Despite Last Week, Mark Zuckerberg Still Can’t Be Trusted
Mark Zuckerberg appeared this past week on The Joe Rogan Experience and explained the real reasons why so many of us have been in and out of Facebook Jail the past several years.
Some of Zuckerberg’s words I accept as true, and some of them I don’t.
As Zuckerberg told Rogan, members of Joe Biden’s administration called Facebook employees and cursed and screamed at them and ordered them to remove any content that questioned the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine.
Zukerberg says he pushed back (at least he SAYS he pushed back).
Members of the Biden team, Zuckerberg said, retaliated and began investigating Zuckerberg’s companies.
There’s a lot to unwrap here.
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First of all, this is Biden (or his staff) abusing the powers of the Oval Office and, likely, the U.S. Department of Justice, to bully and intimidate a private entity because it wouldn’t censor the opinions, thoughts, and, very likely, research from law-abiding Americans.
This is grounds for impeachment, is it not?
So what if Biden is on his way out the door?
(Eight days and counting as of this writing, and, for many of us, it can’t come soon enough.)
The House of Representatives impeached Donald Trump twice…both times on frivolous charges. The second impeachment occurred while Trump was on his way out and didn’t conclude until after he left office.
I would say start impeachment proceedings against Biden immediately — and, yes, what he and his staff did is most definitely an impeachable offense — but the country has far far far too many problems to fix (all of which were of Biden’s own making).To impeach Biden now is to distract Congress from addressing those problems.
Secondly, Zuckerburg said last week that the “fact-checkers” he hired to police Facebook were too politically biased” (to the left, obviously). That was a stunning admission. Not stunning because we didn’t already know. We knew. But stunning because Zuckerburg himself admitted it, publicly.
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Now, if only we can get the presidents of NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, etc., to admit the same thing about all of their content then we’re well on the way to repairing this country.
Thirdly, I’m not quite sure that Zuckerberg is truthful when he says he was an unwilling participant when it came to censoring conservatives. This crap was going on well before Biden took office.
During Trump’s first term, on many occasions, I and many conservatives went straight to Facebook Jail for seven days or more for posting opinions or news that contradicted the official D.C. narrative, especially when it concerned Hunter Biden and his laptop.
One friend of mine posted a meme mocking the credibility of Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault….six months after her “story” was already old news. My friend lost his Facebook privileges for six months.
And this says nothing about all of the conservative news publications that Zuckerberg more or less deplatformed during Trump’s first term.
You’ll forgive me if I don’t quite accept that Zuckerberg was an innocent party when it came to muzzling the political right.
Fortunately, however, it seems as though he’s coming around.
Or am I just naïve?
Special thanks to Warhammer’s Wife proofreading this story before publication to make certain there were no misspellings, grammatical errors or other embarrassing mistakes and/or typos. Follow Warhammer on Twitter @Real_Warhammer