Wednesday, July 03, 2024
  • Woke Insidiously Changes the Definition of Equity

  • For woke liberals, more intrusive government intervention is necessary because the concept of equal opportunity is sorely lacking in achieving the desired result of creating a society of soulless, redundant humans. You see, a level playing field isn’t enough because at its core, Woke doesn’t believe that all people are created equal. From their point of view, most people flounder not because of personal deficits, but rather due to circumstances beyond their control. Thus, government must do more to ensure a “fair” outcome.

  • Good News Joe says Don’t Believe Your Lyin’ Eyes

  • So far, Slow Joe has committed $100 billion to fight human caused climate change even though we have no idea if humans are impacting the climate at all. There isn’t a single experiment that confirms human involvement in a climate that is constantly evolving. Atmospheric water vapor, increased solar activity, changes in tidal activity, lack of volcanic activity and rotational changes in the earth’s orbit are all plausible explanations for the rise in ambient and surface temperatures. Until technology advances to the point where we can apply the scientific method to the climate change puzzle, spending this kind of cash on a theory is inexcusable.
    In the meantime, wouldn’t it make more sense to apply these resources to mitigating the effects of climate change? For example, how much wildfire technology and manpower could $100 billion buy? How much flood-proofing construction could be completed for $100 billion?