Saturday, February 22, 2025

The Name Kennedy Is, Was, and Is One Crucial Piece to this War for Reality

(Originally posted Friday morning on The Hayride)…

I don’t agree with a ton of positions RFK, Jr holds.

And yet I have long recognized him as a likely ally.

Because I believe that while you could easily go back further in history, and I have in small hints, ultimately, it is the opinion of many that the lynchpin moment for this country was when President John F Kennedy–nemesis of the secret societies, war complex, and banking institutions that really run the country–was killed on live television on November 22, 1963 and the government did nothing about the numerous anomalies and questions surrounding it.

For what is 60 years now.

Then the same thing happened to his brother. The name ‘Kennedy’ is as American as the colors of that flag.

When we attach ourselves to personalities, such as what CIA-Mockingbird has brainwashed us into over the decades with a lust for the social media, Hollywood, entertainment culture, we miss some prime opportunities to see the intelligent design playing out on the geopolitical stage as we speak.

My advice is to not get caught up in the fact that RFK, Jr is a Democrat. The new Democrat has been on full display this past week, the very ones who ousted RFK, Jr from contention in the race.

Among other likely reasons, he’s a truth teller. At least on some crucial topics in terms of correcting the decades long mind control we’ve been under from American intelligence operations.

I’ve talked about Operation Mockingbird or at least used the term in nearly every one of my articles. I haven’t mentioned something called MK Ultra a single time, I don’t believe.

But he does, and it’s really something we should know about.

It is largely our own fault that we are in the predicament we’re in. I’ve often talked about my culpability in the insidious moral takeover of America. And because we are so down in the count, we cannot fight back as we might want to, and ultimately will be able to, once we gain a little more ground in this war for reality itself. But right now, we don’t have the high ground.

It is why we must support a “side” like Trump when he really isn’t the ultimate answer either.

That is why I recognize that, while politicians’ positions on things like abortion and the killing of innocents in Israel and Gaza is despicable, they sometimes have to say certain things to get elected by a people who comprise the above mentioned folks at fault.

Not everyone, not even by a long shot, is awake to even the smallest of conspiracies that millions are waking up to.

This actually has made my faith in God balloon in recent months, because I see that he is actually giving people a chance we don’t deserve, a chance to see the evil for what it’s always been, and he’s going through the type of narrative and the type of actor we have sold our souls to in this entertainment culture in the first place.

I mean really, think about how awesome that is. He is meeting us where we are, just like Christ does in the Bible.

Now there should be the intended meaning of “He Gets Us.”

Intelligent Design

I’ve written on this quite a bit, especially since June when a cluster of JFK stories hit that were impossible to ignore.

I don’t know if it’s God or a super complex military psyop intended to counteract the MK Ultra, Mockingbird mind control unleashed on us for decades, but something is up. The narrative and the playing out of events is never this linear; it is playing out just like a movie or a novel.

There is intelligent plot design here like we’ve never seen.

Robert F Kennedy, Jr has been a crucial component of that story. He is highlighted in one of the above links. He is also highlighted here in relation to Operation Northwoods, the CIA, and who killed his uncle.

He’s also done it with Ukraine and Russia.

And reportedly now he will be dropping out of the race for the Presidency. It is a good guess he will join the Trump alliance. This, on the heels of his VP pick coming out just this week in support of Trump:

Do you see how these players are working to break the paradigm of R vs D? And not in a phony way, but in a way that will leak truth out to the American people.

And by sheer coincidence I’m sure, both DJT and RFK will just happen to be in Phoenix on Friday. Not only the same city, but a city whose name means “rebirth.” It’s a symbol that would have made some of my former students roll their eyes in class and ask me, “Yeah but did the author really mean to do that?”

It’ll be interesting to see if their paths cross.

Reality is stranger than fiction in recent times.

For in truth, a most literal kind, it is this rebirth that will inevitably be both the necessary cause and the miraculous result of the truth of the Kennedy assassinations finally being exposed. Americans must take ownership for reclaiming their true history and playing their integral role in dismantling the Luciferian Deep State cabal.

This cannot be just about Trump, because it is certain if you are a disciple of Christ that Trump is not the ultimate answer. Moses wasn’t allowed to take the Israelites into the Promised Land, remember.

God meets us where we are. He uses sinners to show the saints the way. No matter what, that is something every single one of us can benefit from this.

What a time to be alive.

RFK,  Jr has been instrumental in discussing topics in a way that benefits America but distances Trump from the haters. The above links are examples. The Ukraine-Russia media lie is an enormous one. So is election interference, which he brought up just Thursday. See, something like this, brought up by Trump, comes off to the haters as sour grapes, even though the evidence and common sense available to know that the 2020 election was stolen is embarrassingly abundant.

Plus Trump is able to talk about election interference without having the spotlight on the interference that screwed him.

And then you have RFK, Jr defending Trump concerning election interference in return.

Information warfare. Doesn’t matter how right you are. What matters is that the people change from it.

A Democrat criticizing a Democrat. Who knew?

Uncertainty and Patience Is Part of the Design

I am of the belief that RFK, Jr has been a part of that alliance all along. It doesn’t matter if he has been or hasn’t, of course, but looking at it this way allows us to escape the personality cult of this Democrat vs that Republican and not be able to wrap our heads around how Trump could possibly do this. It shows Americans that they are joining forces for the only war that matters.

I have discussed this operation, a long one relatively speaking, in relation to players like Elon Musk, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Ron DeSantis.

As I intimated by including two Ramaswamy articles there, this is difficult to follow and write on. But one has to stick with it. If it is necessary for us to escape the hamster wheel of the false dichotomy of R vs D–which I believe most everyone is finally aware of–we must take risks in appearing to promote people we might disagree with on many things.

RFK, Jr is one of these people for me.


We Will Have to Join Forces With People We Don’t Like to Save This Country

Of course I admit, I do not trust a single thing that comes out of most UniParty mouths, especially the Democrats, especially that parade they sent up there this week. But there are simply some people that seem to be playing more of a role, as a sounding board to Trump perhaps, when they disagree with him. Hard to put it into words, but it is a good guess that we are dealing with some high level psychological operations here. It seems manipulative, at it is, but it’s working. Look at the relationship Musk and Trump are supposedly “just recently” evolving to.

While all the evidence points to Musk being a part of this information dissemination operation all along, even back to their little “squabble” in the public square.

I’ve been sitting on several pieces for RFK, Jr, planning to release this very article. I’m glad I waited because Phoenix is the perfect place, time, and symbol for it. I’ve included several already, but peruse the following few more if you have time. There are even a few that RFK, Jr is indirectly affiliated with. The black X screenshots are linked to the X thread, if you’d like to click.

See what I mean when I say this war is not about personalities per se, but instead about exposing the enemy infiltrated within so that we can at least have a fighting chance on the other side of all of this.

May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well after all, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.

Jeff LeJeune is the author of several books, writer for RVIVR and The Hayride, editor, master of English and avid historian, teacher and tutor, podcaster, and creator of LeJeune Said. Visit his website at, where you can find a conglomerate of content.