A Return to Epstein & Maxwell In Light of Americans’ Emerging Understanding of Things
We have to understand this isn’t just some fringe story on child trafficking, as much as that shouldn’t be “fringe” at all. As I have contended since 2022 when I started following child trafficking in earnest, all of the evils in the world and the accompanying complaints we spew connect.
With AG Pam Bondi recently announcing that some information in the Epstein files will be redacted for national security reasons, the beloved Streisand Effect was triggered for many an American asking “why?”
And once again, we have seen an explosion of understanding as to who actually controlled the entire Epstein operation. The answer is something many a conspiracy theorist has been asserting for years.
Remember the power the conspiracy theorist and the conservative can wield together if we could just stop bickering for a minute.
The following subtle invitation to connect the dots went over some folks’ heads, not surprisingly, including some who support Trump just as I do. But if you read between the lines, combining my words and the actual X post, you’ll see what some commenters were ready to confirm immediately.

Then you had, the very next day providentially, Scott posting the following on X. The Hayride/Facebook screenshot after that shows a portion of my multi-platform response:

This is how information war works.
Why aren’t we getting the list? Is it because Bondi’s past is somehow involved, and Trump put her in the spotlight to expose that fact as he has done so often in the past (because he knows people will get to talking about it on Musk’s X)? Is it because Bondi is protecting powerful DC players? Is it because she’s protecting something or someone else? Is it because whoever controls things is so powerful that such exposure risks more tragedy and carnage than we could ever imagine?
Once upon a time I wanted that list exposed, even though I’d already come across many of the likely names. But I feel Americans pretty much know the basics at least enough–Hollywood, DC government, the music industry, etc. Not that the exact names aren’t important, but I think we can return to that later in the information dissemination process. Perhaps right now the most important pill Americans need to start swallowing is the truth of who was and still is behind these blackmail operations.
Because then you can start connecting it to other things, maybe, or something.
Such jagged little pills.
In my typical classroom teacher approach, I’ll leave you with several articles I wrote back in 2022 and 2023 when I came back from a hiatus to write for RVIVR, which of course led to my return to The Hayride. As you know there are even more articles hot-linked in miscellaneous words above and some you can probably find in a site search. The pattern has been well-documented, and I am proud of my work, all glory to Christ of course.
Do you read them all? At least skim them? I think it would certainly help, even if you have to space it out over time. I realize your time is valuable, but do consider how beneficial it is to know that this information is not new and simply to be believed at a later, more comfortable date when we’re “ready” and it’s more “obvious” and some “recognizable” TV character tells us what to think. The fact is that the here and now is the “later” from a previous round of limited hangouts already come and gone (or many of them, think Balenciaga, Sean Combs, Ryan Garcia, etc). The limited hangouts have been in place to help us swallow the pills at a more manageable pace. We always think oh someone will let me know when I need to really believe all of this stuff. I offer to you that that time is now. It was yesterday. It was the day before. We must engage with these stories as they’re happening and not wait for the vipers who own the textbook companies to tell us what to think later.
Trump’s mere presence is indicating that a lot of this is accelerating, and the zone of proximal development is getting tighter.
Think Ukraine and how that story has evolved in the mainstream understanding in three years–another story I’ve developed over time, as you well know. The same cognitive process applies to all difficult truths. If you’ve ever heard of cognitive dissonance, you know that this is how it is mitigated, how difficult information is disseminated to where the hearer will actually receive, process, and eventually believe.
Elon Musk Is Helping Us See the Darkness Others Would Have Us Forget (May 2022)
Why Americans Must See This Woman Go Down, and Go Down Hard (June 2022)
Why Americans Should Celebrate This Victory over Ghislaine (June 2022)
More Thoughts on Ghislaine and How To Red-Pill Our Friends (June 2022)
Four Years Later: Aftermath of the Epstein “Suicide”–Part I (Aug 2023)
Four Years Later: Aftermath of the Epstein “Suicide”–Part II (Aug 2023)
May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well after all, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.
Jeff LeJeune is the author of several books, writer for RVIVR and The Hayride, editor, master of English and avid historian, teacher and tutor, podcaster, and creator of LeJeune Said. Visit his website at jefflejeune.com, where you can find a conglomerate of content.