Saturday, January 25, 2025

Smile, Because the Colorado Ruling is Another Win for America First

Whether you support Trump or not, Colorado is yet another “W” for the America First revival. Pessimists shouldn’t get caught up in the details.

This, ultimately, is not about Trump anyway. This is all about us, the People.

Even Trump himself is, as we will see play out.

As is the case with all of these sham attacks against him, going all the way back to his ride down the escalator in 2015, the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision to remove the People’s Choice from the 2024 ballot will be a net win for President Trump and America. It already is.

Just as it was with the 95% negative Mockingbird media coverage during his Presidency, the RussiaRussiaRussia! collusion hoax, impeachment hoaxes #1 and #2, the 2022 raid on Mar-A-Lago, the recent indictments, and so many other random, inane witch hunts, Donald Trump will emerge from this latest injustice not only unscathed, but all the more popular as the true leader of this nation.

Besides, one could presume that the Supreme Court will strike down this Colorado claptrap anyway. Then their decision will apply to any state who tries this nonsense the closer we get to the election. We can imagine  Clarence Thomas right about now.

With the weight of injustice so clear and heavy, Trump has even won over Black America. His mugshot was a shot heard ’round the world, and all those who feel they have been silenced for one reason or another, right or wrong, feel a comradery with a man his attackers simply won’t leave alone.

Just check out this montage of derangement. They did the same thing the first time around, yelling from the rooftops that he was going to sTarT fULL sCaLe nUcLEaR warrrrr! Exactly how many wars did he get America into again? Now do your favorite President–do Biden. Do Obama. Do Bush. It is projection and gaslighting at its finest.

I mean, at the 00:30 mark, it is three seconds of pure gold. The MSNBC clown literally says everything that the BidenObama Administration is doing in terms of eliminating political opponents. It is everything that Colorado and this very article is doing.

Most Americans have grown immune to the ridiculous, over-the-top hyperbole these people assail him with, and they’re realizing, through revisionist history, how the Deranged have been doing it all along. It is the boy-who-cried-wolf predicament for these silly little rabbits at this point. They are becoming more laughable by the day.

This whole narrative–since Trump’s declaration for his run for the Presidency in 2015–has not been about politics as usual, a contention on which I differ from many conservative commentators. It was never about a four-year or an eight-year run. Trump’s role was and is to be a wrecking ball symbol to inspire Americans out of their lethargy and apathy. It was to wake us up to what slave system has been keeping us in shackles for decades, for centuries even. It was about flashing a sometimes rude and uncomfortable light on the depths of the swamp, a swamp that we now realize is identified by more than just “Left” or “Democrat.” We thought we had dredged up a whole new evil world with just the term “RINO” a few years back, but even that has become old hat for truth seekers and tellers who know that it goes even deeper and more sinister than that.

And none of that realization, by the way, would have happened had Trump gone through and revealed the 2020 election steal and enjoyed his second term. The media and government cronies would have been even more relentless. Had the Supreme Court overruled the election results, we likely would have had civil war on our hands. Let’s not forget what fires burned down cities across America that very summer. It had to be this way, slow and painful, to bring more Americans home from the circus of distractions and actually move the needle of public opinion to where it is now, to where it will be even more in 2024.

Americans now see the contrast for themselves. Even stone-cold liberals are waking up to how good they had it with Trump.

Trump is the man to take us through the darkness because it is taking his type of personality to do so. And that means a whole lot of ugly in the process. The ultimate point isn’t even to pledge any sort of allegiance to Trump whatsoever, not in an idolization sort of way, even though the process through this Great Awakening has us looking to him for inspiration. No, Americans’ job is not to transfer one form of slave attachment to another, but to break free entirely–even from any unhealthy attachment to the MAGA culture. This is why I continue to be loyal to Trump even while I disagree with him. That is healthy. That is American.

Moreover, the exposure of evil and the awakening to something better under God isn’t just happening for those who don’t pay attention to politics. It is happening for the blue-blood political types who are super-glued to a side and a tribal mindset, the conservative who swears by Fox News simply because it’s not CNN or MSNBC, for example.

We have to escape from the binary trap. We have to escape from the matrix.

Think about it, do you remember when Dan Crenshaw was a rising Republican star? Unveiling Eye-Patch McCain is what I mean by the fact that people are waking up in the droves necessary for the coming justice to make sense.

Colorado is just the latest L for the Losers and the latest V for the Victors. We shouldn’t let the day to day, micropolitical events get us down. Look at the macro. Look at the bird’s eye view. What is happening across the land, other than that people are actually paying attention to all of this when no one ever did before? Mainstream legacy media is literally imploding and citizen journalism now owns the news because it has the Elons and Tuckers on its side.

That is where the victory lies. It is slow and painful, as Colorado shows, but that is where America is being saved. By US, you and me, the People.

May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well after all, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.