Monday, March 31, 2025

“President Trump,” 9/11, and RFK Jr on the CIA War Machine and JFK’s Death

The article below was initially posted on October 15, 2023 on RVIVR, reposted today as an invitation to the reader to consider it alongside ever-emerging “alternate” evidence about the complete story behind the 9/11 tragedy.

Even Trump’s “mistake” last night, in saying the last “pandemic” like the 2020 one was in 1917 when it killed 100 million people, relates to this. Who was really behind the pandemic is the true pandemic, the true virus of humanity. And he was spotlighting the same for 1917. A lot happened in that year, and our government-run public school textbooks have lied about the root of the cause. They’ve only pulled from the low-hanging fruit and gone with words and labels that are technically correct, but don’t really answer the underlying question.

That’s how the enemy works. It hides behind other word- and label-fronts.

And if you say he just misspoke you haven’t been paying attention to how the man operates. He really does understand information war, the asymmetry of it, and the necessity to pull Americans (researchers) into the fold in order to get truth out. It is our freedom on the line after all, and we have to do something about it instead of just waiting on political saviors that cannot possibly do it by themselves. I have brought this concept to readers’ attention ad nauseum in my work, so this isn’t just some wild attempt to paint Trump as a winner when he wasn’t last night. One of the greatest tenants of the Art of War is to be strongest when you appear weakest. Trump, in my opinion, was doing that yet again last night.

As usual, that “1917” mistake was not a mistake at all; it was an invitation–that will absolutely work because it always does–for Americans to research and actually see all that happened in 1917 and who was actually behind it. He spoke in double-entendres concerning Covid and the “pandemic” or “virus” back in 2020, and it’s a good guess he was doing the same last night.

Here is just one outline of many online today, just to play with if you’d like:

I haven’t read all of this, but this series “Not Since 1917” might be fruitful for you too. Remember, always look to a variety of sources. I’m not advocating for the details of these items as much as I am trying to illustrate the breadth of information out there to study, which goes so well beyond our high school textbooks.

And it’s the same with Trump’s “Haitians eating dogs” thing. Yes, it’s cats and geese, but the “mistake” was intentional. Now a whole swath of Americans are going to check the “fact-checkers,” and the buried bodies of Haiti and the Clinton Foundation concerning that 2010 earthquake (money and the children) are going to start to surface in the information war. Haiti is a limited hangout, a follow-up to the Haitian story from months ago when they first started coming here.

Here is evidence that the point of some of this strange meandering on Trump’s part is to get people looking for themselves:

Also, did you take note that he was called “President Trump” all night and that the moderator, in his opening question to Harris, said that she and President Trump were elected four years ago? Could’ve been nothing…

Not to mention the fact that Harris herself resurrected old regime losses like Charlottesville and Dick Cheney that American researchers are going to have a field day with.

Look at the information. Look at how it was cast about last night. Think about what will happen now in the public discourse because of it.

The point is that everything that needed to be exposed to the American public last night was exposed. This is information war. No one is changing their minds based on a contrived and cringy debate anyway. The war is asymmetrical and, while it may take some time and digging on Americans’ part, particularly on Elon Musk’s X and Telegram, Trump won that debate last night.

Either despite or precisely because of his own cringiness. Would you prefer the eloquent speaking, master of locution Obama instead?

Look for all of that. Research all of that. Think about all of that. Pray about all of that.

Trump always wins after the fact, remember. Just look at the Hunter Biden laptop story, which of course wasn’t brought up last night in relation to election interference. He’s been right about damn near everything, and his ability to wait for those victories and not annihilate his opponent in the moment is admirable and impressive, especially when we watched him do it to the Jeb Bushes of the world in 2016. We know he’s capable of it. But while that splash approach worked in the initial stages of his 2016 campaign, in recent years he has usually followed the precepts of the Art of War, and another one to couple alongside the one above is “Never interrupt your enemy when (s)he is making a mistake.”

Do you think he titled his book The Art of the Deal on accident?

Before we get to the October article, I wanted to leave these few things with you as a microcosm of the evidence out there that was scrubbed after that fateful 9/11 day.

Trump’s Words About 9/11 Parallel This Chilling Interview on the Day of the Attack

9/11, And the 2001 Footage They Didn’t Want You to See Twice

9/11, And The Man Whose Prediction May Have Gotten Him Killed

Now here’s the article from October 15, 2023:

RFK Jr on the CIA War Machine and What Many Suspect About JFK’s Death

The topic of President John F Kennedy’s assassination in November 1963 would take a thousand articles to unpack–and that might be just the introduction. Many of us suspect that the truth about his death–not the official narrative released by the CIA–will shock Americans when it is finally released in the coming years. And I do believe the truth is coming. That may be fool’s hope, but I believe it’s coming.

At the very least, current Americans should consider everything Robert F Kennedy, Jr says about his assassinated uncle, Cuba, and a little something called Operation Northwoods, then seriously question whether or not the CIA couldn’t be up to something like it along with our ally Israel in the Middle East in 2023.

The CIA plays tricks on unsuspecting Americans for fun.

On more than one occasion, RFK, Jr has blamed the CIA for the assassination of his uncle. He has called on Joe Biden to follow through on the 1992 Assassination Records Act Biden himself voted for and release all the documents involved.

I have written a brief informative analysis on Operation Mockingbird, a CIA construct of the mid-twentieth century that saw our American media infiltrated by enemies out to control the thoughts of its consumers. They have pushed billions and billions of people towards a specific ideology, a poisonous worldview. Such a nefarious operation is a major dot that must be connected by a logical thinking populace. The CIA has been controlling what we think both over the airwaves and concerning the JFK assassination for decades.

Here is an excerpt from a highly informative piece about the CIA and Mockingbird from The Transnational, where we see one George H.W. Bush mentioned….

In 1975, the CIA admitted their manipulation of mainstream media in order to forge and redirect the opinions of American citizens. They admitted that information was distorted in order to fit specific agendas. Following a report published by the U.S. Congress in 1976: “The CIA currently maintains a network of several hundred foreign individuals around the world who provide intelligence for the CIA and at times attempt to influence opinion through the use of covert propaganda. These individuals provide the CIA with direct access to a large number of newspapers and periodicals, scores of press services and news agencies, radio and television stations, commercial book publishers, and other foreign media outlets.”

Although in 1975 George H.W. Bush publicly ended the CIA relations with the U.S. media, the CIA is still actively involved with foreign news organisations, which in turn, feed the United States media with information.

Bush established that ‘the CIA will not enter into any paid or contractual relationships with any full-time or part-time news correspondent accredited by any United States news service, newspaper, periodical, radio or television network or station’ (Slate 2018).

Although in 1976, Colby claimed that Central Intelligence had broken all relations and ties with journalists in 1973, this is hard to believe (Harrock 1976). Moreover, he also stated that he did not see any harm in purchasing information from ‘part-time correspondents who sell their information to news organisations in the country’ (Harrock 1976)….

In essence, mass media is able to implement manipulative strategies in order to alter ‘global perception’ about events, people, and situations (Washington 2017; citing Davis 2008). Certainly, it would be naive to believe that the government has stopped paying journalists ‘to spread disinformation’ (Washington 2017). The United States are often the first to spread information in order to serve their own objectives: as Washington (2017) points out, “the government plants disinformation in American media in order to mislead foreigners.”

I included the 2023 video above because I do not have the date on the following video. RFK, Jr has been hitting the target on many hot-button issues Americans are waking up to, including Covid and the “vaccine,” and this brief undated snippet is yet another.

Said RFK, Jr: “The purpose of the CIA was to create a constant pipeline of new wars…. JFK realized they had been lying to him, [and said] ‘I am going to take the CIA and shatter it into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.’”

It is one of the most famous lines spoken in the history of the US Presidency, which many may know already. What fewer may know is the story behind the Cuban invasion Kennedy refused to support. See Operation Northwoods, a plot to attack America itself from within and blame Cuba to trigger public supported war. Conspiracy theory, right? The American government would never do that to its people! And if they did people would know about it! Fox News would have told me!

Well, actually, no, they wouldn’t tell you the truth. The declassified documents were made available in 1998 for anyone who cared to see them. Mockingbird Google doesn’t even try to censor it because it knows hardly anyone cares–it’s quite literally the second link listed under the Wikipedia link for a simple search of “Operation Northwoods.” The truth is hiding in plain sight for anyone to see. Too bad the public high school history textbook companies are in the Deep State’s pocket too.

Information war then. Information war now. Is Israel-Hamas simply a rinse and repeat job? We must continue to follow it.

May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well after all, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.

Jeff LeJeune is the author of several books, writer for RVIVR and The Hayride, editor, master of English and avid historian, teacher and tutor, podcaster, and creator of LeJeune Said. Visit his website at, where you can find a conglomerate of content.