help the rest of us————–boo!”

It’s much funnier in the video, the second one I include here, and I invite you to watch to the end. It’s only a minute long.

The first video isn’t as comical but it certainly is more informative. “Make Oprah eat that ten million”–priceless.

I haven’t written an article on Maui with a firm argument, simply because I, like many others, have come simply to go with “government corruption” as my default reaction, as an absolute bottom-dwelling possibility not even taking into account the litany of viable conspiracy theories. For this tragedy, I don’t care to rabbit hole those conspiracy theories. Something–a lot–is amiss in Maui, and it is amiss because of the same nefarious players trying to destroy our lives in every other story popping up all over the planet. Whether it is a direct energy weapon (yikes!) or the more believable infrastructural neglect matters not in the least to me. It does me little good to dig for the absolute truth on Maui. I care about those who have died and who have lost everything because of evil, period. For that reason I have simply run a series of thought-jogging articles to fuel the conversation, more food for thought than anything.


Right on Cue, the Establishment Shows What Maui Was All About

Guess What Was Published August 10th–In The Middle of the Maui Fires…

Maui Bursting Goes Far Beyond What Mockingbird Will Tell You -Part I-

Maui Bursting Goes Far Beyond What Mockingbird Will Tell You -Part II-

This happened on August 14:

Then there was the beautifully passionate Hawaiian woman, nicknamed “Auntie,” whose video from August 22 went viral. She cut no words in her vitriol toward Oprah and others:

“Nobody called us! Our phones didn’t work from 5 in the morning. The fire was not until 10 o’clock when I went to work,” she stated, noting that there was no water for hours and no warning from the government.

The woman also doesn’t believe it’s a coincidence that the “satellite city” has been destroyed — possibly driving down the value for others to purchase the land.

“Everybody talking about the satellite city before the fire. Lahaina gonna be the first satellite city!” the resident says before taking aim at the two billionaires. “Well, hey, Jeff Bezos, you got what you wanted, Oprah, you got what you wanted … f—k us over!”

Clearly, Oprah and other elites are at the center of the most likely of conspiracies involving land grabs. Of course, she is also front and center in creating what many people believe is a façade of philanthropy:

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and Oprah Winfrey have created a fund to make direct payments to people in Hawaii who have been affected by Maui wildfires.

The People’s Fund of Maui aims to make monthly payments of $1,200 (£950) to the thousands of victims of the fires that swept the island this month.

The two celebrities donated $10m to kick off the fundraiser, and are asking for further donations from the public….

“Collaborating closely with an esteemed advisory board and support from the local community and respected elders, this new fund will serve as a bridge to provide cash directly to the families and individuals affected so that they can personally determine how best to use the funds for themselves,” the fundraiser said.

“People being able to have their own agency, being able to make decisions for themselves about what they need and what their family needs–that’s our goal,” Winfrey said in a video with The Rock that was posted on Instagram.

“Even in the most difficult of times, the people of Maui come together, and we rise–that’s what makes us stronger,” The Rock said.

“We are beyond grateful to be working alongside esteemed community leaders of Maui to launch the People’s Fund of Maui. These leaders are offering their guidance to ensure our fund can put money directly in the hands of those individuals most affected.”

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has offered an initial payment of $700 for immediate needs, but many have said the money does little to help with long-term recovery.

Winfrey is a part-time resident of Maui and The Rock lived in Hawaii as a child and is partly of Samoan descent.

So admirable. So sweet, boo.

It’s all a hot mess. Americans aren’t buying it anymore. With anything and everything that has happened since 2020, including the mass awakening taking place concerning those pesky little things like Epstein Island, politicians, and celebrities–in particular the continued cover-up of it all and absence of a certain client list–people simply aren’t going to open up their wallets and trust these “idols” with their money anymore. Among other tragedies that continue to make Americans wonder, Haiti 2010 comes to mind.

Where are all those children, Oprah?

And for that matter, where are the thousands still missing in Maui and not being reported in the official numbers by the mainstream media?

I really hope the rumors are true that the sequel to Sound of Freedom will involve those missing children from Haiti.

But back to the current story, the latest effort at a dent in the enemy’s armor. Here are two of the many, many Americans who get it. I understand the comments are pretty damning of the celebs as well——–boo!

“Make Oprah eat that ten million.”


“Please don’t tell me I just saw a billionaire standing next to a millionaire begging the average, everyday citizen for donations that barely able to get by due to a recession in a country where Biden is giving away all our resources.”

Yep, my fellow American, you are right. Multiplied by ten million. It takes a lot of nerve. These people are sick.

May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.