Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Trump, “Great Television,” Are Changing the Narrative on Russia-Ukraine

“Great television.”

“Good for the American people to see what’s going on.”

“That’s why I kept this going on for so long.”

–All Trump’s words toward the end of the comedy act meeting on Friday in the Oval Office. Sort of like the things he’s said about the entire Biden experience from 2021 to 2025.

Sometimes you have to show people the truth and not just tell them.

Trump and his sovereign movement have captured the hill of narrative war concerning Ukraine and Russia, drawing as stark a line of separation between friend and foe as we’ve seen yet, and he did so by disseminating the story for peace against its opposite force, war–which becomes more and more indefensible every day.

And yet our foes, longtime supposed friends as defined by the nefarious legacy media, are defending more and more of exactly that.

Do we see what I mean when I say “information war?” Trump understands it. It is a tenant of the Art of War–to win the battle without even fighting it.

He simply allowed Zelenskyy, who is more importantly a mere symbol of the ancient globalist regime in the mold of Biden, to hang him- and itself. One “Burning Bright” put it brilliantly, namely because he reminds us, as I try to do as well, that God is watching us, is watching all of this:

Trump isn’t so much exposing the globalist system via targeted disclosure, narrative blitzkrieg or even international political scandal, even if most in this community believe he probably has the fifth-generation ammunition to do exactly that. He is rather putting forth the story—the truth—that the globalists consider war to be a game, and a means to an end, while the human cost—no matter the nationality—is borne of Man, and witnessed by God.

It is in the very trivialization of this fact that is at once innate in the hearts and minds of the innocent as it is superfluous and unknowable—unthinkable, perhaps—wherein the collectivists have erred. In rendering the world as bleak and hopeless as they have tried to do, they have made such a rare thing as hope stand out that much more starkly against the drab grays and shocking reds of their doom machine.

It is that lesson in contrast I so often put forth in my own work and discussed so doggedly in the classroom. There is no greater way to understand “black” than to place it next to the starkest of “whites.”

The regime, the deep state this space has been referencing for so long, has lost control of the Ukraine narrative that could have been sniffed out when it began in February 2022–which means they have already lost the war. Defeat at the hands of a lost fake narrative has occurred in stages, in a series of limited hangouts waking up a new segment of Americans at each stop, and now Ukraine’s comedic acting puppet leader has provided the dramatic example so many need to validate the previous stages. Volodymyr Zelenskyy, once paraded on our electronic screens as a heroic defender of democracy, has instead become the latest gasoline fueling the collapse of the old order, a keyboard writing the script for Americans to read.

His very presence has only strengthened Trump’s mandate to reassess America’s alliances, to challenge the status quo, to expose the deep state Mockingbird media machine for the treacherous, treasonous monster it is.

To show that America was completely hoodwinked concerning Russia and Ukraine.

Vladimir Putin, Trump’s Latest “Sudden” Friend

We followed this same pattern with Trump and Elon Musk.

Trump has once again demonstrated his commitment to putting America first, shifting the nation’s focus from foreign entanglements to the very real and pressing concerns plaguing the homeland–in other words, national sovereignty. In a recent statement, Trump made it clear that Washington should prioritize combatting migrant invasion and crime rather than fixating on Russian President Vladimir Putin. His remarks come at a pivotal moment, as US-Russia talks have reignited concerns among the establishment that Trump’s diplomatic approach shows him to be an “Enemy of the West.”

Recent meetings between Trump and Putin, coupled with Zelenskyy’s disastrous visit to the White House, have sent shockwaves through the pro-Ukraine world. (Some of us just laughed). While critics argue that Trump’s stance might be too favorable to Russia, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has praised the US President’s approach, noting its alignment with Russia’s vision for a resolution–not to mention its consistency with national sovereignty. Trump remains undeterred by the criticism, as always, dismissing the fearmongering over his relationship with Putin and instead directing attention to the domestic crisis at hand.

On the other hand, the UK says we should all be supporting Zelenskyy and not fawning over Putin.

The choice is yours.

If you have a chance to read my vast catalogue of work on Putin in the wake of his Tucker Carlson interview last February, please do. If not, Chris Paul here encapsulates the spirit of my quasi-defense of Putin. This all has to do with sovereign nationalism, a concept Putin and Trump have shared for at least the better part of a decade now. (I’d be aware that there’s a lot more to the Russia/US alliance thing in WWII than we’ve been taught, which is why he hesitates and gives a quick, mysterious disclaimer after he mentions it….hard to say exactly everything when you’re engaging with history as it happens):

Said work from February 2024:

May be an image of 12 people, the Oval Office and text that says 'With Trump Looming and Missiles Fired, Let's Revisit Hillary, Putin, and Ukraine HEHЛЛHИ3 Revisiting sitingt the Emphasis Placed on Tucker -Putin Intervie in VIDEO: Like Putine Not. Not. This Marris Dems (0:37) theo Caesar Help Understand stand Putin Dilemma-Part Dilemma- Can How Christa Caesar Dilemma Can Have Believe the Truth You Know Putin LaDeana LADIMIR PUTIN: Forget the Name, Hear the Message Tucker Afraid Putin: Whatis Hillary So Brains Tucker-Putin Putin. andw Understandwhy Why Melting Should VIDEO: General Michael Flynn Talks Ukraine LaDeune There Historic Realignment Power 2025 COVID- Ukraine heFed. Libya, the Clinton'

Here is an exchange I had with a follower in the midst of writing those articles last year. I include a screenshot from the original article so you can see my friendly commentary on it:

How many of us felt that same way over a year ago now? How many of us still feel that way? How many of us don’t want to feel that way because there’s no reason to feel that way but still feel that way because we simply can’t help it?

Because we were told to feel that way.

Over and over and over again.

And we think we are not already in a war?

This is a war for our minds. For reality itself. The corporate Mockingbird media, ever-loyal to the regime’s agenda, continues to peddle the narrative that Russia poses an existential threat to the United States. The reality? It is the flood of unchecked migration, surging crime, and economic decay led by cultural and political Marxists that imperils Christian America’s values and way of life—not some foreign leader “one great big beautiful ocean away” (h/t Trump). The mainstream media’s ability to manipulate the American people into fearing a fabricated enemy while ignoring the chaos within their own borders is a testament to the sheer power of state-sponsored propaganda, and it is long, long time people realize they’ve been doing it for decades and they do it every single time some type of fear crisis arises on our screens.

This is how things like the Patriot Act and a position called “United States Director of National Intelligence” (Tulsi Gabbard) are formed. All based on lies. All based on fraudulence against the American people.

It is and will be hard, but we have to learn to break the spell. I follow it religiously, am completely aware of it, and it still takes me a minute sometimes to say, wait a minute, why are they wanting me not only to see this, but to feel this way about it as well?

When your known enemy is the enemy of an enemy you were only lectured to distrust–by that same known enemy–you have to have a serious sit-down with yourself and ask the question: “Am I even right with what I’ve been thinking?”

I ask it every single day. I ask it every time I write. I feel if I, who study this stuff 10-14 hours a day, can be humble enough to check myself and where truth is, everyone can.

And one great tactic toward seeing it more and more clearly is to see the narratives warring against each other. Largely ignore the characters (largely, not fully). Pay attention to the message, how it is being disseminated, and how it organically interacts with previous messages inside digital spaces.

The war? World War III? The regime has already lost it because it has lost control of the narrative, a lesson Trump perhaps learned in the pages of the Art of War or perhaps through the catastrophe known as Vietnam. Now it is simply up to us to enjoy the spoils of that victory before the next battle begins–or more correctly, is forced into our consciousness by whatever next wargame Trump and company have in mind.

Thank you, Zelenskyy, comedic actor and fake president, for your service.

For now, let’s work to break the spell. It is the only way to hold the propaganda machine accountable and prepare ourselves not to believe the next lie. The American people have been manipulated and coerced into supporting policies that do nothing to strengthen our nation, not to mention forced into looking under the wrong beds for the wrong monsters. There are monsters all right–and ones they’re not even talking about, ones not even Trump can attack right now, not outwardly and obviously anyway as he now is with Ukraine. The parrots of this deception must face the consequences, not to mention the phantom architects eventually, and that will only happen if We the People practice the war principles of recognition and demand.

May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well after all, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.

Jeff LeJeune is the author of several books, writer for RVIVR and The Hayride, editor, master of English and avid historian, teacher and tutor, podcaster, and creator of LeJeune Said. Visit his website at jefflejeune.com, where you can find a conglomerate of content.