Monday, March 31, 2025

Vivek is Doing Some Trump Things Better than Trump Himself

Indeed, if not for Donald Trump, Vivek Ramaswamy might very well be the People’s Choice for 2024. It remains to be seen if he is authentic, but at this point, his words align with Trump’s and the America First movement. And with Trump off the stage at all Republican debates, that means Vivek is becoming a proxy for Trump, even attacking the political establishment better than the People’s Choice himself.

Ramaswamy appears to be all in for Trump, the voice for Trump while knowing full well he is not going to get his party’s nomination.

RVIVR’s William Busse offered some apt analysis on Ramaswamy’s brand of political discourse:

Ramaswamy’s aggressive take on the media was only a prelude to his thoughts on Nikki Haley, the Deep State and media establishment’s darling in this election cycle. As I pointed out in an earlier piece, since 1996, every Republican presidential candidate has effectively been a clone of George Bush 1. So, it wasn’t surprising when Ramaswamy called Haley “Dick Cheney in three-inch heels.”

This assessment, which is accurate, comes from Haley’s traditional neocon perspective, which says that any war is a good war as long as it’s forever. Like other neocons before her, Haley profited handsomely from her association with the defense industry. This included joining the board of Boeing, who paid her around $300,000 a year in cash and stock in return for access to government. Aside from speaking engagements, Haley also made a great deal of money by working for a shadowy nonprofit advocacy group called “United Against a Nuclear Iran.” Somehow, since 2017, when Haley had less than $15,000 in assets and $1 million in debt, she has built a sizable fortune of about $12 million….

Over several decades, it’s become apparent the Republican establishment would rather maintain its control over the party and individually benefit financially by cooperating with Democrats instead of pursuing policies that would help ordinary Americans. That’s why neocons support a war in Ukraine that has cost the U.S. over $44 billion with another $70 billion committed. Remember, this is all borrowed money at a time when the interest on the deficit will top $1 trillion this year.

As Ramaswamy points out, Ukraine is a corrupt country that is trying to control regions that overwhelmingly identify with Russia….

By outing Nikki Haley as just another party hack that benefited financially and abused her political privilege, Ramaswamy has drawn the ire of the party establishment and the donor class. They would rather lose elections than reflect the will of their constituents.

He is young, he is well-spoken, he is sharp as a tack, and he hits hard.

His tweets may need some work, though.

They may not be mean enough.

With the Colorado Supreme Court decision to throw People’s Choice Donald Trump off the 2024 ballot, the Deep State and their minions just continue to play the same tired, ineffective hand. This has become so obvious for anyone paying even the least bit of attention. With every strike against Trump, they only make the America First movement stronger. And then you have the collateral narratives that are developing already, where a figure like Vivek is moving and demanding that other Republicans move as well.

He is forcing their hand so that Americans can read their respective responses. New Republican vs Neo-Con.


Vivek is providing this contrast to the other Republican candidates as Trump did eight years ago. That’s how people truly see–in contrasts. But Trump cannot do it himself this time, largely for optical reasons. So, enter Vivek to be the Trump character who will do what Trump does, but without actually defeating Trump.

Trump wins every time Vivek Ramaswamy speaks.

This all appears orchestrated at times to me, like a movie you enjoy but know you could never experience in real life. Except in this case it may very well be a movie we are watching in real life, but I digress on that point for now. It is quite funny at times, the way Vivek goes after his opponents. He is actually doing some of the Trump stuff better than Trump himself. Here he eviscerates CNN’s Van Jones and the Mockingbird legacy media, effectively voicing what so many Americans want to say–we are tired of it. *Warning, language.

We should embrace these developments like Colorado, just as we likely would all the other Trump “gotchas” if we could go back in hindsight. Decisions like the Colorado Supreme Court’s allow other players in this drama to illustrate, in real-time for Americans to actually see, the stark contrasts and two-tier system of justice in this country. Be encouraged, for the V is for Victory and the V is for Vivek, because every time this man speaks he makes Donald Trump and the America First revival that much stronger.

May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well after all, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.