Saturday, October 05, 2024
  • China: Our Teflon Enemy

  • The communist dictators of China are brutal authoritarians who have been repressing the basic human rights of their own people for decades. In China, citizensRead More

  • Protect the Environment from Woke Radicals

  • Thin-film solar panel manufacturing results in hazardous byproducts like Cadmium-Telluride, Copper-indium-gallium-Diselenide and Gallium Arsenide. Additionally, the problem of solar panel disposal has yet to be addressed by the industry or environmentalists. Experts predict that by the 2050s, solar panel waste could exceed 78 million tons annually.

  • What Does A Red Wave Look Like?

  • In nine days the heartbeat of America will be on full display. Questions regarding everything from moral values, economic stability, national security, second amendment rights,Read More