Saturday, February 22, 2025

This Week’s DC Circus — Exactly How Narrative Warfare Is Won in Real Time

All of this is about us learning how to fight back, even if one day we have to take those lessons and fight against Trump’s vision itself.

I mean, that feature image can say one of only two things: 1) “We are totally screwing with all of you and we’re taking you and America down right before your eyes and you can’t do a single thing about it”; or 2) “We are totally screwing over the enemy within and we’re inviting you and America to party.”

If you’ve followed my work, I have slowly, perhaps hesitantly at times because it is so unbelievably satisfying and stimulating to follow, presented my belief in the latter.

What happened this week in Washington, DC is a continuation of that theory, and I try to say that in all humility. This isn’t about what I recognize or think I recognize; it’s about the story arc and how that story arc is impacting the behavior of the American people. We are watching the exposure of the illusion of legitimate process in all features of government. This exposure is, I believe, a feature of the story arc, not a glitch.

And yet that very feature is meant to do exactly what it is doing as if it were a glitch–it is pissing off all the right people.



The Biden thread gave me three great ideas for articles not that long ago. That was all about the Streisand Effect and drawing attention to where it needed to be. That is another example you can peruse to see how this narrative/story arc theory plays out.

Wednesday’s post on the assassination of Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, the head of Russiaโ€™s chemical and biological defense force, has everything to do with this theory as well. This story in itself relates to the dealings in DC this week, as Elon Musk was pointing out:

Obvious much? How many coincidences can there be before something is mathematically impossible?

Remove the fact that Neuralink concerns me as a potential weapon in itself for a moment. Do we see that Musk’s “bioweapons labs” post is exactly what the stuff of “conspiracy theory” was not that long ago–perhaps just yesterday, perhaps when at least one of you were laughing at my post on Wednesday?

The post that spotlighted the very Russian who was the whistleblower on US-funded biolabs in Ukraine being murdered?

What about the latest scuttlebutt of the bird flu going around, setting California into panic, even hitting right here at home in Louisiana?

How long can we laugh? How many articles laying this narrative warfare out will it take?

How long before we realize that Trump has no intention of fixing the current US government as it is? How long before we realize that a complete and total overhaul is necessary, was always the intention, not to mention the mandate from we ourselves the American people? What did we think that meant?

How long before we realize that for that to happen, the court of public opinion must shift beyond Malcolm Gladwell’s “tipping point”? How long before we realize that that opinion only tips if we the people actually go through the narrative, through the emotions, through the ups and downs, through the confusions, through the contradictions, through everything–to get off our butts ourselves and help Trump, Musk, RFK Jr, Gabbard, Ramaswamy, et al in saving this country from the enemy we’ve clamored for years needs annihilation?

How long, America?

This is actually fun if we allow it to be!

RELATED: Trump & Musk: A Dance That Goes Way Back

The Streisand Effect is alive and well, and it is clear to me that the current players are counting on it. All of this is happening to spur you and me on toward finding out the truth for ourselves, to expose the lizards at the bottom of the swamp now drained of its murky waters enough for us to see it. The massive fraud spending bills that used to go unnoticed by the people have been eviscerated by the power of social media–especially Musk’s X–by the power the American people are suddenly realizing en masse they’ve had all along.

Trump et al have been draining the swamp for almost a decade now–including from 2020-2024–and We the People have always been invited to the party.

All of this is also about the federalist vs. anti-federalist debate grafted into the very founding of this nation. So what if the illegitimate government elected through fake elections shuts down? Are you wondering why Trump seems to contradict himself (or lie to the American people!), or run as part of the government system while simultaneously redeeming himself when you see him taking a sledgehammer to it? It is because he is working inside the “legitimate system” and all its processes precisely so that the American people can recognize the illegitimacy of said system and finally come to fight against it ourselves. Think public mandate. Think court of public opinion. These are themes we/I have been presenting to you on The Hayride for months.

The circus this week was about US. The circus this week was about pissing off US. The circus this week was about reminding US of the voice this nation was built upon.

And not to stay mindlessly watching the circus but to revolt and throw rotten cabbages and tomatoes at the clowns.

Trump said as much back in 2017 at, think about it–the inauguration–when the military brass encircled him just as he was saying it….

โ€œToday’s ceremony, however, has very special meaning. Because today we are not merely transferring power from one Administration to another, or from one party to another โ€“ but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C. and giving it back to you, the American People.โ€ President Donald Trump, January 20, 2017

Trump has said it all along–this is about US.

Mike Johnson, He Who Represents…What Exactly?

Rep Mike Johnson is pissing off people too, including conservatives. But he’s also running circles around the Democrats, and guess what that is doing in the way of exposure?

Remember this article?

What about this one?

What about this picture from a little while back?

RELATED: Politics and Potential Theater in Republican Race

Look, I’ve written against Ukraine aid many times, and I’ve distrusted Johnson too, and such distrust has leaked out occasionally. But overall, I have refrained from attacking him because I have been recognizing some type of theater going on with him and Trump et al. They’re too close not to believe that Johnson is a part of this exposure process, whether that means he is an enemy controlled by Trump or an ally having to take some of the arrows in order for said exposure to be successful in waking up the American people. The following video was one of the biggest tells for me, because he used the term “wartime Speaker,” exactly how Trump once said he was a “wartime President.”

If I am going to point to Trump’s “wartime President” press conference to make certain arguments, how could I possibly ignore this?

I could be wrong, but I think Johnson is an ally, not despite the fact, but precisely because of the fact, that he often doesn’t seem like it. We are watching the systematic self-destruction of the old guard, and Johnson is one of the wheel-steerers, one of the cyphers who externally present as a typical suit-and-tie swamp creature but are actually working on our behalf.

Infiltration can work both ways. The Trojan Horse can be gifted to the enemy as well.

How Narrative Warfare Is Won in Real Time

I ask you to read the following softball toss from CNN, read it with the context of my theory in mind, and see it. The drama, the schism, the confusion, the contradictions, the strangeness–all of it–is staged. It is staged because people cannot be told how or what to change. They must be inspired through emotion, through pathos, to do so. Here is the CNN clip:

President-elect Donald Trump has long supported House Speaker Mike Johnson โ€” hosting him on election night, bringing him to the Army-Navy college football game last weekend and backing him privately despite conservative complaints about the Houseโ€™s actions.

Thatโ€™s why it stunned many Republicans when Elon Musk โ€” with Trumpโ€™s go-ahead โ€” helped tank Johnsonโ€™s short-term government funding deal Wednesday afternoon by unleashing a barrage of social media posts starting early in the morning and calling the deal โ€œcriminal.โ€

Trump followed up with threats to oppose any Republican who voted for it in a 2026 primary. And he injected another complication, calling for the debt ceiling โ€” a tool Republicans have used for years to pressure Democrats into spending cuts โ€” to be lifted or eliminated entirely before he takes office. With funding expiring at the end of the night on Friday, Trumpโ€™s last-minute demands pushed the government perilously close to a shutdown.

The broadsides from Mar-a-Lago left Republican lawmakers wondering โ€” given how much the president-elect and the House speaker communicate โ€” why it took until the final moment for the dramatic schism between Trump and Johnson to burst into view, and for the deal to fall apart.

โ€œItโ€™s all very strange,โ€ one GOP lawmaker told CNN. โ€œThis was completely avoidable.โ€

Exactly. Exactly how it was intended to look. And the tricky thing is this: Recognizing the narrative as I’m presenting here cannot lead us back to our couches and saying, “Ok then, everything is fine, Trump will handle it.” No. The point in recognizing the narrative arc is not to induce even more apathy, but to incite a holy rage that will get us to seeking the truth in God and what Biblical evil has occupied this country for decades and decades and decades. It is the same Biblical enemy Jesus rails against throughout the New Testament, especially in St John’s Gospel Ch 8, the same enemy of God we see in the Old Testament, the same enemy Jesus warns about again in St John’s Apocalypse (Book of Revelation).

Recognizing the narrative, I’ve come to believe, is God’s gift to mankind at this point in human history, essentially what is the beginning of the third millennium after Christ. He, either through the Holy Ghost or through real-world actors or through a combination of the two, is giving us a chance to see it, to turn away from it, to seek HIM instead of worldly, Communist-induced pleasures and pursuits in this great rebuilding and resurrection of a nation long in desperate need.

Here is some more of that CNN passage:

By Thursday evening, Trump was backing Johnson again as he tried to advance a different plan that sought to appease the GOP standard bearerโ€™s demands. The 24-hour whiplash both underscored Johnsonโ€™s weakness and Muskโ€™s opening with Trump. The bill โ€” which would have extended government funding for three months, lifted the debt ceiling until 2027, extended the farm bill and included $110 billion for disaster relief โ€” failed, with 38 Republicans voting against it.

The chaotic series of events has left House leadership scrambling, and the episode has raised questions about how Republicans on Capitol Hill, with a narrow majority and competing factions, will function once Trump takes office.

And now Democrats, who helped Johnson save his job last spring, say they are through helping the Louisiana Republican manage his unruly conference.

Could this have worked out any better in terms of exposing the Democrats and anyone else in league?

What exactly is “SUCCESS” here, my friends? Have we not been saying that Trump’s words always have a secondary, more important, meaning? Has he not himself said he rambles on purpose sometimes, both in speech and in posts, calling them “weaves,” signaling to us that we have to read between the lines of what he is communicating? What would “success” mean in exposing and defeating Trump’s enemies, our enemies?

I could be wrong, of course. But following it this way sure does beat the hell out of moaning and complaining about everything. It makes politics, dare I say it, fun.

It has more importantly brought me closer to God.

The CR circus this week was part of the cycle, the narrative, to incite that holy rage in us to rebel-yell for change. It is an invitation to the party of all parties. It is a part of the Great Awakening that will see us, perhaps in spite of ourselves, take back the freedom those other parties stole from us long ago.

May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well after all, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.

Jeff LeJeune is the author of several books, writer for RVIVR and The Hayride, editor, master of English and avid historian, teacher and tutor, podcaster, and creator of LeJeune Said. Visit his website at, where you can find a conglomerate of content.