Saturday, March 29, 2025

The Patriot Counter-Coup Is Becoming More and More Visible

While it is not the most “theoretically conspiratorial” thing I tend to believe about our world and the mechanisms of good vs evil, it is certainly the one I hint at most in my writing.

(As always I link much of my previous research throughout the post. As a teacher at heart, I work to paint a picture, a network of connecting dots, and more than many of my other articles such connections may be beneficial if you have a little time to rabbit hole today).

I won’t go all in to this particular perspective, maybe never will. But I believe that, in this war that we are in whether we know it or not, it is important to be intelligent enough to at least consider possibilities and hold them in suspension while we assess their veracity.

Not every political conversation has to be stone cold and final. In fact, most shouldn’t be.

The information war I speak of so often involves not just the information on the surface. There is a shadow war being waged behind the scenes. And while it has occasionally peeked through with Trump’s double-entendres, his trolling of the Deep State online, his baiting of the establishment media into loss after glorious loss, his fake online fights with the likes of Musk and DeSantis, perhaps never has it exposed itself more than lately with the fallout of Joe Biden’s last two major public appearances.

Never interrupt your enemy when he is destroying himself. That is basic Art of War.

Let’s throw a couple of things out there first before the morons say I idolize Trump. Here’s hoping someone comments in the Facebook section without actually reading the article beyond the feature photo collage. Could provide a good chuckle:

Mr. Trump Disappoints on Abortion, But This Isnโ€™t About Mr. Trump

Ok, Mr. Trump, But Very Soon It Will Be Time To Put Up or Shut Up

Sure I like Trump. But I also recognize some things I wish were different.

Back to the point. Obama, Clinton, and the Deep State oligarchs have clearly lost control of Biden, and if I may take it one step further that admittedly I can’t prove, perhaps they never really had control of him at all, or perhaps only nominally so.

Because of the law of contrast, the man has been single-handedly both lifting up Trump and red-pilling any American with any desire whatsoever to pay attention. We live in bizzarro world for many reasons. It is sheer absurdity and corruption at the top of our government and nearly every institution in this country.

If this current chapter of America’s history ends and you spend that conclusion telling everyone you never knew because there was no way for anyone to know any of this, then you will be an absolute clown in the face of most everyone.

The truth is absolutely right in your face. Too many of you choose not to see it.

A lot of people are shouting it all over the place–we are in a war and there are legitimate good guys and bad guys fighting for the freedom you take so woefully for granted.

Mini-rant over. Enough of the “yous.” Back to “we” and “us.”

War Games

This war is a general issue that I spend so much time presenting as a writer, utilizing a number of different topics, so feel free to peruse my work. There are other writers at The Hayride and RVIVR doing the same thing.

Most of us are not hardline conservative political writers. We are trying to peel back the curtains for our readers. And one beautiful aspect of that is that we sometimes come to slightly different analyses on the same topic, but it is one of the hallmarks of these publications that their publisher Scott McKay invites it.

In fact I know we will come to different perspectives on Biden’s latest debacle last night.

From one perspective, last night’s “Big Boy” press conference was the latest in a litany of not-very-poker tells that there is a theater aspect to this war periodically emerging from the shadows. It is how that Overton Window I keep mentioning keeps moving. Ever think things look a little weird on the television, on social media? As though any given thing on any given day is something actually stranger than fiction?

I believe that is the shadow war being fought for us, the counter-coup against a regime that has been waging war against us for decades and decades if not longer.

Iโ€™m Reviewing McKayโ€™s [Obama] Book Right Now, and Itโ€™s Good

October 7th Israel Story Is a Good Intro to โ€˜Limited Hangoutโ€™ Concept

While Biden was calling Zelensky Putin and Harris Trump last night and saying he takes advice from his commander-in-chief–all of which I won’t get into as potentially purposeful tells from a puppet actor himself (talk about conspiracy theories out there!)–a video of Trump resurfaced, one of him speaking point blankly to the counter-coup being waged.

Sometimes older videos say more than newer ones, almost like the future is proving the past. Sorta like hydroxychloroquine.

You have to listen carefully to every word this man says, pretty much any time he speaks or posts. There is always more than meets the eyes and ears. So many think he is stupid or clueless at times, but I’m telling you, I have studied him earnestly since 2020, and there is no way he gets that lucky that often. Ever notice how, after some time, he always seems to be proven right? Essentially, what he is doing is exactly what the Deep State has done to us for decades while they laughed at our blindness and pursuit of vain entertainments.

He is putting it out there in their face to see, to know, that we know exactly what they are doing–and that there is not a damn thing they can do to stop the dismantling of it. Here is the video:

Here is an X post of some of the crucial quotations. Ignore some of the commentary from “Joe Rambo” around them (unless you’re feeling especially frisky and conspiratorial).

Perhaps the most telling thing here is when he says, “And we can play the game just as well, or better than they do.”

The Democrats–or more accurately the Deep State–are trapped. It is a trap that has been working itself out for a long time now. They are damned if they do and damned if they don’t, and Biden is the lighting rod character doing all the work on our behalf.

The Democrats Are Trapped. Hereโ€™s To Hoping For A Repeat Of 2020 In November

Trump Has Always Said ‘We Caught Them All.’ Justice Now Depends on Us

It is why I believe it is perfectly in the realm of possibility for the globalists to try to “impact” the next election as they have for decades now, not just here in the US, but all over the world. Trump has been spotlighting that the American people are “seeing it,” a repetition he emphasizes too much to mean nothing. It is the court of public opinion I am constantly harping on–the American people, en masse. were not ready in 2020 for the true justice that needs to take place for all of these criminals, because simply put, they were in no position to know the true evil working against them their whole lives.

Not enough of them, at least.

Hell, even I and every other writer out there doesn’t know the half of it still. What they do to those children in those tunnels…

It’s all the same players because they’re all blackmailed into submission. Everyone should know at least that much from the necessarily slow, five-year Epstein reveal.

It is information war and part of the Art of War concept of victory–long lasting victory–is through patience and sacrifice.

The Trolley Problem

Most certainly, this perspective may anger people because without question the Trolley Problem comes into play. Here is a simple explanation online:

Trolley problem is the name given to a thought experiment in philosophy and psychology. It has sprouted a number of variations, but is distilled to something like this: you are riding in a trolley without functioning brakes, headed toward a switch in the tracks. On the current track stand five people who stand to be killed if the trolley continues on its path. You have access to a switch that would make the trolley change to the other track, but another individual stands there. That person is certain to be killed if the switch is activated.

So do you switch tracks or not?

In war, when you finally crack the intelligence codes of the enemy, do you act on that knowledge right away to save a few lives, or do you not risk the enemy changing their codes because now they know you know them and instead lie low for a greater victory while allowing said few lives to perish?

The Problem is even more complicated than that sentence.

In the spirit of the court of public opinion, instead of me providing analysis, I’ll just present the following two comments–both perfectly valid–as evidence of the importance that as many Americans as possible get involved in this conversation. I have often confessed that I have been stupid in the past and made things like my social life and LSU football so much more important than paying attention to our government and praying for wisdom and discernment. This is what the second commentor is getting at–if we want to win our country, we have to do the fighting, not just the politicians we elect. And that will invariably equate to the reality of casualties.

American 1: I don’t think the whitehats are as transparent as people think they are. They are happy to expose criminals but at a huge cost to the public. This is not acceptable and its only a movie because you haven’t been effected…yet. It would interesting what funding these people are getting to ‘protect’ us, are they struggling? I highly doubt it.

American 2: Who would you like to help fix the problem? The homeless? Folks living in a car in Hoboken?

Defeating power requires a greater asymmetric counterforce.

We got ourselves into this shitshow by ignoring who we hired to make decisions for us for decades.

Weโ€™re lucky some decent people with money, power and influence are using what they have to pull us out of the tailspin.

They could be eating surf and turf on their yachts every night laughing at our stupidity.

I respect the first take. I respect and agree with the second.

See, and I know this may seem a bit afield from my topic, but one reason to remove God and religion from everything is to get people’s focus off of eternity, off of the afterlife. We cling so hard to the material world–and the bastards cloak that worldly evil Christ himself speaks of with seeming-wholesomeness like “brotherhood,” and “unity,” and “tolerance.” Clearly we have learned over just the last decade exactly what those terms mean to those who would do us harm. They have been used against well-meaning people in the spirit of Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals that says “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”

It is why Christ never used those terms. Actually study Scripture and not just Facebook memes. Actually study what Christ said, what he showed us how to do on the cross, and you’ll see that he doesn’t “get us” nearly as much as the commercials or we ourselves like to interpret in order to justify our apathy, laziness, ignorance, and sin.

Our focus should be eternal life over this one if in fact we ever had to make the choice. That means we must embrace self-sacrifice, a term we love to throw around every June 6th and December 7th but rarely actually consider what that means for normal everyday people.

It’s the cross on Calvary.

We’re in a war of our own making because we’ve shunned God for so long, and now some of us are going to have to self-sacrifice to win.

I don’t know who that is. It may be me one day. It may be me now even as we speak as I plunge more and more into writing against an evil that I cannot even comprehend.

The Overton Window is shifting in this country because we have good guys helping us out against the viper-oligarchs who are losing power no longer by the week, but by the day. The war is accelerating as we near November and they run out of plays. This should give us hope, not more cynicism because they aren’t saving our asses while we worship Taylor Swift and Usher and LSU football. Guilty, remember. It is long, long past time we help them in return if we haven’t decided to start yet, and we do that not by choosing good or evil based on the person, but by whatever truth or virtue they share every single time they share it. As Scott so often says, cultural messaging matters.

Listen to what Trump actually says. Listen to what Biden actually says. Listen to the aftermath from every commentator, both in media and in government. See the court of public opinion shifting at the water coolers and realize that is exactly what is supposed to be happening alongside a seemingly pitch black, hopeless time. We are living in a most unbelievable shatterpoint in human history–why not be a part of it?

May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.