Saturday, February 22, 2025

A Research Dump, Election Shenanigans, and a Word on Public Mandate

He’s pointing at who this election is really about, you know.

For four years people who have cried election fraud for the 2020 election were called conspiracy nuts and sore losers, right along with the man who actually, most likely, won 2020 in a landslide. As is the case with most of these conspiracies, the people doing the grunt work don’t expect an apology or even the recognition that the “theories” were actually truths all along, but it would help if those fine folks laughing with those stupid Facebook emojis (but having the blessing of being able to realize–with impunity–that they were wrong) started to enact a certain reasoning skill set when new “conspiracy theories” pop up and the same truth-tellers are waving the red flag.

It’s not that we’re right about everything. But we do get the conversation going in the direction it needs to go. That takes risks because we don’t have the time–not to mention a trustworthy enough government and media–to wait for “the facts” to come out.

This time around, for Election 2024, we have help, thank goodness. The 2020 election was stolen, and if one is even remotely sharp s/he will deduce from the current litany of foul plays for 2024 the truth about 2020–the truth the “nuts” have been trying to get people to see for so long.

I believe this is one reason for the exposure of all of this–it will help to reframe history for those who still believe this world operates only on the surface–of what we see. Hopefully, it will be a lot like the Trump assassination attempts re-opening the investigation of the history of previous assassinations and false flags in general; we already see the effect of that story in the emergence of RFK, Jr–the most infamous name associated with said assassinations in US history–and Trump’s plan to put him in charge of revisiting these false flags levied on the American people who were told to shut up if they even dared question it.

Sort of like people on our own team tell us to shut up when we try to push the Overton Window in the direction it needs to go. I say that with a grin. ๐Ÿ™‚

We are seeing it right now too with the Bidens’ Halloween party, which is a hundred articles all unto its own, but suffice it to say that I have breadcrumbed some of that truth to readers through limited hangouts like Epstein, Assange, Ryan Garcia, and Diddy.


Trump and the Despicable Necessity of Smart Politics. Or, the Children (Aug 2024)

Trumpโ€™s Chilling Ongoing War Against Child Sex Trafficking (May 2022)

That Assange article linked above may be the one you choose if you click on just one today. It relates most obviously to the players we all know regarding surface-level politics. But if you indeed do have a few hours, I invite you to rabbit hole all the links I’ve provided today. I used to do that a lot more, but time has squeezed me in recent months. I do this to help create a picture, and in lieu of a separate post on all of this child exploitation (and worse) stuff floating in the ether right now while an election and its adjacent fraud looms, some working knowledge of this is, to me, so crucial in understanding exactly what is at stake in this election.

This goes so far beyond the economy, as important as that is.

That panda suit at the Biden Halloween party, that baby dressed in a chicken costume that Biden bit, and that pizza necklace being placed there has opened up the investigation into Pizzagate by the most powerful army on Earth right now–digital soldiers fighting the information war and shifting the entire consciousness of the planet.

What if I told you there’s a likely connection between what just happened in North Carolina and Pizzagate and Wikileaks?

I’m telling you, it all goes so deep and it’s hard to trust everything even on my end, but the anomalies always seem to coalesce around a frighteningly small number of central points. The coincidences are simply entirely too numerous for comfort.

Every. Single. Time.

Before I shift more directly to election fraud and some telling screenshots, just take a quick glimpse at what I mean with the importance of Assange and Wikileaks. Obviously this is not all of it, but it is something you may not have seen concerning what they do to children and their narcissistic, confessional, damning symbolism:

The Overton Window is shifting on this story too, and right in conjunction with the stretch run of the election. It is more evidence of why I’ve been writing about Hillary Clinton so much this month–it may not have worked out like I really wanted, but certainly that name will be big in the coming months as the deeper, darker issues are addressed alongside the typical ones like foreign policy and the economy.

Can you tell I really want to write on this?

Ok, Ok, the Election…

I hold off going any deeper on crimes against children because right now the election, or more specifically our reaction to it, is what’s most important. Remember what Trump said recently, in that he needs a public mandate this time around. I don’t think this mandate comes with a number of votes exclusively; I think it comes with the number of votes, sure, but it also comes with our reaction to that number of votes and what the Dems try to do to stop the clear will of the people.

Forget the polls, even though those are telling as well. Just go with what your eyes are clearly telling you. On a fair playing field, this is Trump all the way, and it’s Trump all the way in a historic, perhaps all 50-state, landslide.

They clearly are already tipping their hand, however, and it would be a great surprise to me if something “anomalous” didn’t happen between now and the morning of November 6, or between now and when everyone is expecting the Commander-in-Chief to retake his rightful place in the public eye.

The election and election fraud issue are running in step with the child torture issue. Both should provide fuel for the mandate, and the one shows the importance of talking a whole lot more about the other.


The Democrats Are Trapped. Hereโ€™s To Hoping For A Repeat Of 2020 In November (July 2024)

BABY STEPS: Trump Shares Extensive Summary of 2020 Election Fraud (Jan 2024)

Reveal the Evidence, Mr. Trump. There Are No โ€˜Next Electionsโ€™ Left (Nov 2023)

โ€œIf I Understand What Youโ€™re Saying, That Satellite Can Send the Codes and Change Electionsโ€ฆโ€ (Nov 2023)

Ok, Mr. Trump, But Very Soon It Will Be Time To Put Up or Shut Up (Oct 2023)

Itโ€™s Trump and Was Always Going To Be Trump. There Are Only Three Questions Left to Unfold (Oct 2023)

Just that body of work right there shows how diligent I have been in calling on Trump and readers both to do their part to reveal what needs to be revealed. Thankfully, every bump in the road relating to a Trump reveal has only inspired more Americans to insist on it eventually happening. This is a factor that continues to last longer than I thought it would.

In other words, people are not tired of it all to the point of quitting yet, which is encouraging.

But everyone has their tipping point. And so does a populace. If it doesn’t happen soon, dare I say it, people could turn on Trump.

Here are just a few screenshots, and I’ve been saving them only since a day or two ago. They’re coming in by the hour, sometimes by the minute–and I mean that literally. Most of you know where to look much more than we did in 2020. We beseech you to spread this information far and wide. We cannot sit on this. We cannot depend on Trump or the military. This war is an alliance of the most powerful kind only if we as digital soldiers do our part.

Seriously, please. I’m not too proud to beg. Consider the alternative….

May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well after all, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.

Jeff LeJeune is the author of several books, writer for RVIVR and The Hayride, editor, master of English and avid historian, teacher and tutor, podcaster, and creator of LeJeune Said. Visit his website at, where you can find a conglomerate of content.