Wednesday, March 12, 2025
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NOT A PARODY: Gay Couples Suffer More During Climate Change, Study Reveals

Do you remember that old parody news headline that said โ€œWorld Ends: Women and Minorities Hardest Hitโ€?

Well, ladies and gentlemen, the Williams Institute, which is a think tank that belongs to the UCLA School of Law, has tried to replicate that headline. The think tank has unofficially added same-sex couples to the endangered species list.ย 

UCLA published the report late last week. 

โ€œLGBT people in same-sex couple households disproportionately live in coastal areas and cities and areas with poorer infrastructure and less access to resources, making them more vulnerable to climate hazards,โ€ according to the study. 

The report lists, among other places, Washington, D.C., San Francisco County (California), New York County (New York), Orleans Parish (Louisiana), and Richmond County, Virginia as having some of the highest proportions of same-sex couples nationwide. Those cities and counties are all along or near coastal areas. According to study authors Lindsay Mahowald and Ari Shaw, those areas are most vulnerable to climate risks, including heat waves, flooding, and dangerously strong winds.

Of the 15 cities or counties listed as having the highest number of same sex couples, six of them are in landlocked areas and near major cities. They include St. Louis (Missouri), Hampshire County (Massachusetts), Denver County (Colorado), and DeKalb County (Georgia).  

Mahowald and Shaw said they used U.S. Census data and climate risk assessment data from NASA and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to compile their report.  

The UCLA report, naturally, calls for more government spending and for the feds to grant special privileges to gays.  

โ€œClimate change policies, including disaster preparedness, response, and recovery plans, must be inclusive and address the specific needs and vulnerabilities facing LGBT people,โ€ the study authors wrote. 

โ€œThis includes state and local climate change action plans, which often seek to specifically address the needs of marginalized communities. These recommendations could focus on establishing shelters that are safer spaces for LGBT persons, providing medication such as HIV treatment during natural disasters, and ensuring that relief aid is targeted toward displaced LGBT individuals and families.โ€ 

When it comes to climate change, the UCLA report also demanded that the U.S. Census as well as NASA add LGBTQ people to special social vulnerability scores.

With a higher social vulnerability score, gays and lesbiansย could possiblyย get more taxpayer money before, during, or after a disaster.ย 

Special thanks to Warhammerโ€™s Wife proofreading this story before publication to make certain there were no misspellings, grammatical errors or other embarrassing mistakes and/or typosFollow Warhammer on Twitter @Real_Warhammer. Also follow Warhammer on TruthSocial at @Real_Warhammer